b&w color palette
b&w color palette
fix social media link pop-in
fix social media link pop-in
add social media links
add social media links
add example contentlayer.config.ts
add example contentlayer.config.ts
ci: update url-rewrites/vercel.json
ci: update url-rewrites/vercel.json
ci: update url-rewrites/vercel.json
ci: update url-rewrites/vercel.json
refactor: @nrwl/workspace:run-commands --> nx:run-commands
refactor: @nrwl/workspace:run-commands --> nx:run-commands
fix: use svh instead of vh
fix: use svh instead of vh
ci: update url-rewrites/vercel.json
ci: update url-rewrites/vercel.json
chore: replace placeholder Next.js + Nx page
chore: replace placeholder Next.js + Nx page
fix: too many redirects issue
fix: too many redirects issue
ci: update url-rewrites/vercel.json
ci: update url-rewrites/vercel.json
ci: set buildCommand to null
ci: set buildCommand to null
ci: set framwork to null ("other")
ci: set framwork to null ("other")
ci: add vercel.json
ci: add vercel.json
chore: format url-rewrites/vercel.json
chore: format url-rewrites/vercel.json
chore: add url-rewrites/vercel.json
chore: add url-rewrites/vercel.json