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Cannot reproduce results on vllava datasets #81

williamium3000 opened this issue Aug 27, 2024 · 15 comments

Cannot reproduce results on vllava datasets #81

williamium3000 opened this issue Aug 27, 2024 · 15 comments


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Dear authors of VideoLLaMA2,
Thanks for the great work. We tried to reproduce your results on vllava datasets using the latest version of the code. However, we observe a large discrepancy in the three test datasets.

Model MVBench Egoschema ActivityNet Avg
reported 45.5 42.2 47.6 45.1
reproduced 44.475 38.5 43.55 42.175

We directly use your code, and follow your instructions to download the vllava datasets as well as three test sets, i.e. MVBench, Egoschema, and ActivityNet.

Can you hint at how you achieved the average 45.1 results?


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Please adopt the new scripts to train our videollama2 under videollava settings. Previous scripts adopt another projector, which is not consistent with the projector of this experiment.

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williamium3000 commented Aug 27, 2024

I am using the lastest. Unless you guys updated within two days.
My results were obatined with the code pulled last weekend. I use the and in scripts/vllava

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Please adopt the new scripts to train our videollama2 under videollava settings. Previous scripts adopt another projector, which is not consistent with the projector of this experiment.

Hi Yijiang, my colleague may not state this clearly 😂 We updated the fine-tuning script this afternoon, please check the latest commit and launch your training jobs (on video-llava dataset) with the new script.

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Oh thanks!!! Sorry for the misunderstanding. I will try tonight.

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Hi @lixin4ever and @clownrat6,
We have switched to connector-v35 but still cannot reproduce. The results are even lower than the first version.

Model MVBench Egoschema ActivityNet Avg
reported 45.5 42.2 47.6 45.1
reproduced 44.475 38.5 43.55 42.175
reproduced connector-v35 43.5 35.38 41.48 40.12

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env we use:
name: videollama

  • defaults
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      prefix: /share/yijiangli/docker_conda/envs/videollama

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Hi, I am going to reproduce this experiment. May I ask how many gpus did you use and how many days it took to run?

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Hi @lixin4ever and @clownrat6, We have switched to connector-v35 but still cannot reproduce. The results are even lower than the first version.

Model MVBench Egoschema ActivityNet Avg
reported 45.5 42.2 47.6 45.1
reproduced 44.475 38.5 43.55 42.175
reproduced connector-v35 43.5 35.38 41.48 40.12

Hi Yijiang, We found that the latest codebase, migrated from the older one (I.e., V1.0) to be better compatible with Qwen2 (and other recent LLMs), indeed suffers from performance degradation when switching the language decoder to Mistral. However, due to the lack of resources, we temporarily have no GPUs to further verify if the code migration leads to this issue. We will continue the verification in early October, please stay tuned.

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Hi, I am going to reproduce this experiment. May I ask how many gpus did you use and how many days it took to run?

Two A100/A800 nodes (i.e., 16 GPUs) for < 20 hours (pretraining + fine-tuning)

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zhuqiangLu commented Sep 18, 2024

Hi, I am going to reproduce this experiment. May I ask how many gpus did you use and how many days it took to run?

Two A100/A800 nodes (i.e., 16 GPUs) for < 20 hours (pretraining + fine-tuning)

Oh, that is much faster than I thought, thank you. Are you training full model or using LoRA?

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Hi, I am going to reproduce this experiment. May I ask how many gpus did you use and how many days it took to run?

Two A100/A800 nodes (i.e., 16 GPUs) for < 20 hours (pretraining + fine-tuning)

Also, I just tried using 8xA100 for the pretraining stage, it estimates the pretraining stage will take 48 hours, could you please clarify that the pretraining stage should include both valley and llavaimage dataset?

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Yes, both Valley and LLaVA-Image should be included.

Regarding the time cost, I just checked the pretraining log of one run and it took around 8 hours on 2 A800 nodes (i.e., 16 80G-A800s).

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Yes, both Valley and LLaVA-Image should be included.

Regarding the time cost, I just checked the pretraining log of one run and it took around 8 hours on 2 A800 nodes (i.e., 16 80G-A800s).

Thank you for your response, may I ask for the checkpoint of the model trained on valley dataset? I am keen to see how it performs on my custom dataset.

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Hi, I am going to reproduce this experiment. May I ask how many gpus did you use and how many days it took to run?

I use 8 a800 80G GPUs. local and global batch size follows the scripts.

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