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Colin Talbert edited this page May 2, 2017 · 25 revisions

Welcome to the fort-pymdwizard wiki!

Instructions for installing pymdwizard from source (on Windows). These are intended for someone with at least a basic familiarity with Python, Python installations, and perhaps GIT.

  1. Install Anaconda or Miniconda ( or While the code is 2-3 compatible I would recommend installing the Python 3 version (64x), as 2.7 is being phased out.

  2. Open the Anaconda command window

  3. Add the conda-forge channel:cd conda config --add channels conda-forge

  4. Create a pymdwizard environment: conda create --name pymdwizard python=3.5 pyqt=5.6.0

  5. Activate this environment: activate pymdwizard

  6. Install git: conda install git

  7. CD to the directory you want to install the actual wizard in: cd c:\projects

  8. clone our pymdwizard project: git clone

  9. CD into our project folder: cd fort-pymdwizard

  10. Install the rest of our requirements: conda install --yes --file requirements.txt

  11. (there might be a more elegant way to accomplish this)

  12. Launch the Wizard: python pymdwizard\gui\

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