From 4c4d4054ec5f148ddb58a50b41ef4a22fd18b008 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Dave Barton Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2023 12:10:54 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] Use timestats, make ijcs a Set --- calculi.cabal | 11 +- src/Control/Parallel/Cooperative.hs | 22 ++-- src/Math/Algebra/Commutative/BinPoly.hs | 7 +- src/Math/Algebra/Commutative/EPoly.hs | 10 +- src/Math/Algebra/Commutative/GBDemo.hs | 13 ++- src/Math/Algebra/Commutative/GroebnerBasis.hs | 107 ++++++++++-------- src/Math/Algebra/General/Algebra.hs | 10 +- .../Algebra/Commutative/TestGroebnerBasis.hs | 2 +- 8 files changed, 105 insertions(+), 77 deletions(-) diff --git a/calculi.cabal b/calculi.cabal index 7297d0e..f71e270 100644 --- a/calculi.cabal +++ b/calculi.cabal @@ -25,7 +25,9 @@ common deps default-extensions: DuplicateRecordFields LambdaCase MonoLocalBinds NoFieldSelectors OverloadedRecordDot PatternSynonyms RecordWildCards other-extensions: CPP DataKinds FunctionalDependencies Strict ViewPatterns - ghc-options: -Wall -Wcompat -feager-blackholing + ghc-options: -Wall -Wcompat -feager-blackholing -threaded + if impl(ghc >= 9.8.1) + ghc-options: -Wno-x-partial build-depends: base >= 4.16 && < 5, containers >= 0.6 && < 0.8, extra >= 1.6 && < 1.8 library @@ -62,6 +64,7 @@ library strict-list, -- text, time >= 1.9.3 && < 2, + timestats, vector hs-source-dirs: src @@ -77,7 +80,7 @@ executable bp-demo build-depends: calculi hs-source-dirs: bp-demo - ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts "-with-rtsopts=-N -A64m -t" + ghc-options: -rtsopts "-with-rtsopts=-N -A64m -t" test-suite calculi-test import: deps @@ -99,7 +102,7 @@ test-suite calculi-test build-depends: calculi, hedgehog == 1.*, mod, rrb-vector, strict-list hs-source-dirs: test - ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts "-with-rtsopts=-N -A64m" + ghc-options: -rtsopts "-with-rtsopts=-N -A64m" benchmark time-gb import: deps @@ -113,7 +116,7 @@ benchmark time-gb build-depends: calculi, process >= 1.2 && < 2, time >= 1.9.3 && < 2 hs-source-dirs: timings - ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts "-with-rtsopts=-N -A64m -s" + ghc-options: -rtsopts "-with-rtsopts=-N -A64m -s" benchmark bench import: deps diff --git a/src/Control/Parallel/Cooperative.hs b/src/Control/Parallel/Cooperative.hs index cdbeb6e..a135851 100644 --- a/src/Control/Parallel/Cooperative.hs +++ b/src/Control/Parallel/Cooperative.hs @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ module Control.Parallel.Cooperative ( ) where import Control.Monad (when) -import Control.Monad.Extra (whileM) +import Control.Monad.Extra (ifM, unlessM, whileM) import Data.Bits (Bits, FiniteBits, (.&.), bit, countLeadingZeros, finiteBitSize, xor) import Data.Foldable (toList) import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IMS @@ -67,13 +67,14 @@ import qualified Data.Vector as V import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack) import Control.Concurrent (getNumCapabilities, myThreadId, threadCapability) -import Control.Concurrent.Async (Async, waitAny, withAsync, withAsyncOn) +import Control.Concurrent.Async (Async, wait, withAsync, withAsyncOn) import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar (TVar, modifyTVar', newTVarIO, readTVar, readTVarIO, stateTVar, writeTVar) import Control.Monad.STM (STM, atomically, retry) import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) import Data.Time.Clock.System (SystemTime(MkSystemTime), getSystemTime) +import qualified Debug.TimeStats as TS -- import Numeric (showFFloat) @@ -137,23 +138,22 @@ parWithAsyncs wakeAllThreads numSleepingVar allPairs = do _ -> go [] allPairs where numThreads = length allPairs - go asyncs [] = snd <$> waitAny (reverse asyncs) + go asyncs [] = mapM_ wait (reverse asyncs) go asyncs ((waf, task) : ps) = waf threadF (\aa -> go (aa : asyncs) ps) where + done = (== numThreads) <$> readTVarIO numSleepingVar threadF = do wake0 <- readTVarIO wakeAllThreads q <- task if q then threadF else do - ok <- atomically $ do - n <- readTVar numSleepingVar - writeTVar numSleepingVar $! n + 1 - pure $ n /= numThreads - 1 - when ok $ do - atomically $ do + inc1TVar numSleepingVar + ifM done (inc1TVar wakeAllThreads) $ do + TS.measureM "sleep" $ atomically $ do wake1 <- readTVar wakeAllThreads when (wake1 == wake0) retry - atomically $ modifyTVar' numSleepingVar (subtract 1) - threadF + unlessM done $ do + atomically $ modifyTVar' numSleepingVar (subtract 1) + threadF parThreads :: TVar Int -> TVar Int -> [IO Bool] -> IO () {- ^ @parThreads wakeAllThreads numSleepingVar tasks@ runs the @tasks@ in separate threads. When diff --git a/src/Math/Algebra/Commutative/BinPoly.hs b/src/Math/Algebra/Commutative/BinPoly.hs index 3d75350..1c24f9c 100644 --- a/src/Math/Algebra/Commutative/BinPoly.hs +++ b/src/Math/Algebra/Commutative/BinPoly.hs @@ -180,9 +180,10 @@ bp58Ops evCmp isGraded descVarSs useSugar = assert (nVars <= 58) descVarPs = map (SL.singleton . evBit) varBitJsDesc varBitJsAsc = reverse varBitJsDesc - extraSPairs v j h = [SPair (i - nVars) j (h + 1) v | i <- varBitJsAsc, testBit v.w64 i] - sPoly _f g (SPair i _j _h _m) | i < 0 = g `bpTimesEv` fromBits58 (bit (i + nVars)) - sPoly f g (SPair _i _j _h m) = mult1 f `bpPlus` mult1 g + extraSPairs v j h = [SPair (i - nVars) j (h + 1) v (spCmp evCmp useSugar) + | i <- varBitJsAsc, testBit v.w64 i] + sPoly _f g (SPair { i }) | i < 0 = g `bpTimesEv` fromBits58 (bit (i + nVars)) + sPoly f g (SPair { m }) = mult1 f `bpPlus` mult1 g where mult1 (v :! t) = bpTimesEv t (fromJust (evMaybeQuo m v)) mult1 _ = undefined diff --git a/src/Math/Algebra/Commutative/EPoly.hs b/src/Math/Algebra/Commutative/EPoly.hs index e76e72f..a7dc9a6 100644 --- a/src/Math/Algebra/Commutative/EPoly.hs +++ b/src/Math/Algebra/Commutative/EPoly.hs @@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ import qualified StrictList2 as SL import Control.Parallel.Cooperative +import qualified Debug.TimeStats as TS + zipWithExact :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c] -- ^ or use library @safe@ @@ -140,12 +142,12 @@ evDividesF nVars ev@(ExponVec d es) ev'@(ExponVec d' es') = expsDivs es es' | d' < 256 || d >= 256 = U.ifoldr (\i e ~b -> bytesDivs e (a' U.! i) && b) True a expsDivs (ExponsN a) (ExponsN a') = U.ifoldr (\i e ~b -> e <= a' U.! i && b) True a - expsDivs _ _ = + expsDivs _ _ = TS.measurePure "evDividesF slow" $ and (zipWithExact (<=) (exponsL nVars ev) (exponsL nVars ev')) + perW = perWord64 nVars d + mask = if perW == 8 then 0x0101_0101_0101_0100 else 0x0001_0001_0001_0000 bytesDivs w w' = w <= w' && (w' - w) .&. mask `xor` w .&. mask `xor` w' .&. mask == 0 - where -- check if any bytes subtracted in (w' - w) cause borrowing from any mask bits - perW = perWord64 nVars d - mask = if perW == 8 then 0x0101_0101_0101_0100 else 0x0001_0001_0001_0000 + -- check if any bytes subtracted in (w' - w) cause borrowing from any mask bits {-# INLINABLE evDividesF #-} evLCMF :: Int -> Op2 ExponVec -- really Least Common Multiple of vars^ev1 and vars^ev2 diff --git a/src/Math/Algebra/Commutative/GBDemo.hs b/src/Math/Algebra/Commutative/GBDemo.hs index acd039f..cd58110 100644 --- a/src/Math/Algebra/Commutative/GBDemo.hs +++ b/src/Math/Algebra/Commutative/GBDemo.hs @@ -12,9 +12,11 @@ import Math.Algebra.Commutative.EPoly -- import Math.Algebra.Commutative.VMPoly import Math.Algebra.Commutative.Field.ZModPW +import Control.Monad (when) import Data.List (find) import GHC.TypeNats (KnownNat) +import System.Environment (setEnv) -- import Test.Inspection (inspect, hasNoTypeClassesExcept) @@ -31,7 +33,8 @@ data GBExOpts = GBExOpts { useVMPoly :: Bool, sec :: StdEvCmp, noSugar :: Bool, - gbTrace :: Int + gbTrace :: Int, + showTimes :: Bool } epGbpA :: forall p. KnownNat p => StdEvCmp -> UseSugar -> [String] -> @@ -91,6 +94,7 @@ showUsage = mapM_ putStrLn [ " --tr show the final result (generators)", " --tq show characters with info about threads and queues (\"dprRsS\", \"rg\")", " --ts show details relating to selection strategy", + " --tt show total times of some algorithm parts", "", "examples: simpleDemo buchberger87 gerdt93 katsura5 katsura6 katsura7 katsura8 katsura10", " hCyclic4 cyclic4 hCyclic5 cyclic5 hCyclic6 cyclic6 hCyclic7 cyclic7 hCyclic8 cyclic8", @@ -116,13 +120,14 @@ parseOpt s opts = case s of "--tr" -> Right $ opts { gbTrace = opts.gbTrace .|. gbTResults } "--tq" -> Right $ opts { gbTrace = opts.gbTrace .|. gbTQueues } "--ts" -> Right $ opts { gbTrace = opts.gbTrace .|. gbTProgressDetails } + "--tt" -> Right $ opts { showTimes = True } _ -> Left $ "Unknown option: " ++ s parseArgs :: [String] -> Either String (GBExOpts, [GBEx]) parseArgs args = goOpts args opts0 where opts0 = GBExOpts { showHelp = False, useVMPoly = False, sec = GrRevLexCmp, - noSugar = False, gbTrace = gbTSummary } + noSugar = False, gbTrace = gbTSummary, showTimes = False } goOpts :: [String] -> GBExOpts -> Either String (GBExOpts, [GBEx]) goOpts ("--" : t) opts = (opts, ) <$> goNames t -- unnec. here goOpts (h@('-':_) : t) opts = goOpts t =<< parseOpt h opts @@ -144,7 +149,9 @@ usageErr s = do gbDemo :: [String] -> IO () gbDemo args = either usageErr run (parseArgs args) where - run (opts, exs) = if opts.showHelp then showUsage else mapM_ (gbDemo1 opts) exs + run (opts, exs) = if opts.showHelp then showUsage else do + when opts.showTimes $ setEnv "DEBUG_TIMESTATS_ENABLE" "1" + mapM_ (gbDemo1 opts) exs -- See as in diff --git a/src/Math/Algebra/Commutative/GroebnerBasis.hs b/src/Math/Algebra/Commutative/GroebnerBasis.hs index 72c94d5..dfceb50 100644 --- a/src/Math/Algebra/Commutative/GroebnerBasis.hs +++ b/src/Math/Algebra/Commutative/GroebnerBasis.hs @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ module Math.Algebra.Commutative.GroebnerBasis ( SubmoduleOps(..), fromGens, - UseSugar(..), SPair(..), GBEv(..), GBPoly(..), GBPolyOps(..), + UseSugar(..), SPair(..), spCmp, GBEv(..), GBPoly(..), GBPolyOps(..), IsGraded(..), StdEvCmp(..), secIsGraded, gbTSummary, gbTProgressChars, gbTProgressInfo, gbTResults, gbTQueues, gbTProgressDetails, GroebnerIdeal, gbiSmOps @@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ import Data.List.Extra (chunksOf) import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromJust, isJust, listToMaybe, mapMaybe) import qualified Data.RRBVector as GBV import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq +import qualified Data.Set as Set +import Data.Set (Set) import Data.Tuple.Extra (fst3) import qualified Data.Vector as V import Numeric (showFFloat) @@ -43,6 +45,7 @@ import Data.Primitive.PrimVar (PrimVar, atomicReadInt, fetchAddInt, newPrimVar) import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) import Data.Time.Clock.System (SystemTime(..), getSystemTime) +import qualified Debug.TimeStats as TS import Debug.Trace.String (traceEvent, traceEventIO) import GHC.Stats (RTSStats, getRTSStats, getRTSStatsEnabled, mutator_cpu_ns, mutator_elapsed_ns) import System.CPUTime (getCPUTime) @@ -71,13 +74,12 @@ inc ref n = when (n /= 0) $ atomicModifyIORef'_ ref (+ n) fetchAddInt_ :: PrimMonad m => PrimVar (PrimState m) Int -> Int -> m () fetchAddInt_ var = void . fetchAddInt var -slPop :: TVar (SL.List a) -> IO (Maybe a) -slPop esVar = atomically $ do +setPop :: Ord a => TVar (Set a) -> IO (Maybe a) +setPop esVar = atomically $ do es <- readTVar esVar - f es - where - f (h :! t) = do writeTVar esVar t; pure (Just h) - f SL.Nil = pure Nothing + case Set.minView es of + Just (!h, !t) -> do writeTVar esVar t; pure (Just h) + Nothing -> pure Nothing {- currently unused maybeAtomicModifyIORef' :: IORef a -> Pred a -> (a -> (a, b)) -> IO (Maybe b) @@ -137,8 +139,13 @@ cpuElapsedStr cpuTime0 sysTime0 mStats0 = do newtype UseSugar = UseSugar { b :: Bool } deriving Show -data SPair ev = SPair { i, j :: Int, h :: Word, m :: ev } - -- i, j, "sugar" (homog) degree if useSugar.b, LCM of head evs of gens i and j +data SPair ev = SPair { i, j :: Int, h :: Word, m :: ev, cmp :: Cmp (SPair ev) } + -- i, j, "sugar" (homog) degree if useSugar.b, LCM of head evs of gens i and j; + -- 'cmp' is needed because "Data.Set" requires an 'Ord' instance +instance Eq (SPair ev) where + (==) sp = cmpEq sp.cmp sp +instance Ord (SPair ev) where + compare sp = sp.cmp sp {- | 'GBEv', 'GBPoly', and 'GBPolyOps' together are the operations on Exponent Vectors @ev@ and Polynomials @p@ that are needed by our (Buchberger) Groebner Basis algorithm. The typeclass @@ -192,11 +199,11 @@ data GBPolyOps ev p = GBPolyOps { Giovini, Mora, Niesi, Robbiano, Traverso, "One sugar cube, please ...", 1991: -} spCmp :: Cmp ev -> UseSugar -> Cmp (SPair ev) -spCmp evCmp useSugar (SPair i1 j1 h1 ev1) (SPair i2 j2 h2 ev2) = +spCmp evCmp useSugar (SPair i1 j1 h1 ev1 _) (SPair i2 j2 h2 ev2 _) = (if useSugar.b then (compare h1 h2 <>) else id) (evCmp ev1 ev2 <> compare j1 j2 <> compare i1 i2) -type SortedSPairs ev = SL.List (SPair ev) -- sorted using (spCmp evCmp useSugar) +type SortedSPairs ev = Set (SPair ev) -- sorted using (spCmp evCmp useSugar) data EPolyHDeg p = EPolyHDeg { p :: p, h :: Word } -- poly and "sugar" homog degree @@ -223,7 +230,7 @@ updatePairs (GBPolyOps { nVars, evCmp, extraSPairs, useSugar }) gMGis ijcs tGi giLcm gi1 gi2 = GBGenInfo (evLCM nVars gi1.ev gi2.ev) (max gi1.dh gi2.dh) giToSp i j gi = let ev = gi.ev - in SPair i j (gi.dh + evTotDeg ev) ev + in SPair i j (gi.dh + evTotDeg ev) ev hEvCmp t = length gMGis tEv = tGi.ev itMGis = map (fmap (giLcm tGi)) gMGis :: [Maybe (GBGenInfo ev)] @@ -235,26 +242,28 @@ updatePairs (GBPolyOps { nVars, evCmp, extraSPairs, useSugar }) gMGis ijcs tGi skipQ (Just gi) (Just c) = divEq gi.ev c skipQ _ _ = False skipIs = SL.fromList (findIndices id skipIQs) - skipIJCs = SL.filter canSkip ijcs + skipIJCs = TS.measurePure "1.1.1 make skipIJCs" $ Set.filter canSkip ijcs where -- criterion B_ijk - canSkip (SPair i j _ c) = i >= 0 && evDivides nVars tEv c && ne i c && ne j c + canSkip (SPair i j _ c _) = i >= 0 && evDivides nVars tEv c && ne i c && ne j c ne i c = maybe False (\itc -> not (divEq itc c)) (itmcsV V.! i) itcs = catMaybes (zipWith (\i -> fmap (giToSp i t)) [0..] itMGis) :: [SPair ev] -- "sloppy" sugar method: - itcss = groupBy (cmpEq lcmCmp) (sortBy lcmCmp itcs) + itcss = TS.measurePure "1.1.2 sort/group new itcs" $ seqElts $ + groupBy (cmpEq lcmCmp) (sortBy lcmCmp itcs) itcsToC = (.m) . head - itcss' = filter (noDivs . itcsToC) itcss -- criterion M_ik - where + itcss' = TS.measurePure "1.1.3 M_ik" $ seqElts $ filter (noDivs . itcsToC) itcss + where -- criterion M_ik; 3 seqElts calls for TS.measurePure firstDiv c = find (\ itcs1 -> evDivides nVars (itcsToC itcs1) c) itcss noDivs c = divEq (itcsToC (fromJust (firstDiv c))) c gMEvsV = V.fromListN t (map (fmap (.ev)) gMGis) :: V.Vector (Maybe ev) bestH = if useSugar.b then minimumBy hCmp else head - itcs' = mapMaybe (\gp -> if any buch2 gp then Nothing else Just (bestH gp)) itcss' + itcs' = TS.measurePure "1.1.4 F_jk and buch2 (rel prime)" $ seqElts $ + mapMaybe (\gp -> if any buch2 gp then Nothing else Just (bestH gp)) itcss' where -- criterion F_jk and Buchberger's 2nd criterion (gi and gt rel. prime) - buch2 (SPair i j _ c) = assert (j == t) + buch2 (SPair i j _ c _) = assert (j == t) (evTotDeg (fromJust (gMEvsV V.! i)) + evTotDeg tEv == evTotDeg c) - addITCs = SL.fromList - (sortBy hEvCmp (extraSPairs tEv t (evTotDeg tEv + tGi.dh) ++ itcs')) + addITCs = TS.measurePure "1.1.5 addITCs Set.fromList" $ + Set.fromList (extraSPairs tEv t (evTotDeg tEv + tGi.dh) ++ itcs') data SizedEPoly p = SizedEPoly { n :: Int, p :: p } @@ -305,7 +314,7 @@ gkgsEmpty nEvGroups = SL.singleton (G1KGs 0 (kgsEmpty nEvGroups)) {-# SCC kgsFindReducer #-} kgsFindReducer :: GBPoly ev term p => (ev -> [Word]) -> p -> KerGens p -> Maybe p -- returns the best (shortest) top-reducer, if any -kgsFindReducer evGroup p kgs = +kgsFindReducer evGroup p kgs = TS.measurePure "kgsFindReducer" $ if pIsZero p then Nothing else let nVars = Seq.length kgs pEv = leadEvNZ p @@ -336,7 +345,8 @@ kgsOps (GBPolyOps { .. }) = KGsOps { .. } n1 `compare` n2 <> evCmp (leadEvNZ p1) (leadEvNZ p2) kgsInsert :: p -> Op1 (KerGens p) - kgsInsert p kgs = -- p /= 0, nEvGroups > 0 + -- p /= 0, nEvGroups > 0 + kgsInsert p kgs = assert (not (pIsZero p) && Seq.length kgs > 0) $ let es = evGroup (leadEvNZ p) m = maximum es @@ -351,7 +361,8 @@ kgsOps (GBPolyOps { .. }) = KGsOps { .. } in Seq.adjust' ins v kgs gkgsInsert :: EPolyHDeg p -> Op1 (GapsKerGens p) - gkgsInsert (EPolyHDeg p hDeg) = go -- p /= 0, nEvGroups > 0 + -- p /= 0, nEvGroups > 0 + gkgsInsert (EPolyHDeg p hDeg) = TS.measurePure "gkgsInsert" $ go where gap = if useSugar.b then hDeg - evTotDeg (leadEvNZ p) else 0 go (h@(G1KGs gap0 kgs0) :! t) = assert (gap >= gap0) $ @@ -362,7 +373,8 @@ kgsOps (GBPolyOps { .. }) = KGsOps { .. } go SL.Nil = undefined kgsDelete :: p -> Op1 (KerGens p) - kgsDelete p kgs = -- p in kgs (so p /= 0, nEvGroups > 0), (leadEvNZ p) unique in kgs + -- p in kgs (so p /= 0, nEvGroups > 0), (leadEvNZ p) unique in kgs + kgsDelete p kgs = assert (not (pIsZero p) && Seq.length kgs > 0) $ let es = evGroup (leadEvNZ p) m = maximum es @@ -379,8 +391,8 @@ kgsOps (GBPolyOps { .. }) = KGsOps { .. } in Seq.adjust' del v kgs gkgsDelete :: EPolyHDeg p -> Op1 (GapsKerGens p) - gkgsDelete (EPolyHDeg p hDeg) = go -- p in gkgs (so p /= 0, nEvGroups > 0), - -- (leadEvNZ p) unique in gkgs + -- p in gkgs (so p /= 0, nEvGroups > 0), (leadEvNZ p) unique in gkgs + gkgsDelete (EPolyHDeg p hDeg) = TS.measurePure "gkgsDelete" $ go where gap = if useSugar.b then hDeg - evTotDeg (leadEvNZ p) else 0 go (h@(G1KGs gap0 kgs0) :! t) = assert (gap >= gap0) $ @@ -492,7 +504,7 @@ data GroebnerIdeal p = GroebnerIdeal { groebnerBasis :: forall ev term p. GBPoly ev term p => GBPolyOps ev p -> Int -> GroebnerIdeal p -> [p] -> IO (GroebnerIdeal p) {-# INLINABLE groebnerBasis #-} -groebnerBasis gbpA@(GBPolyOps { .. }) gbTrace gbi0 newGens = do +groebnerBasis gbpA@(GBPolyOps { .. }) gbTrace gbi0 newGens = TS.scope $ do cpuTime0 <- getCPUTime sysTime0 <- getSystemTime cpuTime1Ref <- newIORef cpuTime0 @@ -609,7 +621,7 @@ groebnerBasis gbpA@(GBPolyOps { .. }) gbTrace gbi0 newGens = do traceEventIO (" addGenHN end " ++ show kN) gMGisRef <- newTVarIO (fmap (Just . giNew) gbi0.gbGhs) :: IO (TVar (GBV.Vector (Maybe (GBGenInfo ev)))) - ijcsRef <- newTVarIO SL.Nil :: IO (TVar (SortedSPairs ev)) -- ascending by hEvCmp + ijcsRef <- newTVarIO Set.empty :: IO (TVar (SortedSPairs ev)) let newIJCs = do ghs0 <- readTVarIO genHsRef gMGis00 <- readTVarIO gMGisRef -- for speed, to avoid atomic transaction @@ -621,36 +633,39 @@ groebnerBasis gbpA@(GBPolyOps { .. }) gbTrace gbi0 newGens = do let t = length gMGis gh = ghs0 GBV.! t tGi = giNew gh - traceEvent (" newIJCs start " ++ show t) $ pure () writeTVar gMGisRef $! gMGis GBV.|> Just tGi pure (Just (gMGis, t, gh, tGi)) case mx of Nothing -> pure False - Just (!gMGis0, !t, !gh, !tGi) -> do - let (skipIs, skipIJCs, addITCs) = - updatePairs gbpA (toList gMGis0) ijcs0 tGi + Just (!gMGis0, !t, !gh, !tGi) -> TS.measureM "1 newIJCs" $ do + traceEventIO (" newIJCs start " ++ show t) + let (skipIs, skipIJCs, addITCs) = + TS.measurePure "1.1 updatePairs" $ + updatePairs gbpA (toList gMGis0) ijcs0 tGi skipIF s i = GBV.update i Nothing s {- - toIJ (SPair i j _ _) = (i, j) + toIJ (SPair i j _ _ _) = (i, j) toIJs ijms = map toIJ (toList ijms) traceEvent (" updatePairs result: " ++ show (t, skipIs, toIJs skipIJCs, toIJs addITCs)) $ pure () -} - unless (null skipIs) $ -- 'unless' for speed + unless (null skipIs) $ TS.measureM "1.2 skipIs" $ -- 'unless' for speed atomically $ modifyTVar' gMGisRef (\ms -> foldl' skipIF ms skipIs) - ijcs <- atomically $ do + ijcs <- {- TS.measureM "1.3 skipIJCs" $ -} atomically $ do ijcs <- readTVar ijcsRef - writeTVar ijcsRef $! SL.minusSorted hEvCmp ijcs skipIJCs + writeTVar ijcsRef $! {- TS.measurePure "1.3.1 skipIJCs" $ -} + Set.difference ijcs skipIJCs pure ijcs - ijcs' <- atomically $ do + ijcs' <- {- TS.measureM "1.4 addITCs" $ -} atomically $ do ijcs1 <- readTVar ijcsRef - let ijcs' = SL.mergeBy hEvCmp ijcs1 addITCs + let ijcs' = {- TS.measurePure "1.4.1 addITCs" $ -} + Set.union ijcs1 addITCs writeTVar ijcsRef ijcs' pure ijcs' when (null ijcs && not (null ijcs')) $ inc1TVar wakeAllThreads when (gbTrace .&. gbTQueues /= 0) $ do - let n = length ijcs - n' = length ijcs' + let n = Set.size ijcs + n' = Set.size ijcs' when (n' < n || n' > n + 10) $ putStr $ 'p' : show n ++ "-" ++ show n' ++ " " when ((t + 1) `rem` 50 == 0) $ @@ -670,7 +685,7 @@ groebnerBasis gbpA@(GBPolyOps { .. }) gbTrace gbi0 newGens = do if k < length ghs then do let f mk1 = if mk1 == mk then (Nothing, True) else (mk1, False) res <- atomicModifyIORef' rgsMNGensRef f - when res $ do + when res $ TS.measureM "checkRgs1" $ do rgs <- readIORef rgsRef let gh = ghs GBV.! k rgs' <- rgsInsert gh k rgs @@ -687,7 +702,7 @@ groebnerBasis gbpA@(GBPolyOps { .. }) gbTrace gbi0 newGens = do pure res else pure False Nothing -> pure False - newG sp@(SPair i j h c) = {-# SCC newG #-} do + newG sp@(SPair i j h c _) = {-# SCC newG #-} TS.measureM "newG" $ do let ~s = " start spair(g" ++ show i ++ ",g" ++ show j ++ "): sugar degree " ++ show h ++ ", lcm of heads " ++ evShow c when (gbTrace .&. gbTProgressDetails /= 0) $ putStrLn s @@ -698,7 +713,7 @@ groebnerBasis gbpA@(GBPolyOps { .. }) gbTrace gbi0 newGens = do ghn <- reduce_n (EPolyHDeg (sPoly f (ghs GBV.! j).p sp) h) addGenHN ghn pure True - doSP = maybe (pure False) newG =<< slPop ijcsRef + doSP = maybe (pure False) newG =<< setPop ijcsRef mapM_ (\g -> addGenHN =<< reduce_n (EPolyHDeg g (homogDeg0 g))) (sortBy (evCmp `on` leadEvNZ) (filter (not . pIsZero) newGens)) numSleepingVar <- newTVarIO (0 :: Int) @@ -722,7 +737,7 @@ groebnerBasis gbpA@(GBPolyOps { .. }) gbTrace gbi0 newGens = do maybe "busy" show rgsMNGHs ++ " rg'd, " ++ show (length rgs) ++ " rgs, " ++ -- omit? show (length gMGis) ++ " paired, " ++ - show (length ijcs) ++ " pairs" ++ + show (Set.size ijcs) ++ " pairs" ++ if numSleeping > 0 then ", " ++ show numSleeping ++ " sleeping" else "" pure False checkQueues nCores t = orM (tasks ++ [logSleep]) @@ -783,7 +798,7 @@ groebnerBasis gbpA@(GBPolyOps { .. }) gbTrace gbi0 newGens = do | pIsZero p = "0" | numTerms p < 10 = pShow (monicizeU p) | otherwise = evShow (leadEvNZ p) ++ "+... (" ++ show (numTerms p) ++ " terms)" - hEvCmp = spCmp evCmp useSugar :: Cmp (SPair ev) + -- hEvCmp = spCmp evCmp useSugar :: Cmp (SPair ev) gbiSmOps :: GBPoly ev term p => GBPolyOps ev p -> SubmoduleOps p p (GroebnerIdeal p) diff --git a/src/Math/Algebra/General/Algebra.hs b/src/Math/Algebra/General/Algebra.hs index c1881e5..558c1e2 100644 --- a/src/Math/Algebra/General/Algebra.hs +++ b/src/Math/Algebra/General/Algebra.hs @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ module Math.Algebra.General.Algebra ( -- * Extend "Prelude" -#if ! MIN_VERSION_base(4, 19, 0) +#if ! MIN_VERSION_base(4, 20, 0) foldl', #endif #if ! MIN_VERSION_base(4, 18, 0) @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ import Control.Applicative (liftA2) -- unnecesary in base 4.18+, since in Pr import Control.Exception (assert) import Data.Bits (Bits, FiniteBits, (.&.), (.|.), bit, finiteBitSize, testBit, zeroBits) import Data.Char (isDigit, isSpace) -#if ! MIN_VERSION_base(4, 19, 0) -import Data.Foldable (foldl') -- unnecesary in base 4.19+, since in Prelude +#if ! MIN_VERSION_base(4, 20, 0) +import Data.Foldable (foldl') -- unnecesary in base 4.20+, since in Prelude #endif import Data.Function (on) import Data.Functor.Classes (liftCompare, liftEq) import Data.List (stripPrefix) -import Data.List.Extra (trimStart) +import Data.List.Extra (list, trimStart) import Data.Maybe (maybeToList) import Data.Tuple.Extra (second) import Numeric (readDec, showHex) @@ -738,5 +738,5 @@ polynomReads rR@(Ring { .. }) varSRs = _ -> [(var, t) | (varS, var) <- varSRs, t <- maybeToList (stripPrefix varS s'), - null t || not (isDigit (head t))] + list True (const . not . isDigit) t] in rngReads rR digitsOrVarReads diff --git a/test/Math/Algebra/Commutative/TestGroebnerBasis.hs b/test/Math/Algebra/Commutative/TestGroebnerBasis.hs index c78436d..2e69161 100644 --- a/test/Math/Algebra/Commutative/TestGroebnerBasis.hs +++ b/test/Math/Algebra/Commutative/TestGroebnerBasis.hs @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ groebnerBasisProps gbpA@(GBPolyOps { .. }) halfInitGensSG countZeros = where scale11 = Gen.scale (Range.Size 11 *) gsSG11 = halfInitGensSG { gen = scale11 halfInitGensSG.gen } - sPolyIJ gs i j = sPoly f g (SPair i j (evTotDeg m) m) + sPolyIJ gs i j = sPoly f g (SPair i j (evTotDeg m) m (const undefined)) where f = gs GBV.! i g = gs GBV.! j