A discord bot that somewhat accurately depicts scouting in LLSIF
To add the bot to your server:
[args] represents optional arguments
- !help [command name] - Get more detailed information on how to use a command
- !album [args] - View your album
- !view [card id] [idolized] - View a card in your album
- !idolize [card id] - Idolize a card in your album
- !scout [args] - Solo pull
- !scout11 [args] - 10+1 pull (guaranteed SR)
- !scoutregular/!scoutr [args]
- !scoutregular10/!scoutr10 [args]
- !scoutcoupon/!scoutc [args]
- !feedback - Submit feedback to the developers
- !mystats - Some fun stats about your album
- !botstats - Some fun stats about the bot
- !prefix - Change the prefix on a per server basis
- !resetprefix - In case of emergency, please use this command
This bot would not have been possible without the following projects:
- School Idol Tomodachi API https://github.com/SchoolIdolTomodachi/SchoolIdolAPI/wiki/LoveLive!-School-Idol-API
- discord.py https://github.com/Rapptz/discord.py
- Python Pillow https://python-pillow.org/