blockdiag {
Kroki -> generates -> "Block diagrams";
Kroki -> is -> "very easy!";
Kroki [color = "greenyellow"];
"Block diagrams" [color = "pink"];
"very easy!" [color = "orange"];
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<semantic:definitions xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:di="" xmlns:bpmndi="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:semantic="" id="_1275940932088" targetNamespace="" exporter="Camunda Modeler" exporterVersion="1.16.0">
<semantic:message id="_1275940932310" />
<semantic:message id="_1275940932433" />
<semantic:process id="_6-1" isExecutable="false">
<semantic:laneSet id="ls_6-438">
<semantic:lane id="_6-650" name="clerk">
<semantic:lane id="_6-446" name="pizza chef">
<semantic:lane id="_6-448" name="delivery boy">
<semantic:startEvent id="OrderReceivedEvent" name="Order received">
<semantic:messageEventDefinition messageRef="_1275940932310" />
<semantic:parallelGateway id="_6-652" name="">
<semantic:intermediateCatchEvent id="_6-674" name="„where is my pizza?“">
<semantic:messageEventDefinition messageRef="_1275940932433" />
<semantic:task id="CalmCustomerTask" name="Calm customer">
<semantic:task id="_6-463" name="Bake the pizza">
<semantic:task id="_6-514" name="Deliver the pizza">
<semantic:task id="_6-565" name="Receive payment">
<semantic:endEvent id="_6-616" name="">
<semantic:terminateEventDefinition />
<semantic:sequenceFlow id="_6-630" name="" sourceRef="OrderReceivedEvent" targetRef="_6-652" />
<semantic:sequenceFlow id="_6-632" name="" sourceRef="_6-463" targetRef="_6-514" />
<semantic:sequenceFlow id="_6-634" name="" sourceRef="_6-514" targetRef="_6-565" />
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<semantic:sequenceFlow id="_6-693" name="" sourceRef="_6-652" targetRef="_6-463" />
<semantic:sequenceFlow id="_6-746" name="" sourceRef="CalmCustomerTask" targetRef="_6-674" />
<semantic:sequenceFlow id="_6-748" name="" sourceRef="_6-674" targetRef="CalmCustomerTask" />
<semantic:message id="_1275940932198" />
<semantic:process id="_6-2" isExecutable="false">
<semantic:startEvent id="_6-61" name="Hungry for pizza">
<semantic:task id="SelectAPizzaTask" name="Select a pizza">
<semantic:task id="_6-127" name="Order a pizza">
<semantic:eventBasedGateway id="_6-180" name="">
<semantic:intermediateCatchEvent id="_6-202" name="pizza received">
<semantic:messageEventDefinition messageRef="_1275940932198" />
<semantic:intermediateCatchEvent id="_6-219" name="60 minutes">
<semantic:timeDate />
<semantic:task id="_6-236" name="Ask for the pizza">
<semantic:task id="_6-304" name="Pay the pizza">
<semantic:task id="_6-355" name="Eat the pizza">
<semantic:endEvent id="_6-406" name="Hunger satisfied">
<semantic:sequenceFlow id="_6-125" name="" sourceRef="_6-61" targetRef="SelectAPizzaTask" />
<semantic:sequenceFlow id="_6-178" name="" sourceRef="SelectAPizzaTask" targetRef="_6-127" />
<semantic:sequenceFlow id="_6-420" name="" sourceRef="_6-127" targetRef="_6-180" />
<semantic:sequenceFlow id="_6-422" name="" sourceRef="_6-180" targetRef="_6-202" />
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<semantic:sequenceFlow id="_6-434" name="" sourceRef="_6-304" targetRef="_6-355" />
<semantic:sequenceFlow id="_6-436" name="" sourceRef="_6-355" targetRef="_6-406" />
<semantic:collaboration id="C1275940932557">
<semantic:participant id="_6-53" name="Pizza Customer" processRef="_6-2" />
<semantic:participant id="_6-438" name="Pizza vendor" processRef="_6-1" />
<semantic:messageFlow id="_6-638" name="pizza order" sourceRef="_6-127" targetRef="OrderReceivedEvent" />
<semantic:messageFlow id="_6-642" name="" sourceRef="_6-236" targetRef="_6-674" />
<semantic:messageFlow id="_6-646" name="receipt" sourceRef="_6-565" targetRef="_6-304" />
<semantic:messageFlow id="_6-648" name="money" sourceRef="_6-304" targetRef="_6-565" />
<semantic:messageFlow id="_6-640" name="pizza" sourceRef="_6-514" targetRef="_6-202" />
<semantic:messageFlow id="_6-750" name="" sourceRef="CalmCustomerTask" targetRef="_6-236" />
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<di:waypoint x="234" y="324" />
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<bpmndi:BPMNEdge id="Trisotech.Visio__6__6-638" bpmnElement="_6-638">
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<di:waypoint x="306" y="252" />
<di:waypoint x="94" y="252" />
<di:waypoint x="94" y="405" />
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<bpmndi:BPMNEdge id="Trisotech.Visio__6__6-426" bpmnElement="_6-426">
<di:waypoint x="480" y="200" />
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<di:waypoint x="517" y="200" />
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<di:waypoint x="265" y="111" />
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<di:waypoint x="834" y="111" />
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(defattrs :bg-green {:fill "#a0ffa0"})
(defattrs :bg-yellow {:fill "#ffffa0"})
(defattrs :bg-pink {:fill "#ffb0a0"})
(defattrs :bg-cyan {:fill "#a0fafa"})
(defattrs :bg-purple {:fill "#e4b5f7"})
(defn draw-group-label-header
[span label]
(draw-box (text label [:math {:font-size 12}]) {:span span :borders #{} :height 14}))
(defn draw-remotedb-header
[kind args]
(draw-group-label-header 5 "start")
(draw-group-label-header 5 "TxID")
(draw-group-label-header 3 "type")
(draw-group-label-header 2 "args")
(draw-group-label-header 1 "tags")
(next-row 18)
(draw-box 0x11 :bg-green)
(draw-box 0x872349ae [{:span 4} :bg-green])
(draw-box 0x11 :bg-yellow)
(draw-box (text "TxID" :math) [{:span 4} :bg-yellow])
(draw-box 0x10 :bg-pink)
(draw-box (hex-text kind 4 :bold) [{:span 2} :bg-pink])
(draw-box 0x0f :bg-cyan)
(draw-box (hex-text args 2 :bold) :bg-cyan)
(draw-box 0x14 :bg-purple)
(draw-box (text "0000000c" :hex [[:plain {:font-weight "light" :font-size 16}] " (12)"]) [{:span 4} :bg-purple])
(draw-box (hex-text 6 2 :bold) [:box-first :bg-purple])
(doseq [val [6 6 3 6 6 6 6 3]]
(draw-box (hex-text val 2 :bold) [:box-related :bg-purple]))
(doseq [val [0 0]]
(draw-box val [:box-related :bg-purple]))
(draw-box 0 [:box-last :bg-purple]))
(draw-remotedb-header 0x4702 9)
(draw-box 0x11)
(draw-box 0x2104 {:span 4})
(draw-box 0x11)
(draw-box 0 {:span 4})
(draw-box 0x11)
(draw-box (text "length" [:math] [:sub 1]) {:span 4})
(draw-box 0x14)
(draw-box (text "length" [:math] [:sub 1]) {:span 4})
(draw-gap "Cue and loop point bytes")
(draw-box nil :box-below)
(draw-box 0x11)
(draw-box 0x36 {:span 4})
(draw-box 0x11)
(draw-box (text "num" [:math] [:sub "hot"]) {:span 4})
(draw-box 0x11)
(draw-box (text "num" [:math] [:sub "cue"]) {:span 4})
(draw-box 0x11)
(draw-box (text "length" [:math] [:sub 2]) {:span 4})
(draw-box 0x14)
(draw-box (text "length" [:math] [:sub 2]) {:span 4})
(draw-gap "Unknown bytes" {:min-label-columns 6})
seqdiag {
browser -> webserver [label = "GET /seqdiag/svg/base64"];
webserver -> processor [label = "Convert text to image"];
webserver <-- processor;
browser <-- webserver;
actdiag {
write -> convert -> image
lane user {
label = "User"
write [label = "Writing text"];
image [label = "Get diagram image"];
lane Kroki {
convert [label = "Convert text to image"];
nwdiag {
network dmz {
address = "210.x.x.x/24"
web01 [address = "210.x.x.1"];
web02 [address = "210.x.x.2"];
network internal {
address = "172.x.x.x/24";
web01 [address = "172.x.x.1"];
web02 [address = "172.x.x.2"];
packetdiag {
colwidth = 32;
node_height = 72;
0-15: Source Port;
16-31: Destination Port;
32-63: Sequence Number;
64-95: Acknowledgment Number;
96-99: Data Offset;
100-105: Reserved;
106: URG [rotate = 270];
107: ACK [rotate = 270];
108: PSH [rotate = 270];
109: RST [rotate = 270];
110: SYN [rotate = 270];
111: FIN [rotate = 270];
112-127: Window;
128-143: Checksum;
144-159: Urgent Pointer;
160-191: (Options and Padding);
192-223: data [colheight = 3];
rackdiag {
1: UPS [2U];
3: DB Server;
4: Web Server;
5: Web Server;
6: Web Server;
7: Load Balancer;
8: L3 Switch;
C4 with PlantUML
!include C4_Context.puml
title System Context diagram for Internet Banking System
Person(customer, "Banking Customer", "A customer of the bank, with personal bank accounts.")
System(banking_system, "Internet Banking System", "Allows customers to check their accounts.")
System_Ext(mail_system, "E-mail system", "The internal Microsoft Exchange e-mail system.")
System_Ext(mainframe, "Mainframe Banking System", "Stores all of the core banking information.")
Rel(customer, banking_system, "Uses")
Rel_Back(customer, mail_system, "Sends e-mails to")
Rel_Neighbor(banking_system, mail_system, "Sends e-mails", "SMTP")
Rel(banking_system, mainframe, "Uses")
| |
| User |
| |
request |
| |
| Kroki |
| |---+
+-------------+ |
^ ^ | inflate
| | |
v +---------+
| |
| Ditaa |
| |----+
+-------------+ |
^ | process
| |
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digraph D {
subgraph cluster_p {
label = "Kroki";
subgraph cluster_c1 {
label = "Server";
subgraph cluster_gc_1 {
label = "Docker/Server";
subgraph cluster_gc_2 {
label = "Docker/Mermaid";
subgraph cluster_c2 {
label = "CLI";
graph TD
A[ Anyone ] -->|Can help | B( Go to )
B --> C{ How to contribute? }
C --> D[ Reporting bugs ]
C --> E[ Sharing ideas ]
C --> F[ Advocating ]
[Pirate|eyeCount: Int|raid();pillage()|
[beard]-:>[foul mouth]
[Pirate]- 0..7[mischief]
[Pirate]-> *[rum|tastiness: Int|swig()]
$r = 0.2in
linerad = 0.75*$r
linewid = 0.25
# Start and end blocks
box "element" bold fit
line down 50% from last box.sw
dot rad 250% color black
X0: last.e + (0.3,0)
arrow from last dot to X0
move right 3.9in
box wid 5% ht 25% fill black
X9: last.w - (0.3,0)
arrow from X9 to last box.w
# The main rule that goes straight through from start to finish
box "object-definition" italic fit at 11/16 way between X0 and X9
arrow to X9
arrow from X0 to last box.w
# The LABEL: rule
arrow right $r from X0 then down 1.25*$r then right $r
oval " LABEL " fit
arrow 50%
oval "\":\"" fit
arrow 200%
box "position" italic fit
line right until even with X9 - ($r,0) \
then up until even with X9 then to X9
arrow from last oval.e right $r*0.5 then up $r*0.8 right $r*0.8
line up $r*0.45 right $r*0.45 then right
# The VARIABLE = rule
arrow right $r from X0 then down 2.5*$r then right $r
oval " VARIABLE " fit
arrow 70%
box "assignment-operator" italic fit
arrow 70%
box "expr" italic fit
line right until even with X9 - ($r,0) \
then up until even with X9 then to X9
# The PRINT rule
arrow right $r from X0 then down 3.75*$r then right $r
oval "\"print\"" fit
box "print-args" italic fit
line right until even with X9 - ($r,0) \
then up until even with X9 then to X9
Bob -> Alice : hello [[]]
Alice -> Wander: hello
Wonderland -> next: hello
next -> Last: hello
Last -> next: hello
next -> Wonderland : hello
Wonderland -> Alice : WTF?
Alice -> Bob: hello
.-,( ),-.
___ _ .-( )-.
[___]|=| -->( ) __________
/::/ |_| '-( ).-' --->[_...__... ]
'-.( ).-'
\ ____ __
'--->| | |==|
|____| | |
/::::/ |__|
UMlet (
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D2 Parser: {
shape: class
# Default visibility is + so no need to specify.
+reader: io.RuneReader
readerPos: d2ast.Position
# Private field.
-lookahead: "[]rune"
# Protected field.
# We have to escape the # to prevent the line from being parsed as a comment.
\#lookaheadPos: d2ast.Position
+peek(): (r rune, eof bool)
\#peekn(n int): (s string, eof bool)
"" -> D2 Parser
{ signal: [
{ name: "clk", wave: "p.....|..." },
{ name: "Data", wave: "x.345x|=.x", data: ["head", "body", "tail", "data"] },
{ name: "Request", wave: "0.1..0|1.0" },
{ name: "Acknowledge", wave: "1.....|01." }