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Latest commit

8b5942a · Jul 17, 2024


96 lines (70 loc) · 2.82 KB

File metadata and controls

96 lines (70 loc) · 2.82 KB

Build the project

You need to have all the necessary tree-sitter repositories in kernel for the analysis to work. The build process will take care of this for you:

cargo build --profile release-dev


The use of the release-dev cargo profile is highly recommended, as runtime analysis speed is effectively the same as release mode, but compile times are comparable to debug mode.

Analyze a directory

cargo run --profile release-dev --bin datadog-static-analyzer -- --directory <SOURCE> --output result.json --format sarif --debug yes

Start a local server

cargo run --profile release-dev --bin datadog-static-analyzer-server -- --port <server-port> -a <server-address>

Run tests

Run all tests

cargo test

Test a ruleset

cargo run --bin datadog-static-analyzer-test-ruleset -- -r <ruleset-name>1

Run tests with output

cargo test -- --nocapture

Test a request to the server

First, start the server using

cargo run --profile release-dev --bin datadog-static-analyzer-server

Get an analysis request

curl -X POST \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --data '{
        "filename": "",
        "file_encoding": "utf-8",
        "language": "PYTHON",
        "code": "ZGVmIGZvbyhhcmcxKToKICAgIHBhc3M=",
        "rules": [
              "id": "myrule",
              "short_description": "",
              "description": "",
              "language": "PYTHON",
              "type": "TREE_SITTER_QUERY",
              "entity_checked": null,
              "code": "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",
              "tree_sitter_query": "KGZ1bmN0aW9uX2RlZmluaXRpb24KICAgIG5hbWU6IChpZGVudGlmaWVyKSBAbmFtZQogIHBhcmFtZXRlcnM6IChwYXJhbWV0ZXJzKSBAcGFyYW1zCik="
     }' \

Get the AST Tree

curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{
"file_encoding": "utf-8",
"language": "PYTHON",
"code": "ZGVmIGZvbyhhcmcxKToKICAgIHBhc3M="
}' \