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CuTe Layouts

This document describes Layout, CuTe's core abstraction. Fundamentally, a Layout maps from coordinate space(s) to an index space.

Layouts present a common interface to multidimensional array access that abstracts away the details of how the array's elements are organized in memory. This lets users write algorithms that access multidimensional arrays generically, so that layouts can change, without users' code needing to change. For example, a row-major MxN layout and a column-major MxN layout can be treated identically in software.

CuTe also provides an "algebra of Layouts." Layouts can be combined and manipulated to construct more complicated layouts and to tile layouts across other layouts. This can help users do things like partition layouts of data over layouts of threads.

Fundamental Types and Concepts


CuTe makes great use of dynamic (known only at run-time) and static (known at compile-time) integers.

  • Dynamic integers (or "run-time integers") are just ordinary integral types like int or size_t or uint16_t. Anything that is accepted by std::is_integral<T> is considered a dynamic integer in CuTe.

  • Static integers (or "compile-time integers") are instantiations of types like std::integral_constant<Value>. These types encode the value as a static constexpr member. They also support casting to their underlying dynamic types, so they can be used in expressions with dynamic integers. CuTe defines its own CUDA-compatibe static integer types cute::C<Value> along with overloaded math operators so that math on static integers results in static integers. CuTe defines shortcut aliases Int<1>, Int<2>, Int<3> and _1, _2, _3 as conveniences, which you should see often within examples.

CuTe attempts to handle static and dynamic integers identically. In the examples that follow, all dynamic integers could be replaced with static integers and vice versa. When we say "integer" in CuTe, we almost always mean a static OR dynamic integer.

CuTe provides a number of traits to work with integers.

  • cute::is_integral<T>: Checks whether T is a static or dynamic integer type.
  • cute::is_std_integral<T>: Checks whether T is a dynamic integer type. Equivalent to std::is_integral<T>.
  • cute::is_static<T>: Checks whether T is an empty type (so instantiations cannot depend on any dynamic information). Equivalent to std::is_empty.
  • cute::is_constant<N,T>: Checks that T is a static integer AND its value is equivalent to N.

See the integral_constant implementations for more information.


A tuple is a finite ordered list of zero or more elements. The cute::tuple class behaves like std::tuple, but works on device and host. It imposes restrictions on its template arguments and strips down the implementation for performance and simplicity.


CuTe defines the IntTuple concept as either an integer, or a tuple of IntTuples. Note the recursive definition. In C++, we define operations on IntTuple.

Examples of IntTuples include:

  • int{2}, the dynamic integer 2.
  • Int<3>{}, the static integer 3.
  • make_tuple(int{2}, Int<3>{}), the tuple of dynamic-2, and static-3.
  • make_tuple(uint16_t{42}, make_tuple(Int<1>{}, int32_t{3}), Int<17>{}), the tuple of dynamic-42, tuple of static-1 and dynamic-3, and static-17.

CuTe reuses the IntTuple concept for many different things, including Shape, Stride, Step, and Coord (see include/cute/layout.hpp).

Operations defined on IntTuples include the following.

  • rank(IntTuple): The number of elements in an IntTuple. A single integer has rank 1, and a tuple has rank tuple_size.

  • get<I>(IntTuple): The Ith element of the IntTuple, with I < rank. For single integers, get<0> is just that integer.

  • depth(IntTuple): The number of hierarchical IntTuples. A single integer has depth 0, a tuple of integers has depth 1, a tuple that contains a tuple of integers has depth 2, etc.

  • size(IntTuple): The product of all elements of the IntTuple.

We write IntTuples with parentheses to denote the hierarchy. For example, 6, (2), (4,3), and (3,(6,2),8) are all IntTuples.

Shapes and Strides

Both Shape and Stride are IntTuple concepts.


A Layout is a tuple of (Shape, Stride). Semantically, it implements a mapping from any coordinate within the Shape to an index via the Stride.


A Layout can be composed with data -- e.g., a pointer or an array -- to create a Tensor. The index generated by the Layout is used to subscript an iterator to retrieve the appropriate data. For details on Tensor, please refer to the Tensor section of the tutorial.

Layout Creation and Use

A Layout is a pair of IntTuples: the Shape and the Stride. The first element defines the abstract shape of the Layout, and the second element defines the strides, which map from coordinates within the shape to the index space.

We define many operations on Layouts analogous to those defined on IntTuple.

  • rank(Layout): The number of modes in a Layout. Equivalent to the tuple size of the Layout's shape.

  • get<I>(Layout): The Ith sub-layout of the Layout, with I < rank.

  • depth(Layout): The depth of the Layout's shape. A single integer has depth 0, a tuple of integers has depth 1, a tuple of tuples of integers has depth 2, etc.

  • shape(Layout): The shape of the Layout.

  • stride(Layout): The stride of the Layout.

  • size(Layout): The size of the Layout function's domain. Equivalent to size(shape(Layout)).

  • cosize(Layout): The size of the Layout function's codomain (not necessarily the range). Equivalent to A(size(A) - 1) + 1.

Hierarchical access functions

IntTuples and Layouts can be arbitrarily nested. For convenience, we define versions of some of the above functions that take a sequence of integers, instead of just one integer. This makes it possible to access elements inside of nested IntTuple or Layout more easily. For example, we permit get<I...>(x), where I... is a "C++ parameter pack" that denotes zero or more (integer) template arguments. These hierarchical access functions include the following.

  • get<I0,I1,...,IN>(x) := get<IN>(...(get<I1>(get<I0>(x)))...). Extract the INth of the ... of the I1st of the I0th element of x.

  • rank<I...>(x) := rank(get<I...>(x)). The rank of the element of x.

  • depth<I...>(x) := depth(get<I...>(x)). The depth of the element of x.

  • shape<I...>(x) := shape(get<I...>(x)). The shape of the element of x.

  • size<I...>(x) := size(get<I...>(x)). The size of the element of x.

In the following examples, you'll see use of size<0> and size<1> to determine loops bounds for the 0th and 1st mode of a layout or tensor.

Constructing a Layout

A Layout can be constructed in many different ways. It can include any combination of compile-time (static) integers or run-time (dynamic) integers.

Layout s8 = make_layout(Int<8>{});
Layout d8 = make_layout(8);

Layout s2xs4 = make_layout(make_shape(Int<2>{},Int<4>{}));
Layout s2xd4 = make_layout(make_shape(Int<2>{},4));

Layout s2xd4_a = make_layout(make_shape (Int< 2>{},4),
Layout s2xd4_col = make_layout(make_shape(Int<2>{},4),
Layout s2xd4_row = make_layout(make_shape(Int<2>{},4),

Layout s2xh4 = make_layout(make_shape (2,make_shape (2,2)),
Layout s2xh4_col = make_layout(shape(s2xh4),

The make_layout function returns a Layout. It deduces the types of the function's arguments and returns a Layout with the appropriate template arguments. Similarly, the make_shape and make_stride functions return a Shape resp. Stride. CuTe often uses these make_* functions due to restrictions around constructor template argument deduction (CTAD) and to avoid having to repeat static or dynamic integer types.

When the Stride argument is omitted, it is generated from the provided Shape with LayoutLeft as default. The LayoutLeft tag constructs strides as an exclusive prefix product of the Shape from left to right, without regard to the Shape's hierarchy. This can be considered a "generalized column-major stride generation". The LayoutRight tag constructs strides as an exclusive prefix product of the Shape from right to left, without regard to the Shape's hierarchy. For shapes of depth one, this can be considered a "row-major stride generation", but for hierarchical shapes the resulting strides may be surprising. For example, the strides of s2xh4 above could be generated with LayoutRight.

Calling print on each layout above results in the following

s8        :  _8:_1
d8        :  8:_1
s2xs4     :  (_2,_4):(_1,_2)
s2xd4     :  (_2,4):(_1,_2)
s2xd4_a   :  (_2,4):(_12,_1)
s2xd4_col :  (_2,4):(_1,_2)
s2xd4_row :  (_2,4):(4,_1)
s2xh4     :  (2,(2,2)):(4,(2,1))
s2xh4_col :  (2,(2,2)):(_1,(2,4))

The Shape:Stride notation is used quite often for Layout. The _N notation is shorthand for a static integer while other integers are dynamic integers. Observe that both Shape and Stride may be composed of both static and dynamic integers.

Also note that the Shape and Stride are assumed to be congruent. That is, Shape and Stride have the same tuple profiles. For every integer in Shape, there is a corresponding integer in Stride. This can be asserted with

static_assert(congruent(my_shape, my_stride));

Using a Layout

The fundamental use of a Layout is to map between coordinate space(s) defined by the Shape and an index space defined by the Stride. For example, to print an arbitrary rank-2 layout in a 2-D table, we can write the function

template <class Shape, class Stride>
void print2D(Layout<Shape,Stride> const& layout)
  for (int m = 0; m < size<0>(layout); ++m) {
    for (int n = 0; n < size<1>(layout); ++n) {
      printf("%3d  ", layout(m,n));

which produces the following output for the above examples.

> print2D(s2xs4)
  0    2    4    6
  1    3    5    7
> print2D(s2xd4_a)
  0    1    2    3
 12   13   14   15
> print2D(s2xh4_col)
  0    2    4    6
  1    3    5    7
> print2D(s2xh4)
  0    2    1    3
  4    6    5    7

We can see static, dynamic, row-major, column-major, and hierarchical layouts printed here. The statement layout(m,n) provides the mapping of the logical 2-D coordinate (m,n) to the 1-D index.

Interestingly, the s2xh4 example isn't row-major or column-major. Furthermore, it has three modes but is still interpreted as rank-2 and we're using a 2-D coordinate. Specifically, s2xh4 has a 2-D multi-mode in the second mode, but we're still able to use a 1-D coordinate for that mode. More on this in the next section, but first we can generalize this another step. Let's use a 1-D coordinate and treat all of the modes of each layout as a single multi-mode. For instance, the following print1D function

template <class Shape, class Stride>
void print1D(Layout<Shape,Stride> const& layout)
  for (int i = 0; i < size(layout); ++i) {
    printf("%3d  ", layout(i));

produces the following output for the above examples.

> print1D(s2xs4)
  0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7
> print1D(s2xd4_a)
  0   12    1   13    2   14    3   15
> print1D(s2xh4_col)
  0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7
> print1D(s2xh4)
  0    4    2    6    1    5    3    7

Any multi-mode of a layout, including the entire layout itself, can accept a 1-D coordinate. More on this in the following sections.

CuTe provides more printing utilities for visualizing Layouts. The print_layout function produces a formatted 2-D table of the Layout's mapping.

> print_layout(s2xh4)
      0   1   2   3
 0  | 0 | 2 | 1 | 3 |
 1  | 4 | 6 | 5 | 7 |

The print_latex function generates LaTeX that can be compiled with pdflatex into a color-coded vector graphics image of the same 2-D table.

Vector Layouts

We define a vector as any Layout with rank == 1. For example, the layout 8:1 can be interpreted as an 8-element vector whose indices are contiguous.

Layout:  8:1
Coord :  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
Index :  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7

Similarly, the layout 8:2 can be interpreted as an 8-element vector where the indices of the elements are strided by 2.

Layout:  8:2
Coord :  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
Index :  0  2  4  6  8 10 12 14

By the above rank-1 definition, we also interpret layout ((4,2)):((2,1)) as a vector, since its shape is rank-1. The inner shape looks like a 4x2 row-major matrix, but the extra pair of parenthesis suggest we can interpret those two modes as a 1-D 8-element vector. The strides tell us that the first 4 elements are strided by 2 and then there are 2 of those first elements strided by 1.

Layout:  ((4,2)):((2,1))
Coord :  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
Index :  0  2  4  6  1  3  5  7

We can see the second set of 4 elements are duplicates of the first 4 with an extra stride of 1.

Consider the layout ((4,2)):((1,4)). Again, it's 4 elements strided by 1 and then 2 of those first elements strided by 4.

Layout:  ((4,2)):((1,4))
Coord :  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
Index :  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7

As a function from integers to integers, it's identical to 8:1. It's the identity function.

Matrix examples

Generalizing, we define a matrix as any Layout that is rank-2. For example,

Shape :  (4,2)
Stride:  (1,4)
  0   4
  1   5
  2   6
  3   7

is a 4x2 column-major layout with stride-1 down the columns and stride-4 across the rows, and

Shape :  (4,2)
Stride:  (2,1)
  0   1
  2   3
  4   5
  6   7

is a 4x2 row-major layout with stride-2 down the columns and stride-1 across the rows. Majorness is simply which mode has stride-1.

Just like the vector layouts, each of the modes of the matrix can also be split into multi-modes. This lets us express more layouts beyond just row-major and column-major. For example,

Shape:  ((2,2),2)
Stride: ((4,1),2)
  0   2
  4   6
  1   3
  5   7

is also logically 4x2, with stride-2 across the rows but a multi-stride down the columns. The first 2 elements down the column have a stride of 4 and then there is a copy of those with stride-1. Since this layout is logically 4x2, like the column-major and row-major examples above, we can still use 2-D coordinates to index into it.

Layout Concepts

In this section, we'll introduce the coordinate sets that Layouts accept and how the coordinate mappings and index mappings are computed.

Layout compatibility

We say that layout A is compatible with layout B if the shape of A is compatible with the shape of B. Shape A is compatible with shape B if

  • the size of A is equal to the size of B and
  • all coordinates within A are valid coordinates within B.

For example:

  • Shape 24 is NOT compatible with Shape 32.
  • Shape 24 is compatible with Shape (4,6).
  • Shape (4,6) is compatible with Shape ((2,2),6).
  • Shape ((2,2),6) is compatible with Shape ((2,2),(3,2)).
  • Shape 24 is compatible with Shape ((2,2),(3,2)).
  • Shape 24 is compatible with Shape ((2,3),4).
  • Shape ((2,3),4) is NOT compatible with Shape ((2,2),(3,2)).
  • Shape ((2,2),(3,2)) is NOT compatible with Shape ((2,3),4).
  • Shape 24 is compatible with Shape (24).
  • Shape (24) is NOT compatible with Shape 24.
  • Shape (24) is NOT compatible with Shape (4,6).

That is, compatible is a weak partial order on Shapes as it is reflexive, antisymmetric, and transitive.

Layouts Coordinates

With the notion of compatibility above, we emphasize that every Layout accepts multiple kinds of coordinates. Every Layout accepts coordinates for any Shape that is compatible with it. CuTe provides mappings between these sets of coordinates via a colexicographical order.

Thus, all Layouts provide two fundamental mappings:

  • the map from an input coordinate to the corresponding natural coordinate via the Shape, and
  • the map from a natural coordinate to the index via the Stride.

Coordinate Mapping

The map from an input coordinate to a natural coordinate is the application of a colexicographical order (reading right to left, instead of "lexicographical," which reads left to right) within the Shape.

Take the shape (3,(2,3)), for example. This shape has three coordinate sets: the 1-D coordinates, the 2-D coordinates, and the natural (h-D) coordinates.

1-D 2-D Natural 1-D 2-D Natural
0 (0,0) (0,(0,0)) 9 (0,3) (0,(1,1))
1 (1,0) (1,(0,0)) 10 (1,3) (1,(1,1))
2 (2,0) (2,(0,0)) 11 (2,3) (2,(1,1))
3 (0,1) (0,(1,0)) 12 (0,4) (0,(0,2))
4 (1,1) (1,(1,0)) 13 (1,4) (1,(0,2))
5 (2,1) (2,(1,0)) 14 (2,4) (2,(0,2))
6 (0,2) (0,(0,1)) 15 (0,5) (0,(1,2))
7 (1,2) (1,(0,1)) 16 (1,5) (1,(1,2))
8 (2,2) (2,(0,1)) 17 (2,5) (2,(1,2))

Each coordinate into the shape (3,(2,3)) has two equivalent coordinates and all equivalent coordinates map to the same natural coordinate. To emphasize again, because all of the above coordinates are valid inputs, a Layout with Shape (3,(2,3)) can be used as if it is a 1-D array of 18 elements by using the 1-D coordinates, a 2-D matrix of 3x6 elements by using the 2-D coordinates, or a h-D tensor of 3x(2x3) elements by using the h-D (natural) coordinates.

The previous 1-D print demonstrates how CuTe identifies 1-D coordinates with a colexicographical ordering of 2-D coordinates. Iterating from i = 0 to size(layout) and indexing into our layout with the single integer coordinate i, traverses the 2-D coordinates in this "generalized-column-major" order, even if the layout maps coordinates to indices in a row-major or more complex fashion.

The function cute::idx2crd(idx, shape) is responsible for the coordinate mapping. It will take any coordinate within the shape and compute the equivalent natural coordinate for that shape.

auto shape = Shape<_3,Shape<_2,_3>>{};
print(idx2crd(   16, shape));                                // (1,(1,2))
print(idx2crd(_16{}, shape));                                // (_1,(_1,_2))
print(idx2crd(make_coord(   1,5), shape));                   // (1,(1,2))
print(idx2crd(make_coord(_1{},5), shape));                   // (_1,(1,2))
print(idx2crd(make_coord(   1,make_coord(1,   2)), shape));  // (1,(1,2))
print(idx2crd(make_coord(_1{},make_coord(1,_2{})), shape));  // (_1,(1,_2))

Index Mapping

The map from a natural coordinate to an index is performed by taking the inner product of the natural coordinate with the Layout's Stride.

Take the layout (3,(2,3)):(3,(12,1)), for example. Then a natural coordinate (i,(j,k)) will result in the index i*3 + j*12 + k*1. The indices this layout computes are shown in the 2-D table below where i is used as the row coordinate and (j,k) is used as the column coordinate.

       0     1     2     3     4     5     <== 1-D col coord
     (0,0) (1,0) (0,1) (1,1) (0,2) (1,2)   <== 2-D col coord (j,k)
 0  |  0  |  12 |  1  |  13 |  2  |  14 |
 1  |  3  |  15 |  4  |  16 |  5  |  17 |
 2  |  6  |  18 |  7  |  19 |  8  |  20 |

The function cute::crd2idx(c, shape, stride) is responsible for the index mapping. It will take any coordinate within the shape, compute the equivalent natural coordinate for that shape (if it is not already), and compute the inner product with the strides.

auto shape  = Shape <_3,Shape<  _2,_3>>{};
auto stride = Stride<_3,Stride<_12,_1>>{};
print(crd2idx(   16, shape, stride));       // 17
print(crd2idx(_16{}, shape, stride));       // _17
print(crd2idx(make_coord(   1,   5), shape, stride));  // 17
print(crd2idx(make_coord(_1{},   5), shape, stride));  // 17
print(crd2idx(make_coord(_1{},_5{}), shape, stride));  // _17
print(crd2idx(make_coord(   1,make_coord(   1,   2)), shape, stride));  // 17
print(crd2idx(make_coord(_1{},make_coord(_1{},_2{})), shape, stride));  // _17

Layout Manipulation


Sublayouts can be retrieved with layout<I...>

Layout a   = Layout<Shape<_4,Shape<_3,_6>>>{}; // (4,(3,6)):(1,(4,12))
Layout a0  = layout<0>(a);                     // 4:1
Layout a1  = layout<1>(a);                     // (3,6):(4,12)
Layout a10 = layout<1,0>(a);                   // 3:4
Layout a11 = layout<1,1>(a);                   // 6:12

or select<I...>

Layout a   = Layout<Shape<_2,_3,_5,_7>>{};     // (2,3,5,7):(1,2,6,30)
Layout a13 = select<1,3>(a);                   // (3,7):(2,30)
Layout a01 = select<0,1,3>(a);                 // (2,3,7):(1,2,30)
Layout a2  = select<2>(a);                     // (5):(6)

or take<ModeBegin, ModeEnd>

Layout a   = Layout<Shape<_2,_3,_5,_7>>{};     // (2,3,5,7):(1,2,6,30)
Layout a13 = take<1,3>(a);                     // (3,5):(2,6)
Layout a14 = take<1,4>(a);                     // (3,5,7):(2,6,30)
// take<1,1> not allowed. Empty layouts not allowed.


A Layout can be provided to make_layout to wrap and concatenate

Layout a = Layout<_3,_1>{};                     // 3:1
Layout b = Layout<_4,_3>{};                     // 4:3
Layout row = make_layout(a, b);                 // (3,4):(1,3)
Layout col = make_layout(b, a);                 // (4,3):(3,1)
Layout q   = make_layout(row, col);             // ((3,4),(4,3)):((1,3),(3,1))
Layout aa  = make_layout(a);                    // (3):(1)
Layout aaa = make_layout(aa);                   // ((3)):((1))
Layout d   = make_layout(a, make_layout(a), a); // (3,(3),3):(1,(1),1)

or can be combined with append, prepend, or replace.

Layout a = Layout<_3,_1>{};                     // 3:1
Layout b = Layout<_4,_3>{};                     // 4:3
Layout ab = append(a, b);                       // (3,4):(1,3)
Layout ba = prepend(a, b);                      // (4,3):(3,1)
Layout c  = append(ab, ab);                     // (3,4,(3,4)):(1,3,(1,3))
Layout d  = replace<2>(c, b);                   // (3,4,4):(1,3,3)

Grouping and flattening

Layout modes can be grouped with group<ModeBegin, ModeEnd> and flattened with flatten.

Layout a = Layout<Shape<_2,_3,_5,_7>>{};  // (_2,_3,_5,_7):(_1,_2,_6,_30)
Layout b = group<0,2>(a);                 // ((_2,_3),_5,_7):((_1,_2),_6,_30)
Layout c = group<1,3>(b);                 // ((_2,_3),(_5,_7)):((_1,_2),(_6,_30))
Layout f = flatten(b);                    // (_2,_3,_5,_7):(_1,_2,_6,_30)
Layout e = flatten(c);                    // (_2,_3,_5,_7):(_1,_2,_6,_30)

Grouping, flattening, and reordering modes allows the reinterpretation of tensors in place as matrices, matrices as vectors, vectors as matrices, etc.


Layouts can be sliced, but slicing is more appropriate to perform on Tensors. See the Tensor section for slicing details.


  • The Shape of a Layout defines its coordinate space(s).

    • Every Layout has a 1-D coordinate space. This can be used to iterate over the coordinate spaces in a colexicographical order.

    • Every Layout has a R-D coordinate space, where R is the rank of the layout. The colexicographical enumeration of the R-D coordinates correspond to the 1-D coordinates above.

    • Every Layout has an h-D (natural) coordinate space where h is "hierarchical." These are ordered colexicographically and the enumeration of that order corresponds to the 1-D coordinates above. A natural coordinate is congruent to the Shape so that each element of the coordinate has a corresponding element of the Shape.

  • The Stride of a Layout maps coordinates to indices.

    • The inner product of the elements of the natural coordinate with the elements of the Stride produces the resulting index.

For each Layout there exists an integral Shape that is that compatible with that Layout. Namely, that integral shape is size(layout). We can then observe that

Layouts are functions from integers to integers.

If you're familiar with the C++23 feature mdspan, this is an important difference between mdspan layout mappings and CuTe Layouts. In CuTe, Layout is a first class citizen, is natively hierarchical to naturally represent functions beyond row-major and column-major, and can similarly be indexed with a hierarchy of coordinates. (mdspan layout mappings can represent hierarchical functions as well, but this requires defining a custom layout.) Input coordinates for an mdspan must have the same shape as the mdspan; a multidimensional mdspan does not accept 1-D coordinates.