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File metadata and controls

92 lines (74 loc) · 3.5 KB


What is this repository for?

  • Quick summary

Used as a starting point for projects that you want to use SASS with Gulp in. Uses Nunjucks for templating.

  • Version 1.0


Steps to install and develop with Node and Gulp

  • Install Node if you do not have it (
  • Then run following to install gulp (if dont already have it)
  • npm install --global gulp-cli
  • You may need to edit "PATH" environment variable and add %APPDATA%\npm ( gf/questions/9587665/nodejs-cannot-find-installed-module-on-windows/9588052#9588052)
  • Open CMD and CD to directory (i.e ..ifss\wp-content\themes\ifss-smalltalk) and run:
    • npm install (this will install all of the dependencies)
  • Then start gulp and development by running:
    • gulp You should get a number of processes having run and your public folder populated. The public folder should never be directly edited.
  • Ignore the node modules folder in Sublime text editor using this in your settings: "binary_file_patterns": [ "public/", "node_modules/", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".gif", ".ttf", ".tga", ".dds", ".ico", ".eot", ".pdf", ".swf", ".jar", "*.zip" ], and add to "folder_exclude_patterns": [..."node_modules"], e.g: "folder_exclude_patterns": [".svn", ".git", ".hg", "CVS", "node_modules"], so you can still do searches without scouring these folders as well.

Troubleshooting Installation

  • Lock file error - You might have an old version of Node. Update Node with:
  • The sourcemaps aren't showing in the browser - restart gulp.
  • Errors when installing - including "please try running again as root/administrator windows" -
    • run npm cache clean then try npm install again

TODO file

When you run gulp, a compiled TODO file will automatically be created in ifss-smalltalk/src. To add to this file just place a "TODO: [notes]" wherever relevant but ensure that TODO are the first characters on a new line (spaces are OK) so this: not this:


You should also get this when you run gulp (but not gulp build):

[BS] Access URLs:

   Local: http://localhost:3000

      UI: http://localhost:3001

This will allow you to access the site at http://localhost:3000/. http://localhost:3001/ is browsersync admin - you can turn weinre on from here to use the inspector on mobile.


  • Exit the watch task with ctrl-c
  • run:
    • gulp build The scripts and styles will be concatenated and minified. You can then deploy the theme files and folders excluding the node_modules, src, tests and tools folders.
    • Can then use a tool like phploy to deploy your project.

Styles (SASS)

The settings file holds all of the global settings for the project. The file further abstracts the colours that are set up in base/project/colours. We are using bootstrap in this project as well, and that CSS is added under styles/vendor.

Note: you do not have to worry about vendor prefixing as Gulp together with auto-prefixer handles that for us.

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