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Read Stanton edited this page Jan 15, 2022 · 9 revisions
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Welcome to the SmartImage wiki!



The only requirements are .NET 6 and Windows. You can check if .NET 6 is installed by running one of the following commands:

dotnet --list-runtimes:
Output: Microsoft.NETCore.App 6.0.0 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.NETCore.App]

dotnet --list-sdks:
Output: 6.0.100 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk]

If the version major number is 6 (i.e., first number in the version), then .NET 6 is installed.

SmartImage must be added to the system PATH (%PATH%) environment variable, otherwise context menu integration will not work. SmartImage will automatically do this for you. Otherwise, you can read about how to manually do this here.

If the IME (system language) is a non-Romance language (e.g., Japanese or Chinese), some features may not work correctly (i.e., keyboard input, context menu integration). To resolve this, set the IME to English.


Supported search engines and notes:

  • SauceNao
    • Multi-service image search
    • Use case: Finding sauce, usually artwork
  • IQDB
    • Multi-service image search
    • Similar to SauceNao
    • Use case: Finding sauce, usually artwork
    • Multi-database image search
    • Use case: Identifying anime from a screenshot
  • Karma Decay
    • Reddit image search
    • Disclaimer: Very slow
  • ImgOps
    • Multi-service image search
    • Use case: Performing multiple image operations
    • Restrictions: Max upload size is 5MB
  • Google Images
    • General-purpose image search
  • TinEye
    • General-purpose image search
    • Generally better than Google Images
  • Yandex
    • General-purpose image search
    • Disclaimer: Russian
  • Bing
    • General-purpose image search
  • Tidder
    • Reddit image search
    • Generally better than Karma Decay
  • Ascii2D
    • Multi-service image search
    • Similar to SauceNao and IQDB
    • Use case: Finding sauce, usually artwork


SmartImage can be used in multiple ways:

  • Open the program normally (double click) and you can use the program in a user-friendly way. You can then drag and drop your image into the command prompt and run a search.

  • Right-click on an image (once the context menu integration is set up) and select the SmartImage option to immediately perform a search.

  • Drag and drop an image over the executable to immediately perform a search (functionally the same as right-clicking on an image and using the SmartImage option).

  • Use the command line.
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