Releases: DataIntellectTech/TorQ
Releases · DataIntellectTech/TorQ
TorQ v5.0.4
Updating TorQ to be compatible with v4.1. Removed any projections with too many parameters
TorQ v5.0.3
- Fix defaulting of .save config in rdb
- Bug fix for syncexec queries on HTTP/qcon
- Bug fix for dataaccess API init
- Deferred responce now returns if fails or signals error
- Updating finspace.q API parameters to be up to date with AWS documentation
- Setting default start params in FinSpace
- finspaceservers.q will use the aws.list_kx_clusters direclty instead of matching it against csv
- Code restructure/small changes to allign with Finspace changes (unused as of release)
TorQ v5.0.2
Removed KDBFINSPACE env variable from required startup variable list
TorQ v5.0.1
Renaming TorQ Amazon Finspace project references to TorQ-Amazon-FinSpace-Starter-Pack
TorQ v5.0.0
- Updated TorQ to support AWS Finspace when using the new TorQ-Finspace-Starter-Pack
- Updated support email references
- Updated intall guide
- log output can now be json file format: add '-jsonlogs true' flag on startup
- Handlers can now load from appcode
- Can now specify multiple LDAP servers
- Improved testing
- Fixed LDAP bugs
- Fixes to heartbeat disabling logic
- Fixed permission bugs
- Fixes to Data Quality Processes
- Fixed Merge by part breaking with many small partitions
- Fixed DQE savedown with alternative hdb types
- Fixed help.q bug
- bug fix within loadaddcnfg
TorQ v4.4.0
Rebranding: Update AquaQ references to Data Intellect
TorQ v4.3.0
- Bug fixes
- Updated documentation
- Added functionality for programmatically starting additional TorQ processes within q processes
- Improved distribution of syms when using stripe function
- Improved WDB reload functionality
- Improved functionality of Data Access API & applied bug fixes
- Added configurable WDB merge functionality
- Fixes to subscriber functionality via .u.sub when utilising batch mode
- Fixes to endofday messaging via .u.end
- Fixes to endofday savedown process to prevent data savedown to following day
- Fixes to rack function of analyticslib.q
TorQ v4.2.0
- Added functionality to Data Access API
- Bug fixes
- Improved testing
- Added Data Striping
TorQ v4.1.1
Data Access API bug fixes
Improved attribute routing surrounding overlapping processes
TorQ v4.1.0
TorQ Data Access API.
For all changes please see the docs: