Notes to keep track of the steps involved in making a new release.
- Check that the IP address in /mycodo/scripts/ is accessible and is the latest yet-to-be released version of Mycodo.
- Run
/bin/bash ~/Mycodo/mycodo/scripts/
- Generates Input/Output/Function/Widget manual pages, API manual, and translatable .po files.
- Verify the Input information was successfully inserted into the Mycodo Manuals.
- Translate any new untranslated words/phrases in .po files.
- Update variables MYCODO_VERSION and ALEMBIC_VERSION (if applicable).
- Update version in README.rst
- Update version in mkdocs.yml
- Update changes in
- Title in format "## 8.5.3 (2020-06-06)", with current date.
- Section headers "### Bugfixes", "### Features", and "### Miscellaneous".
- Changes as bullet list under each section header, with a link to issue(s) at the end of each short description (if applicable).
- Install mkdocs dependencies:
sudo apt install libpango-1.0-0 libpangoft2-1.0-0 libopenjp2-7
~/Mycodo/env/bin/python -m pip install -r ~/Mycodo/docs/requirements.txt
- Run
~/Mycodo/env/bin/python -m mkdocs build
to generate Mycodo/docs/mycodo-manual.pdf - Commit changes and wait for TravisCI to finish running pytests and verify all were successful.
- Clone Mycodo fresh to a new directory and ensure mkdocs pip requirements are installed by running:
cd Mycodo && sudo mycodo/scripts/ setup-virtualenv && env/bin/python -m pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
- Run
cd Mycodo && env/bin/python -m mkdocs gh-deploy
to generate and push docs to gh-pages branch (for - Optionally, a naive Mycodo system with code prior to the yet-to-be released version can be upgraded to master to test its ability to upgrade (useful if experimental database schema changes are being performed during the upgrade).
- Make GitHub Release
- Tag version follows format "vMAJOR.MINOR.BUGFIX" (e.g. v8.0.3)
- Release title is the same but without "v" (e.g. 8.0.3)
- Description is copied from
- Attempt an upgrade with a naive Mycodo at a release prior to the new release.