- Breaking change,
now requires aPolylineRequest
object - Updated http package
- Bug fixes and general improvements Special thanks to these contributors:
- @tetrix
- @fadimanakilci
- @anixsam
Updated dependencies and added some new functionalities such as:
- Fetching alternative routes
- Optimised algorithm for web Special thanks to this contibutors for landing such huge PRs:
- @nnadir35
- @shkvoretz
Released a null safety version
updated http package
updating http dependency to ^0.13.0
Fixed issues with waypoint
Fixed a bug with adding waypoint to request thanks to EnzoSeason
FIxed issues with incorrect key being passed as travelmode Changed waypoint documentation
Breaking change, the response object has been refined to a more suitable object that contains the status of the api and the error message.
Add travel mode, thanks to @tuxbook Fixed unhandled error exception.
update readme.
initial release.