This directory contains Home Assistant templates in jinja format.
Required Home Assistant 2023.4 or newer.
Ensure you have a folder in your /config folder named custom_templates.
Copy the jinja2 scripts to the custom_templates folder and use the action (formerly service) call homeassistant.reload_custom_templates to refresh the template cache.
To use the templates you need to import the template as follows, using a dummy package called answer_question in a file named tools.jinja
{% from 'tools.jinja' import answer_question %}
{{ answer_question('') }}
Refer to the readme with each template for usage instructions.
This template amalgamates data from various sources (all of which are mandatory to use this template);
- HACS (The Home Assistant Community Store) Required to install the iCloud3 integration below
- iCloud3 Integration
- The Home Assistant Companion App
{% from 'rich-location.jinja' import rich-location %}
{{ rich-location((person_entity, ic3_tracker, app_tracker, section_id, hide_if_home)) }}
person_entity: the entity of the person to track
ic3_tracker: the iCloud3 device_tracker entity of this person's device (i.e. device_tracker.my_icloud3_device)
app_tracker: the device_tracker entity from the Companion App of the person to track (i.e. device_tracker.my_ha_app_device)
section_id: 1 or 2 (see below)
hide_if_home: true or false - this hides the output of the person is home (as per their person entity)
The template provides two sections which can be used either together or separately, one provides the location and the other provides the travel time from that location to "home".
This example can be used in an entities card.
Dependencies: template-entity-row
type: conditional
- entity: person.myperson_surname
state_not: home
type: custom:template-entity-row
entity: person.myperson_surname
action: more-info
state: >-
{% from 'rich-location.jinja' import rich-location %} {{
true) }}
secondary: >-
{% from 'rich-location.jinja' import rich-location %} {{
true) }}
This example can be used to display badges. This specific example is hidden when the person is home, but that can be removed if you wish to display the card all the time.
Dependencies: Mushroom / template-entity-row
type: custom:mushroom-template-badge
content: >
{% from 'rich-location.jinja' import rich-location %}
true) }}
icon: mdi:mushroom
color: ''
picture: /api/image/serve/e2ababf21035ca6533c45a87fd571a89/512x512
label: >-
{% from 'tools.jinja' import rich-location %}
true) }}
entity: person.myperson_surname
- condition: state
entity: person.myperson_surname
state_not: home
action: more-info