Complete the AWS configuration process required for the Rubrik CloudOn feature which provides the ability to convert a snapshot, an archived snapshot, or a replica into an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) and then run that AMI on an Amazon virtual private cloud (VPC).
The end-to-end workflow is as follows:
- Create Policies
- Create IAM User, Role, and Access Key
- Create Security Group
- Create S3 Bucket*
- A new KMS key is created (optional)
* The template can also consume a previously created IAM User or S3 Bucket
This is automated as a part of the CloudFormation template, however, permission templates can be found in this repo:
Navigate to Services > CloudFormation > Stacks and select Create Stack.
Either select Upload a template to Amazon S3 or, preferably, Specify an Amazon S3 template URL.
The template file can be downloaded here. Copy the following URL:
On the Specify Details page, enter the Stack name and the S3BucketName.
Press Next through the Options page.
Use the Review page to ensure all the information is correct. Press Create once reviewed.
Follow the Rubrik CDM User Guide to complete the setup.
This section provides information regarding the variables used in the template.
Variable | Default | Description |
CreateS3NewBucket | no | Create a new S3 Bucket to use as a Rubrik archival location. |
S3BucketName | n/a | The name of the S3 Bucket used as a Rubrik archival location. |
Variable | Default | Description |
VPC | n/a | Select the VPC for the archival location. |
Subnet | n/a | Select the Subnet for the archival location. |
OnPremRubrikCIDR | (example only) | The CIDR block for your on-prem Rubrik Cluster. |
SecurityGroupName | rubrik-cloudon | The name of the Security Group specific to Rubrik CloudOn. |
SecurityGroupDescription | Security group used for Rubrik CloudOn. | The description of the Security Group configured to allow the ports required for Rubrik CloudOn. |
SecurityGroupRoleDescription | Ports required for Rubrik CloudOn. | The description of the Security Group Ingress Role specific to Rubrik CloudOn |
Variable | Default | Description |
CreateNewUser | yes | Create a new IAM user specific to Rubrik CloudOn. If 'no' is selected the S3 IAM policy will be attached to the provided IAMUserName which should already be created. |
IAMUserName | rubrik-cloudon | The name of the new or existing IAM User to assign the new CloudOn specific policies to. |
CreateVMImportRole | yes | Create a new VM Import Role. If the vmimport role has already been created or if another stack controls the vmimport role creation process select 'no'. |
VMImportPolicyName | rubrik-vmimport-role | Name of Rubrik CloudOn specific policy for the VM Import Role. |
Default names and descriptions for the various IAM Users, Policies, and Security Group created during the process.
Variable | Default | Description |
UseKMS | yes | Create a new KMS key for encryption. |
Output from the CloudFormation template:
Variable | Description |
AWSBucketName | The S3 Bucket name. (if applicable) |
IAMUserAccessKey | Access Key for the new IAM User. (if applicable) |
IAMUserSecretKey | Secret Key for the new IAM user. (if applicable) |
KMSKeyId | The KMS Key ID used for encryption. (if applicable) |
Region | The AWS Region where the configuration took place. |
SecurityGroupId | ID for the newly created Security Group |
SubnetId | Subnet ID where the Rubrik Bolt Instances will run. |
VPCId | VPC ID where the Rubrik Bolt Instance is created. |