diff --git a/ChangeLog.md b/ChangeLog.md index daea954..a759d54 100644 --- a/ChangeLog.md +++ b/ChangeLog.md @@ -12,13 +12,20 @@ - rotNmap: new tools to apply a rotation in the input normal map (it rotates both the position and normals orientation to be consistant. (Bertrand Kerautret [#70](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtalTools-contrib/pull/70)) + +- *Geometry3d* - basicEditMesh: improvement of mesh read using generic reader/writer. (Bertrand Kerautret [#72](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtalTools-contrib/pull/72)) + - trunkMeshTransform: new tools to transform trunk mesh from input centerline and cylinder coordinates. + (Bertrand Kerautret [#82](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtalTools-contrib/pull/82)) - *visualisation* - graphViewer: new options to apply a scale factors on the radius input values and to display constant tube section. (Bertrand Kerautret [#74](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtalTools-contrib/pull/74)) - + - polyMeshColorize: new tool to colorize a mesh. (Bertrand Kerautret [#83](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtalTools-contrib/pull/83) + - polyMeshEdit: new tool to edit mesh based on polyscope (Bertrand Kerautret [#78](https://github.com/DGtal-team/DGtalTools-contrib/pull/78) + + # DGtalTools-contrib 1.3 - meshBasicEdit: new name of basicEditMesh and addition of a new diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 7257048..201a310 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -63,18 +63,19 @@ Geometry3d As the previous section but in 3d, it contains actually these tools: - - meshBasicEdit: to apply basic mesh edition (scale change, mesh face contraction, face filtering). - basicMorphoFilter: apply basic morpho filter from a ball structural element. - computeMeshDistances: computes for each face of a mesh A the minimal distance to another mesh B. - graph2vol: converts graph object into volumetric image. - meshAxisCutter: cuts the input mesh according one axis into sereral separate meshes. + - meshBasicEdit: to apply basic mesh edition (scale change, mesh face contraction, face filtering). - volLocalMax: extract the local maximas of a vol image within a spherical kernel. - xyzScale: a basic tool to adjust the scale of an xyz file. - off2obj: tool to convert a mesh represented in off format into obj format. - obj2off: tool to convert a .obj mesh into the .off format. - off2sdp: converts a mesh into a set of points (.sdp). + - trunkMeshTransform: tools to transform trunk mesh from input centerline and cylinder coordinates. - volFillCCSize: fills each Connected Component with a value corresponding to the number of voxels of the CC. - - meshAxisCutter: tools to transform trunk mesh from input centerline and cylinder coordinates. + - +
result after olFillCSSize @@ -100,7 +101,7 @@ This section, can contain all tools related to visualisation: