All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
2.2.2 (2024-07-22)
2.2.1 (2024-05-06)
- #520 add empty scroll table doc (#521) (7c6cc60)
- tabs: add dt-tabs-nav-no-gap classname to clear gap (#559) (1e37966)
- #516 add dt-pagination-totalCount class (#517) (2eacc49)
- #518 horizontal scroll empty table style (#519) (c8093f6)
- #527 modal danger btn hover (#528) (19edf97)
- #530 .ant-modal-confirm-body > .anticon (#532) (1cd48f5)
- #534 tag color (#536) (151c13c)
- #545 Alert icon size (c167c5c)
- #550 danger button loading (1bddea1)
- #554 time date picker icon size (#555) (4e0f633)
- modal: when title large hidden close icon (#535) (dc86552)
- tabs: hover disable not show active (#557) (0950f0a)
2.2.0 (2024-04-30)
- #520 add empty scroll table doc (#521) (7c6cc60)
- tabs: add dt-tabs-nav-no-gap classname to clear gap (#559) (1e37966)
- #516 add dt-pagination-totalCount class (#517) (2eacc49)
- #518 horizontal scroll empty table style (#519) (c8093f6)
- #527 modal danger btn hover (#528) (19edf97)
- #530 .ant-modal-confirm-body > .anticon (#532) (1cd48f5)
- #534 tag color (#536) (151c13c)
- #545 Alert icon size (c167c5c)
- #550 danger button loading (1bddea1)
- #554 time date picker icon size (#555) (4e0f633)
- modal: when title large hidden close icon (#535) (dc86552)
- tabs: hover disable not show active (#557) (0950f0a)
2.1.1 (2023-05-17)
- .anticon-delete svg path (fee60ad)
- #484 form item feedback icon is fill (b81d829)
- #487 collapse ghost (2597d40)
- #501 QuestionCircleFilled (a5b76ee)
- #512 loading button (22aff03)
- add Search lead example #490 (#503) (b20e3aa)
- anticon-delete size (ffdb8a3)
- #479 table ant-table-cell-with-append (e429562)
- #479 table ant-table-cell-with-append (#480) (9b6d6a7)
- #496 replace svg path (2998f88)
2.1.0 (2022-12-15)
- #365 change btn text (949f3df)
- #455 onResizeStart onResizeStop (#458) (484006e)
- #471 ant-input-number-group-addon (#472) (b75fa1d)
- add cascader (df5a5fd)
- add checkbox of demo (fe89209)
- add drawer styles (86676e3)
- add dt-table-multi-line custom className (#459) (9218e10)
- add email and contribution (871778f)
- add images (3501414)
- add introduce (dfb3dcb)
- add (86122b9)
- add layout (570e66f)
- add modal styles (7d3b363)
- add new className for steps (#221) (16a68cc)
- add popover demo #119 (ee6ef11)
- add svg transform logic (d3be5c9)
- add svgs and generate custom icons (6165928)
- add Transfer #115 (cebb4d7)
- add ui 5.0 image (cd17954)
- change docs (5583fda)
- custom icon: base icon-svg-plugin (a199617)
- datepicker (b38aee8)
- datepicker (e6f1927)
- input the latest UI 5.x variable (63c573f)
- merge code (1c77fa4)
- modified border-radius (91cd42f)
- modified step styles (dcf2a54)
- modified White to white (0ff76a0)
- modify cascader's style (f450ce0)
- modify datepicker's style (7940a93)
- modify table hover background color #260 (#277) (b971581)
- mpdofied static (e7d29df)
- optimize datepicker's today' style (71af1ca)
- optimize input's style (7f3aed2)
- optimized breadcrumb separator (#437) (52e5cfd)
- optimized Descriptions #257 (#276) (a831a27)
- optimized dt-table-empty-top-20-percent empty hover style #469 (#470) (0361785)
- optimzed table container border-readius and scrollX box-shadow #465 (#468) (dc4a6c0)
- radio without radio-group (d885d35)
- removed ant-btn padding #450 (#452) (f0fd719)
- resize table (fb0d3cf)
- restore styles (Step, Tab, Breadcrumb) (dbe6274)
- small input's height (6661c6a)
- some dependencies (#180) (136c414)
- ui check (2bed81d)
- update banner.png (0a7fca5)
- update introduce (7bfc19a)
- update message and alert styles (4009695)
- update notice styles (eb3b54a)
- update select styles (378cfef)
- update UI 5.0 variables (c8921e4)
- upgrade [email protected] (bdf2d6f)
- upgrade form's style (3386f00)
- add demo(#132) (c2683b8)
- add disabled checkbox #109 (4724b96)
- add dropdown button style (#178) (42fa56a)
- autoComplete focus display error #189 (#199) (721192d)
- bug fix (#106) optimize table's style in Modal (4ad219a)
- bug fix (#106) update delete btn's style of delete modal (ee59847)
- bug fix (#109) update checkbox's style (58c6ec4)
- bug fix (#111) solve form's radio's style (ddaa712)
- bug fix (#111) update Form's style (1c1dc95)
- bug fix (#112) update radio's style (927686e)
- bug fix (#113) update datePicker's style (dbba13d)
- bug fix (#115) update transfer's style (95609d9)
- bug fix (#117) update descriptions' style (445aec4)
- bug fix (#120) update pagination's style (9cf3fe1)
- bug fix (#121) update tag's style (a3b8a6d)
- bug fix (#124) update category's style (ea745dc)
- bug fix (#129) update alert's style (46447b1)
- bug fix (#131) update drawer's text (ae0d1c1)
- bug fix (#97) change text of treeSelect (33b866c)
- bug fix (#97) update treeselect (7f8a49a)
- bug fix datepicker's style (d0f63d9)
- bug fix issue #93 (c6a1444)
- bug fix issue(#106) update modal's style (845691d)
- bug fix style radio of form (6c186db)
- bug fix(#107) update notification's style (5137733)
- bug fix(#123) update button's style (4c9070f)
- bug fix(#130) update Input's style (b3a3db8)
- fix ant-steps icon style (c4d5dc1)
- fix button style2.0 #123 (9905345)
- fix Cascader style_2.0 #93 (ea8d6d7)
- fix collapse style (d24fbe8)
- fix Collapse style_2.0 (dbd0e43)
- fix conflict to merge beta-2.0.0 (7eb9467)
- fix descriptions style (5030e22)
- fix dt-modal style (b17a0fe)
- fix Form style_2.0 (8acef23)
- fix input style (76ac1d8)
- fix input to search style (58cfa90)
- fix Modal style_2.0 (efd2e6e)
- fix Pagination style (e3859b9)
- fix Pagination style_2.0 #120 (0d319bf)
- fix Popover btn radius (cdc4167)
- fix popover style (185c7a0)
- fix radio style (4a519ad)
- fix select's dropdown's shadow-bg (9879ce3)
- fix select's padding (223e0e7)
- fix Steps style_2.0 (7bb4800)
- fix table style_2.0 (771c14f)
- fix table style_2.0 in mini footerHeight (a2d51a6)
- fix table's shadow-bg (5b8fe08)
- fix table's style (12b2eb0)
- fix Tabs style_2.0 (cc61cdd)
- fix tag style_2.0 #121 (49e46c7)
- fix treeSelect style2.0 (c191c85)
- icon import from @ant-design/icons (bd44ec3)
- modified breadcrumb styles (55aa94d)
- modified form styles (96f7ac4)
- modified tag styles (e9ce0ca)
- modified ui check (490d7b8)
- modify collapse style #116 (7da6d02)
- modify descriptions style #117 (9fc8391)
- modify Form demo style #111 (a97eb16)
- modify modal-footer btn style #106 (eed71e2)
- modify Notification style #107 (f4d1595)
- modify radio style #112 (824e931)
- modify showline style of Tree #124 (83ea26f)
- modify TimePicker style #113 (82b9e00)
- optimize form's style (#65) (1055e25)
- remove useless varible (20c6b5c)
- set pagination vertical (#200) (eff0ac1)
- some styles fixed (3f5ded9)
- style fix(#123) (50c93a3)
- update breadcrumb's style(#137) (3278e22)
- update collapse's style(#116) (8cfbada)
- update popover and popconfirm's style (0c12b2e)
- update popover's style(#119) (b700e5f)
- update tag's style(#121) (d6cf018)
- update timepicker's style (a7ef718)
- update transfer's style (b78f2f8)
- update transfer's style (#115) (6cc36f6)
2.0.0 (2022-03-28)
- add ReloadOutlined in button (c0913f7)
- adjust Form rules (305ec9f)
- delete useless code (17108d9)
- fix form's display after level to v4 (48bb1fa)
- modified calendar to ant-picker (1280fe1)
- update (6ce5247)
- update layout and form's style (beb7c40)
- update layout's display and style after level to 4 (6d87acc)
- update v4.0 style (acb07e0)
- upgrade antd to v3's top (8a8ed76)
- upgrade antd to v4 (60a2b78)
- upgrade try (ba49d99)
- add padding in ant-tabs-tab (0a578b2)
- change popupClassName to dropdownClassName (eb05d43)
- fix Input's display after level to v4 (e0bc9b1)
- modified padding in ant-alert (f6f42bf)
- repair button color (9951410)
- repair icon in empty (acbd4f3)
- there still exsists problem (a7fc6b2)
1.1.5 (2021-12-10)
- changelog: update change log doc (fcb28ca)
- fixHeight add small table (de3a1f5)
- button: add custom icon button (a665f16)
- steps: add standard navigation steps page (4e564c2)
- steps: move steps nav page to layout component (8f62f20)
- add size small table (b2c2c03)
- border-radius: 2px (b06afd8)
- table height 57px to 56px (70fa601)
- add dark steps nav page (3cd12e8)
- handle conflicts (7a82319)
- table: replace table border color (8e02634)
1.1.4 (2021-08-02)
- modify issues 24 in button.less (e9b34fd)
- modify theme import src (1bdd275)
- package: add commitizen (e126528)
- modify issues 24 in button.less (c6b9e2c)
- compatible import mode (31c4e94)
- handle conflict (783b5dc)
- package: deploy and publish command (cb170fa)
1.1.3 (2021-03-10)
- add keywords (4a90346)
- add repository (099cba2)
- modify gitignore (96d8098)
- update dist (df0b6a7)
- update dist (9b28a80)
- update doc (1713728)
- update readme (e88da47)
1.1.2 (2020-12-29)
1.1.1 (2020-12-29)
- update change-log (5706aec)
- fix tab page show (75f4028)
1.1.0 (2020-12-12)
- add danger disabled btn style (8a958fa)
- add dark color specification (66b3f5b)
- add english readme (92b4d0a)
- add repository (012d4ef)
- alert (445a70d)
- cascader and datePicker (acd2899)
- config dark theme (6ba3537)
- deal packages (3acbab8)
- form light theme (c6dca8c)
- import default (08680c9)
- input (a885312)
- input and select (9d41f85)
- message (1a8e403)
- modal style (9ce199c)
- modify chinese readme (0932559)
- modify CONTRIBUTING (426bdd2)
- modify doc and jekinsConfig (16d3315)
- modify gitignore (84a95d4)
- modify README and add CONTRIBUTING (bac913e)
- modify README and changeLog (21f2db0)
- modify the doc (9d20330)
- notification (36ab20f)
- treeSelect 、timePicker and datePicker (d6927ea)
- update changeLog (ab45253)
- update doc path (ac9b8a6)
- update (bc82d9d)
- dark: add button and modal style (38095dd)
- dark: form basic (60f54bf)
- dark: switch (09370ad)
- default: layout sider icon height (b503266)
- update readme (f6e8ecf)
- update README (5647cd8)
- update readme and nginx config (8361440)
- cahnglog (0f823bc)
1.0.9 (2020-07-31)
- add previously dt-common version (97b946a)
- add siderBar use iconfont (722a013)
- add webpackConfig (acb468b)
- devDependencies (d517e53)
- logo wrapper style (84616dd)
- sider icon size (5bd6764)
- update changelog (35565b6)
- update doc (55b6493)
- update version (34c7fbf)
1.0.7 (2020-07-02)
1.0.6 (2020-06-08)
1.2.0 (2020-04-30)
- add changelog (06ea20e)
- add develop (1a1ef87)
- body no hidden (375e802)
- header (fb15d16)
- modify doc (95b4323)
- modify README (f408590)
- markdown lint (25c0725)