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156 lines (110 loc) · 3.91 KB

Mock 03 | 02/11/2022 | ale3683 vs Marco Zamboni

Exercise description

You have a graph of n nodes. You are given an integer n and an array edges where edges[i] = [ai, bi] indicates that there is an edge between ai and bi in the graph. Return true if there's more than one component otherwise false. There are no repeated edges.

input #1:
n = 5, edges = [[0,1],[1,2],[3,4]]

output #1:

there are two components: 0-1-2         3-4

input #2:
n = 5, edges = [[0,1],[1,2],[2,3],[3,4]]

output #2:

there is just one component: 0-1-2-3-4

Follow Up

  • follow-up 1: If you can change the input to have already the adjs list built what that would change in time complexity?
  • follow-up 2: How you would count how many components we have in the graph?
  • follow-up 3: How you would count how many edges we need to add to have just one component?
  • follow-up 4: How you would findout between which nodes we need to add an edge to have just one component?


TC: O(E+V)
SC: O(E+V) //no accounting for adj list, but for the stack


TC: O(V+E)
SC: O(V) //no accounting for adj list

union find path compression || rank:

TC: O(V+logE) //no accounting for adj or directly calling on the edges, list otherwise O(E+V)
SC: O(V) //no accounting for adj list

union find path compression + rank:

TC: O(E⋅α(n)) //no need of an adj list, otherwise O(E+V), with parent optimization on the fly
SC: O(V) //no accounting for adj list

Links & material

The proposed problem il similar to LeetCode 323: Number of Connected Components in an Undirected Graph. (for premium users)

Interview solution

def dfs(graph: list[list[int]], node: int, visited: set):
  for connected in graph[node]:
  	if connected not in visited:
    	dfs(graph, connected, visited)

def determine_connectiveness(n: int, edges: list[list[int, int]]) -> bool:
	graph = [list() for _ in range(n)]
  for from, to in edges:

  visited = set()
  dfs(graph, 0, visited)
  return len(visited) != n

n = 5, edges = [[0,1],[1,2],[3,4]]
graph = [[1], [0, 2], [1], [4], [3]]
visited = {0, 1, 2}
return True

O(N + M) M: size(edges), N

Follow Up

def dfs(graph: list[list[int]], node: int, visited: set):
  for connected in graph[node]:
  	if connected not in visited:
    	dfs(graph, connected, visited)

def determine_connectiveness(n: int, edges: list[list[int, int]]) -> bool:
	graph = [list() for _ in range(n)]
  for from, to in edges:

  visited = set()
  num_components = 0
  new_edges = []
  for node range(n):
  	if node not in visited:
    	num_components += 1
  		dfs(graph, node, visited)
      if node != 0:
      	new_edges.append([node, 0])
  assert len(new_edges) == num_components - 1
  return new_edges

O(NM) O(M)

Union find use:

class UFDS:
	def __init__(n: int):
  	self.parents = [None for _ in range(n)]

  def find(x):
  	if self.parent[x] is not None
  		p = find(self.parent[x])
      self.parent[x] = p
    	return p
    return x

  def same_set(x, y):
  	return find(x) == find(y)

  def union(x, y):
  	x, y = find(x), find(y)
    self.parent[x] = y

def determine_connectiveness(n: int, edges: list[list[int, int]]) -> bool:
  ufds = UFDS(n) # O(N)
  for from, to in edges:
    ufds.union(from, to) # amort. O(1)
  return not all(something(map(ufds.find, range(n)))) # O(N)

Time O(N + M) Memory O(N)