Acquisition Metadata
The Acquisition metadata describes the acquisition parameters set by the user on a particular interrogator. While different interrogator vendors may implement various photonics design and algorithms which are not easily translatable across interrogators, the Acquisition metadata intends to capture the critical acquisition attributes that are commonly required to analyze and interpret the output time series or matrices. These attributes are carefully defined to be standardized across all interrogator systems.
While the Acquisition metadata listed below should be self-sufficient for most purposes, the native headers provided by interrogator vendors can be preserved for expert users.
Required fields (mark with an asterisk, and indicated in the tables below)
acquisition_id* | interrogator_id* | acquisition_start_time* | acquisition_end_time* | acquisition_sample_rate* | acquisition_sample_rate_unit* | gauge_length* | gauge_length_unit* | unit_of_measure* | number_of_channels* | spatial_sampling_interval* | spatial_sampling_interval_unit* -
Optional fields
pulse_rate | pulse_rate_unit | pulse_width | pulse_width_unit | comment
attributeID | |
Description | Unique identifier of the data acquisition, assigned by data provider. Identifier should have a maximum of 8 alphanumeric characters with no special characters (e.g., underscores, period, dash). One identifier per acquisition settings. |
Required | True |
Type | String |
Style | Alphanumeric |
Units or options | -- |
Example | A001 |
attributeID | |
Description | Unique identifier of the interrogator unit used in this data acquisition. The acquisition_id must nest within this interrogator_id. |
Required | True |
Type | String |
Style | Alphanumeric |
Units or options | -- |
Example | IU001 |
attributeID | |
Description | Start time of this data acquisition in UTC. |
Required | True |
Type | String |
Style | ISO formatted datetime |
Units or options | -- |
Example | 2016-03-11T16:46:18.000Z |
attributeID | |
Description | End time of this data acquisition in UTC. if data acquisition is still in operation, use a date in the future (e.g. 2999-01-01T00:00:00.000Z). |
Required | True |
Type | String |
Style | ISO formatted datetime |
Units or options | na |
Example | 2016-03-26T01:01:15.000Z |
attributeID | |
Description | The rate at which the interrogator provides output data. |
Required | True |
Type | Integer |
Style | na |
Units or options | na |
Example | 1000 |
attributeID | |
Description | Unit of acquisition sample rate. |
Required | True |
Type | String |
Style | Controlled vocabulary |
Units or options | Hertz |
Example | Hertz |
attributeID | |
Description | The averaging length along the fiber for a measurement, determined at experiment setup and used during acquisition. |
Required | True |
Type | Float |
Style | na |
Units or options | na |
Example | 10 |
attributeID | |
Description | Unit of gauge length. |
Required | True |
Type | String |
Style | Controlled vocabulary |
Units or options | meter |
Example | meter |
attributeID | |
Description | Unit of measure of archived data set. This may be the same unit as the Interrogator Unit of Measure if the data are raw. |
Required | True |
Type | String |
Style | Controlled vocabulary |
Units or options | [count |
Example | count |
attributeID | |
Description | The total number of sampling points along the fiber as output from the interrogator, referred to as NumberOfLoci in PRODML. |
Required | True |
Type | Integer |
Style | na |
Units or options | na |
Example | 8720 |
attributeID | |
Description | The channel spacing, or offset, between channels. |
Required | True |
Type | Float |
Style | na |
Units or options | na |
Example | 1.000 |
attributeID | |
Description | Unit of spatial sampling interval. |
Required | True |
Type | String |
Style | Controlled vocabulary |
Units or options | meter |
Example | meter |
attributeID | |
Description | Rate at which the interrogator unit interrogates the fiber sensor. |
Required | False |
Type | Float |
Style | na |
Units or options | -- |
Example | 1000 |
attributeID | |
Description | Unit of pulse rate. |
Required | False |
Type | String |
Style | Controlled vocabulary |
Units or options | Hertz |
Example | Hertz |
attributeID | |
Description | Width of the pulse sent down the fiber in unit of time. |
Required | False |
Type | Float |
Style | na |
Units or options | -- |
Example | -- |
attributeID | |
Description | Unit of pulse width. |
Required | False |
Type | String |
Style | Controlled vocabulary |
Units or options | nanoseconds |
Example | nanoseconds |
attributeID | |
Description | Additional comments. |
Required | False |
Type | String |
Style | Free form text |
Units or options | -- |
Example | na |