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Step 5 Store element data

Ioannis Lilikakis edited this page Jun 23, 2022 · 13 revisions

Step 5 - Store element data

In this tutorial we will learn how to associate custom data with the elements of a forest and how to exchange data over the ghost elements of a parallel partition.

In the last tutorials we learned how to create a forest and adapt it. In step 4 we also learned about algorithms for partitioning, balancing and creating a ghost layer. In this tutorial we will start by performing all these operations in one step. Then, when we have our forest, we will continue with how to build a data array and gather data for the local elements of our process. Further we exchange the data values of the ghost elements and output the volume data to our .vtu file.

Adapt, Partition, Balance, Ghost

As announced in step4 - order of execution, it is possible to mix the t8_forest_set* functions together as you wish (see t8_forest.h). We can thus in one step adapt a forest, balance it, partition it and create a ghost layer with

t8_forest_t new_forest;
t8_forest_init (&new_forest);
t8_forest_set_user_data (new_forest, &data);
t8_forest_set_adapt (new_forest, forest, CALLBACK, recursive_flag);
t8_forest_set_partition (new_forest, forest, 0);
t8_forest_set_balance (new_forest, forest, no_partition_flag);
t8_forest_set_ghost (new_forest, 1, T8_GHOST_FACES);
t8_forest_commit (new_forest);

The order in which the t8_forest_set* functions are called is not relevant.

Let us execute the example with 4 MPI processes.

mpirun -np 4 ./t8_step5_element_data

As expected, the resulting forest looks like the adapted forest from step 4 (executed with 4 MPI processes) before it gets unbalanced.

Build data array and gather data for the local elements

To build a data array, we first nead to allocate memory at run time, which should happen via T8_ALLOC. The syntax of T8_ALLOC is similar to malloc. It requires a datatype and size to allocate the necessary memory. In our case we want to store the level and volume of each element. To do so, we create a struct with level and volume variables inside.

struct t8_step5_data_per_element
  int                 level;
  double              volume;

Since we a have activated ghost layer, the required size is the number of local elements plus the number of ghost elements. A look into t8_forest.h shows, that there are two handy functions.

num_local_elements = t8_forest_get_local_num_elements (forest);
num_ghost_elements = t8_forest_get_num_ghosts (forest);

Having alle requirements set, we now can allocate the memory.

element_data = T8_ALLOC (struct t8_step5_data_per_element, num_local_elements + num_ghost_elements);

In the latter case you need to use T8_FREE in order to free the memory as you would do with malloc.

Let us now fill the data with something. For this, we iterate through all trees and for each tree through all its elements, calling t8_forest_get_element_in_tree to get a pointer to the current element. Note, that this is the recommended and most performant way. An alternative is to iterate over the number of local elements and use t8_forest_get_element. However, this function needs to perform a binary search for the element and the tree it is in, while t8_forest_get_element_in_tree has a constant look up time. You should only use t8_forest_get_element if you do not know in which tree an element is.

The reason for the iteration through the trees and then through its elements is, that each tree may have a different element class and therefore also a different way to interpret its elements. You used different element classes allrady in step 1 - Creating a simple coarse mesh. In t8_eclass.h you will find all possible element classes (i.e. triangle, tetrahedron, square, etc.). You also may remember seeing or even using the eclass_scheme in step 3 - The adaptation callback before. The eclass_scheme was a parameter of the t8_forest_adapt_t callback function. In order to be able to handle elements of a tree, we need to get its eclass_scheme. The eclass_scheme stores for each element shape, one member of type t8_eclass_scheme_c which provides the necessary functions for this element shape. We could for example use t8_element_level to compute the element's level. Finally, we can now fill the first num_local_elements entries of our array.

Exchange the data values of the ghost elements

Until now, each process has computed the data entries for its local elements. In order to get the values for the ghost elements, we use t8_forest_ghost_exchange_data. Calling this function will fill all the ghost entries of our element data array with the value on the process that owns the corresponding element. This means that we don't have to iterate over all the elements again. t8code takes care of exchanging the data for us.

However, we have to do a little preparatory work, since t8_forest_ghost_exchange_data expects an sc_array. Therfor we wrap our data array to an sc_array.

sc_array_wrapper = sc_array_new_data (element_data, sizeof(struct t8_step5_data_per_element), num_local_elements + num_ghost_elements);

Carry out the data exchange.

t8_forest_ghost_exchange_data (forest, sc_array_wrapper);

Note that this function does not need an index. A request regarding the number of local elements on the respective process takes place in the background. Thus, all entries with an index greater than num_local_elements will be overwritten.

Destroy the wrapper array by calling sc_array_destroy. This will not free the data memory since we used sc_array_new_data.

Output the volume data to vtu

After creating the forest and stored element's volumes and levels in an array we will write the forest and the element's volumes out to .vtu files in order to view it in Paraview.

In the last steps we just called the following function

t8_forest_write_vtk (forest, prefix);

to write a forest as vtu. But to write also user defined data, we need a extended output function t8_forest_vtk_write_file.

t8code supports writing element based data to vtu as long as its stored as doubles. Each of the data fields to write has to be provided in its own array of length num_local_elements. We support two types:

vtk variable type double per element

Therefore we need to allocate a new array to store the volumes on their own. This array has one entry per local element.

double *element_volumes = T8_ALLOC (double, num_local_elements);

Despite writing user data, t8_forest_vtk_write_file also offers more control over which properties of the forest to write.

Parameter Description
forest The forest to write
fileprefix The prefix of the files
write_treeid If true, the global tree id is written for each element
write_mpirank If true, the mpirank is written for each element
write_level If true, the refinement level is written for each element
write_element_id If true, the global element id is written for each element
write_ghosts If true, each process additionally writes its ghost elements
curved_flag If true, write the elements as curved element types
do_not_use_API Do not use the VTK API, even if linked and available
num_data Number of user defined double valued data fields to write
data Array of t8_vtk_data_field_t of length num_data

For more documentation take a look into t8_forest.h. Note, you can store even more data to the vtu file. The number of user defined data fields is defined by the parameter num_data. For each user defined data field we need one t8_vtk_data_field_t variable. In our case, it is only one.

t8_vtk_data_field_t vtk_data;

Next, set the type of this variable. Since we have one value per element, we pick T8_VTK_SCALAR

vtk_data.type = T8_VTK_SCALAR;

Also the name of the field as should be written to the file.

strcpy (vtk_data.description, "Element volume");

Finaly copy the elment's volumes from our data array to the output array and pass it to t8_forest_write_vtk_ext.

We decided to only set write_treeid, write_mpirank, write_level and write_element_id true as it would be in t8_forest_write_vtk. In this way, the only difference to t8_forest_vtk_write_file is the addition of the volume of the elements.

In Paraview we can now display the volumes of the elements and work with them.

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