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Terminal for Obsidian release Obsidian downloads Python

Integrate consoles, shells, and terminals inside Obsidian.

Features · Installation · Usage · Contributing


For first time users, read the installation section first!

This file is automatically opened on first install. You can reopen it in settings or command palette.


  • Start external terminals from Obsidian.
  • Integrate terminals into Obsidian.
  • Supports multiple terminal profiles.
  • Has built-in hotkeys.
  • Automatically save and restore integrated terminal history.
  • Find in terminal.
  • Save terminal history as file.


  1. Install plugin.
    • Community plugins
      1. Install the plugin from community plugins directly.
    • Manual
      1. Create directory terminal under .obsidian/plugins of your vault.
      2. Place manifest.json, main.js, and styles.css from the latest release into the directory.
    • Building (latest)
      1. Clone this repository, including its submodules.
      2. Install npm.
      3. Run npm install in the root directory.
      4. Run npm run obsidian:install <vault directory> in the root directory.
    • Obsidian42 - BRAT (latest)
  2. (optional for Windows, recommended) Install Python and dependencies.
    1. Install Python 3.10/+.
    2. (Windows only) Run pip3 install psutil pywinctl.
    3. Configure Python executable in plugin settings.
  3. Enable plugin.
  4. (optional) Configure plugin settings.


  • To start a new external or integrated terminal
    • Ribbon
      1. Click on the Open terminal ribbon.
      2. Choose the desired profile.
    • Context menu
      1. Right-click on files, folders, or tab headers.
      2. Choose the desired action (and profile).
    • Command palette
      1. Press Ctrl+P or click on the Open command palette ribbon next to the left window border.
      2. Choose the desired action (and profile).
  • To save and restore integrated terminal history
    1. Keep the terminal open when exiting Obsidian.
    2. Terminal history will be restored next time Obsidian is opened.
  • Additional actions
    • Includes
      • Find in terminal: (1), (4)
      • Clear terminal: (1), (4)
      • Restart terminal: (1)
      • Edit terminal: (1)
      • Save terminal history as file: (1)
      • Export, import, or edit settings: (2), (3)
      • Open documentation: (2), (3)
    • Available by
      • (1) Right-click on tab header/More options
      • (2) Open settings
      • (3) Open command palette
      • (4) Use hotkeys


Terminal tab is focused

  • Focus terminal: Ctrl+Shift+`, Command+` (macOS)
  • Inherit from app hotkeys

Terminal is focused

  • Focus terminal tab/Unfocus terminal: Ctrl+Shift+`, Command+` (macOS)
  • Clear terminal: Ctrl+Shift+K, Command+K (macOS)
  • Find in terminal: Ctrl+Shift+F, Command+F (macOS)


This plugin comes with several profile presets that you can reference.

When setting up a terminal profile, you need to distinguish between shells and terminal emulators. (Search online if needed.) Generally, integrated profiles only work with shells while external ones only work with terminal emulators.



  • Bash: bash
  • Bourne shell: sh
  • Command Prompt: cmd
  • Dash: dash
  • Git Bash: <Git installation>\bin\bash.exe (e.g. C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe)
  • PowerShell Core: pwsh
  • Windows PowerShell: powershell
  • Windows Subsystem for Linux: wsl or wsl -d <distribution name>
  • Z shell: zsh

Terminal emulators

  • Command Prompt: cmd
  • GNOME Terminal: gnome-terminal
  • Konsole: konsole
  • Terminal (macOS): /System/Applications/Utilities/ $PWD
  • Windows Terminal: wt
  • xterm: xterm


This plugin patches require so that require("obsidian") works in the developer console.


Contributions are welcome!


Translation files are under assets/locales/. Each locale has its own directory named with its corresponding IETF language tag.

To contribute translation for an existing locale, modify the files in the corresponding directory.

For a new locale, create a new directory named with its language tag and copy assets/locales/en/translation.json into it. Then, add an entry to assets/locales/en/language.json in this format:

	// ...
	"en": "English",
	"(your-language-tag)": "(Native name of your language)",
	"uwu": "Uwuish",
	// ...

Sort the list of languages by the alphabetical order of their language tags. Then modify the files in the new directory. There will be errors in assets/locales.ts, which you can ignore and I will fix them for you. You are welcome to fix them yourself if you know TypeScript.

When translating, keep in mind the following things:

  • Do not translate anything between {{ and }} ({{example}}). They are interpolations and will be replaced by localized strings at runtime.
  • Do not translate anything between $t( and ) ($t(example)). They refer to other localized strings. To find the localized string being referred to, follow the path of the key, which is separated by dots (.). For example, the key refers to:
	// ...
	"youtu": {
		// ...
		"be": {
			// ...
			"/dQw4w9WgXcQ": "I am ''!",
			// ...
		// ...
	// ...
  • The keys under generic are vocabularies. They can be referred in translation strings by $t(generic.key). Refer to them as much as possible to standardize translations for vocabularies that appear in different places.
  • It is okay to move interpolations and references to other localized strings around to make the translation natural. It is also okay to not use some references used in the original translation. However, it is NOT okay to not use all interpolations.