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File metadata and controls

101 lines (71 loc) · 4.48 KB

Downloading DOC / DOCX Files from obtained URLS

All instructions are assumed to be executed from the root directory of the project, with the python virtual environment activated. In this example, we will be downloading files from the commoncrawl dump CC-MAIN-2023-06; in the previous step, we extracted URLs of possible interest to download files from. It is recommended to use absolute paths for arguments wherever possible, as outlined in the example.

Preparing URL list for input to nodes

In order to split the downloading task among multiple slurm nodes, the cleaned URL list obtained in the last step must be subdivided.

To do this, use the command:

python --cc_dump CC-MAIN-2023-06 --num_nodes 25

The cc_dump argument denotes the URL list being processed. After the previous pipeline phase, this list should be located in data/clean_urls/{cc_dump}.parquet.

The num_nodes argument must be the same as the number of slurm nodes you intend to run the download job on. If running via the launch-download-mp.sbatch script, it should be the same as sbatch array pragma: e.g. with array=1-25, this argument should be set to 25. If running locally, this argument should be set to 1.

After running this command, a folder data/clean_urls/{cc_dump} will be created, with .parquet files numbered 1-num_nodes, which will serve as inputs to each slurm node.

Running download script

Now that the distribution of .parquet files to slurm nodes has been set, we can run the download process. to run using sbatch, you can use the included script:

sbatch ./scripts/launch-download-mp.sbatch "./data/clean_urls/CC-MAIN-2023-06" 0 "./data/download/CC-MAIN-2023-06"

The first argument should be the folder which we created in the step above. The second argument should be the number of files each node will attempt to download; if set to 0 or less, each node will attempt to download all its assigned URLs. The third argument is the folder to which the downloaded files, the metadata parquets and the logs will be written.

To run locally, you may run:

--input "./data/clean_urls/CC-MAIN-2023-06/1.parquet"
--subset_size 0
--write_dir "./data/download/CC-MAIN-2023-06"

Note that a /1.parquet must be added to the end of the input in the local case, as your local machine will be operating analagously to a single slurm node. Again, the subset_size argument determines how many URLs to attempt to download from before stopping, and write_dir the directory all produced files will be written to.

Further customizations (such as max download attempts and allowed redirects) can also be made via the arguments of this python script.

After sucessful completion of the download job, there will be a folder containing multiple tar files (each referred to as a 'shard') with the downloaded documents, and a .parquet file containing metadata for each associated shard, together with log files per spawned worker. These files will be used in the next and final pipeline step, annotation.

Dumping metadata to Database

We include a script which will produce exportable URLs (all successful URLs including a bytehash of the URLs file response, to protect against poisoning) and can also be set to dump the metadata to a database (managed with alembic). To run this script:

--input "./data/download/CC-MAIN-2023-06"
--urls_dir "./data/clean_urls/CC-MAIN-2023-06"
--write_dir "./data/download_export"
--crawl_id "CC-MAIN-2023-06"

The input argument should be the directory containing the metadata files, and the urls_dir the directory containing the cleaned URLs which were used to initialize the download job (they are needed to perform sanity checks against actually processed URLs, and to generate the end report).

The write_dir argument specifies where the exportable URL files are written to, and crawl_id should be set as usual. The db_dump flag, if set, will write all download metadata to the doc_sources table.

Database Management

To create a new migration, add models in orm/, then run

alembic revision --autogenerate -m "Migration message here"

To update the database after creating new migrations, run

alembic upgrade heads

Note you must have psycopg2-binary installed, which does not always come through using requirements.txt.

pip install psycopg2-binary

Also, ensure that the database connection string in alembic.ini is correct.