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File metadata and controls

109 lines (79 loc) · 4.42 KB

Setting Views

Views (Default Layout)

The event object is the object that will let you set the views that you want to render, so please explore its API in the CFC Docs. To quickly set a view to render, do the following:

event.setView( 'view' );

The view name is the name of the template in the views directory without appending the .cfm. If the view is inside another directory, you would do this:

event.setView( 'mydirectory/myView' );

The views you set will use the default layout defined in your configuration file which by default is the layouts/Main.cfm

{% hint style="info" %} We recommend that you set your views following the naming convention of your event. If your event is users.index, your view should be users/index. This will go a long way with maintainability and consistency and also will activate implicit views where you don't even have to use the set view method call. {% endhint %}

View With Custom Layouts

You can also use the setView(), setLayout() methods to tell the framework which view and layout combination to use:

function index( event, rc, prc ){
    // Inline
    event.setView( view="main/index", layout="2columns" );
    // Concatenated
    event.setView( "main/index" )
        .setLayout( "2columns" );

Views With No Layout

You can also tell the framework to set a view for rendering by itself with no layout using the noLayout argument

function index( event, rc, prc ){
    // Inline
    event.setView( view="widgets/users", nolayout=true );   

setView() Arguments

Here are the arguments for the setView() method:

* @view The name of the view to set. If a layout has been defined it will assign it, else if will assign the default layout. No extension please
* @args An optional set of arguments that will be available when the view is rendered
* @layout You can override the rendering layout of this setView() call if you want to. Else it defaults to implicit resolution or another override.
* @module The explicit module view
* @noLayout Boolean flag, wether the view sent in will be using a layout or not. Default is false. Uses a pre set layout or the default layout.
* @cache True if you want to cache the rendered view.
* @cacheTimeout The cache timeout in minutes
* @cacheLastAccessTimeout The last access timeout in minutes
* @cacheSuffix Add a cache suffix to the view cache entry. Great for multi-domain caching or i18n caching.
* @cacheProvider The cache provider you want to use for storing the rendered view. By default we use the 'template' cache provider
* @name This triggers a rendering region.  This will be the unique name in the request for specifying a rendering region, you can then render it by passing the unique name to renderView();

Cached Views

You can leverage the caching arguments in the setView() method in order to render and cache the output of the views once the framework renders it. These cached views will be stored in the template cache region, which you can retrieve or purge by talking to it: getCache( 'template' ).

// Cache in the template cache for the default amount of time
event.setView( view='myView', cache=true );
// Cache in the template cache for up to 60 minutes, or 20 minutes after the last time it's been used
event.setView( view='myView', cache=true, cacheTimeout=60, cacheLastAccessTimeout=20 );
// Cache a different version of the view for each language the site has
event.setView( view='myView', cache=true, cacheSuffix=prc.language );

View Arguments

Data can be passed from your handler to the view via rc or prc. If you want to pass data to a view without polluting rc and prc, you can pass it directly via the args parameter, much like a method call.

var viewData = {
  data1 = service.getData1(),
  data2 = service.getData2()

event.setView( view='myView', args=viewData );

Access the data in the view like so:

  Data 1: #args.data1#<br>
  Data 2: #args.data2#

No Rendering

If you don't want to, you don't have to. The framework gives you a method in the event object that you can use if this specific request should just terminate gracefully and not render anything at all. All you need to do is use the event object to call on the noRender() method and it will present to the user a lovely white page of death.
