- Drew Dearing: Server Manager and Frontend Developer
- Gerlou Shyy: API Specialist
- Daniel Olmos: Python Developer and Database Designer
- Kylie Sanderson: React Developer and Designer
- Daniel Talamas: Python Developer
- This website categorizes books, movies, and music by topic/subject to show related media and correlations between popular media and popular topics. For example, topics will have a number of media links to show how prominent a topic/subject is in media. It can be used for market research when creating a song/movie/book to see if a topic has been covered in a medium, or to see if a topic is currently trending.
- Link: http://poptopic.org
- We did a good job choosing a topic early, and we were good about meeting often and coordinating. We believe the website was very user friendly and well-designed.
- We learned how to use a lot of new tools we weren't familiar with before
- We also believe this project was a valuable experience for us to have
- Could have done a better job planning out what time we want to meet by making plans earlier, instead of on the day of so we could prepare more.
- Mocha and and/or filtering for model specific attributes
- Grid pages could scale better in responsive design
- We were puzzled by how much media falls under so few topics; there were a lot more connections than we would've guessed when we first started
- Good idea for a site
- Good UI - easy to navigate
- For their cities page, we like that they have a map for each city
- As customers, we felt that our feedback was always welcome and appreciated.
- Learned about the possible flights to various destinations
- Took a look at these destinations in real time to see what's going on there.
- They helped us implement filtering (using react-select) and how they were able to change the grid pages based on that filtering by using child-relationships between JS classes and passing functions through props.
- The filtering could be nicer and easier to use
- We think their website could be a little more visually appealng
- The documentation for their API was a bit confusing and unclear. We were also disappointed filtering was only implemented for a handful of features for the webcams.
- As said before, there is not much that puzzles us
- We wonder why locations with no incoming or outgoing flights are included in the website