Diversity of Bacterial Communities in Wetlands of Calakmul Biosphere Reserve: A Comparative Analysis between Conserved and Semi-Urbanized Zones in Pre-Mayan Train Era
This repository includes all the scripts used for metagenomic analysis of data obtained from the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve.
Diversity of bacterial communities in wetlands of Calakmul Biosphere Reserve
Principal Investigator
- Karina Verdel Aranda
- Github: KVA25
Associate Researchers
- David Alberto García Estrada
- Github: DavidAlberto
- Nelly Sélem Mojica
- Github: nselem
- Aída Martínez-Hernández
- Joel Lara-Reyna
- Sonia Dávila Ramos
The Shotgun metagenomic data can be downloaded from the MG-RAST and SRA BioProject ID PRJNA983841 pages.
The 16S rRNA metagenomic data can be downloaded from the SRA BioProject ID PRJNA983657 page.
This analysis can be found in the following link Calakmul.
To run the script it is necessary to download the data and place them in separate folders, the shotgun data and the metabarcoding data.
The version of R used is 4.2.2 and the version of the packages is included in the script in Session information.