diff --git a/samples/ChatApp/ChatApp.Unity/Assets/Scripts/Generated/MessagePack.Generated.cs b/samples/ChatApp/ChatApp.Unity/Assets/Scripts/Generated/MessagePack.Generated.cs
index 3a3271db1..3dcdd5eb5 100644
--- a/samples/ChatApp/ChatApp.Unity/Assets/Scripts/Generated/MessagePack.Generated.cs
+++ b/samples/ChatApp/ChatApp.Unity/Assets/Scripts/Generated/MessagePack.Generated.cs
@@ -1,204 +1,204 @@
-#pragma warning disable 618
-#pragma warning disable 612
-#pragma warning disable 414
-#pragma warning disable 168
-#pragma warning disable CS1591 // document public APIs
-#pragma warning disable SA1312 // Variable names should begin with lower-case letter
-#pragma warning disable SA1649 // File name should match first type name
-namespace MessagePack.Resolvers
- public class GeneratedResolver : global::MessagePack.IFormatterResolver
- {
- public static readonly global::MessagePack.IFormatterResolver Instance = new GeneratedResolver();
- private GeneratedResolver()
- {
- }
- public global::MessagePack.Formatters.IMessagePackFormatter GetFormatter()
- {
- return FormatterCache.Formatter;
- }
- private static class FormatterCache
- {
- internal static readonly global::MessagePack.Formatters.IMessagePackFormatter Formatter;
- static FormatterCache()
- {
- var f = GeneratedResolverGetFormatterHelper.GetFormatter(typeof(T));
- if (f != null)
- {
- Formatter = (global::MessagePack.Formatters.IMessagePackFormatter)f;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- internal static class GeneratedResolverGetFormatterHelper
- {
- private static readonly global::System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary lookup;
- static GeneratedResolverGetFormatterHelper()
- {
- lookup = new global::System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary(2)
- {
- { typeof(global::ChatApp.Shared.MessagePackObjects.JoinRequest), 0 },
- { typeof(global::ChatApp.Shared.MessagePackObjects.MessageResponse), 1 },
- };
- }
- internal static object GetFormatter(global::System.Type t)
- {
- int key;
- if (!lookup.TryGetValue(t, out key))
- {
- return null;
- }
- switch (key)
- {
- case 0: return new MessagePack.Formatters.ChatApp.Shared.MessagePackObjects.JoinRequestFormatter();
- case 1: return new MessagePack.Formatters.ChatApp.Shared.MessagePackObjects.MessageResponseFormatter();
- default: return null;
- }
- }
- }
-#pragma warning restore 168
-#pragma warning restore 414
-#pragma warning restore 618
-#pragma warning restore 612
-#pragma warning restore SA1312 // Variable names should begin with lower-case letter
-#pragma warning restore SA1649 // File name should match first type name
-#pragma warning disable 618
-#pragma warning disable 612
-#pragma warning disable 414
-#pragma warning disable 168
-#pragma warning disable CS1591 // document public APIs
-#pragma warning disable SA1129 // Do not use default value type constructor
-#pragma warning disable SA1309 // Field names should not begin with underscore
-#pragma warning disable SA1312 // Variable names should begin with lower-case letter
-#pragma warning disable SA1403 // File may only contain a single namespace
-#pragma warning disable SA1649 // File name should match first type name
-namespace MessagePack.Formatters.ChatApp.Shared.MessagePackObjects
- public sealed class JoinRequestFormatter : global::MessagePack.Formatters.IMessagePackFormatter
- {
- public void Serialize(ref global::MessagePack.MessagePackWriter writer, global::ChatApp.Shared.MessagePackObjects.JoinRequest value, global::MessagePack.MessagePackSerializerOptions options)
- {
- global::MessagePack.IFormatterResolver formatterResolver = options.Resolver;
- writer.WriteArrayHeader(2);
- global::MessagePack.FormatterResolverExtensions.GetFormatterWithVerify(formatterResolver).Serialize(ref writer, value.RoomName, options);
- global::MessagePack.FormatterResolverExtensions.GetFormatterWithVerify(formatterResolver).Serialize(ref writer, value.UserName, options);
- }
- public global::ChatApp.Shared.MessagePackObjects.JoinRequest Deserialize(ref global::MessagePack.MessagePackReader reader, global::MessagePack.MessagePackSerializerOptions options)
- {
- if (reader.TryReadNil())
- {
- throw new global::System.InvalidOperationException("typecode is null, struct not supported");
- }
- options.Security.DepthStep(ref reader);
- global::MessagePack.IFormatterResolver formatterResolver = options.Resolver;
- var length = reader.ReadArrayHeader();
- var ____result = new global::ChatApp.Shared.MessagePackObjects.JoinRequest();
- for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
- {
- switch (i)
- {
- case 0:
- ____result.RoomName = global::MessagePack.FormatterResolverExtensions.GetFormatterWithVerify(formatterResolver).Deserialize(ref reader, options);
- break;
- case 1:
- ____result.UserName = global::MessagePack.FormatterResolverExtensions.GetFormatterWithVerify(formatterResolver).Deserialize(ref reader, options);
- break;
- default:
- reader.Skip();
- break;
- }
- }
- reader.Depth--;
- return ____result;
- }
- }
- public sealed class MessageResponseFormatter : global::MessagePack.Formatters.IMessagePackFormatter
- {
- public void Serialize(ref global::MessagePack.MessagePackWriter writer, global::ChatApp.Shared.MessagePackObjects.MessageResponse value, global::MessagePack.MessagePackSerializerOptions options)
- {
- global::MessagePack.IFormatterResolver formatterResolver = options.Resolver;
- writer.WriteArrayHeader(2);
- global::MessagePack.FormatterResolverExtensions.GetFormatterWithVerify(formatterResolver).Serialize(ref writer, value.UserName, options);
- global::MessagePack.FormatterResolverExtensions.GetFormatterWithVerify(formatterResolver).Serialize(ref writer, value.Message, options);
- }
- public global::ChatApp.Shared.MessagePackObjects.MessageResponse Deserialize(ref global::MessagePack.MessagePackReader reader, global::MessagePack.MessagePackSerializerOptions options)
- {
- if (reader.TryReadNil())
- {
- throw new global::System.InvalidOperationException("typecode is null, struct not supported");
- }
- options.Security.DepthStep(ref reader);
- global::MessagePack.IFormatterResolver formatterResolver = options.Resolver;
- var length = reader.ReadArrayHeader();
- var ____result = new global::ChatApp.Shared.MessagePackObjects.MessageResponse();
- for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
- {
- switch (i)
- {
- case 0:
- ____result.UserName = global::MessagePack.FormatterResolverExtensions.GetFormatterWithVerify(formatterResolver).Deserialize(ref reader, options);
- break;
- case 1:
- ____result.Message = global::MessagePack.FormatterResolverExtensions.GetFormatterWithVerify(formatterResolver).Deserialize(ref reader, options);
- break;
- default:
- reader.Skip();
- break;
- }
- }
- reader.Depth--;
- return ____result;
- }
- }
-#pragma warning restore 168
-#pragma warning restore 414
-#pragma warning restore 618
-#pragma warning restore 612
-#pragma warning restore SA1129 // Do not use default value type constructor
-#pragma warning restore SA1309 // Field names should not begin with underscore
-#pragma warning restore SA1312 // Variable names should begin with lower-case letter
-#pragma warning restore SA1403 // File may only contain a single namespace
-#pragma warning restore SA1649 // File name should match first type name
+#pragma warning disable 618
+#pragma warning disable 612
+#pragma warning disable 414
+#pragma warning disable 168
+#pragma warning disable CS1591 // document public APIs
+#pragma warning disable SA1312 // Variable names should begin with lower-case letter
+#pragma warning disable SA1649 // File name should match first type name
+namespace MessagePack.Resolvers
+ public class GeneratedResolver : global::MessagePack.IFormatterResolver
+ {
+ public static readonly global::MessagePack.IFormatterResolver Instance = new GeneratedResolver();
+ private GeneratedResolver()
+ {
+ }
+ public global::MessagePack.Formatters.IMessagePackFormatter GetFormatter()
+ {
+ return FormatterCache.Formatter;
+ }
+ private static class FormatterCache
+ {
+ internal static readonly global::MessagePack.Formatters.IMessagePackFormatter Formatter;
+ static FormatterCache()
+ {
+ var f = GeneratedResolverGetFormatterHelper.GetFormatter(typeof(T));
+ if (f != null)
+ {
+ Formatter = (global::MessagePack.Formatters.IMessagePackFormatter)f;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ internal static class GeneratedResolverGetFormatterHelper
+ {
+ private static readonly global::System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary lookup;
+ static GeneratedResolverGetFormatterHelper()
+ {
+ lookup = new global::System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary(2)
+ {
+ { typeof(global::ChatApp.Shared.MessagePackObjects.JoinRequest), 0 },
+ { typeof(global::ChatApp.Shared.MessagePackObjects.MessageResponse), 1 },
+ };
+ }
+ internal static object GetFormatter(global::System.Type t)
+ {
+ int key;
+ if (!lookup.TryGetValue(t, out key))
+ {
+ return null;
+ }
+ switch (key)
+ {
+ case 0: return new MessagePack.Formatters.ChatApp.Shared.MessagePackObjects.JoinRequestFormatter();
+ case 1: return new MessagePack.Formatters.ChatApp.Shared.MessagePackObjects.MessageResponseFormatter();
+ default: return null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#pragma warning restore 168
+#pragma warning restore 414
+#pragma warning restore 618
+#pragma warning restore 612
+#pragma warning restore SA1312 // Variable names should begin with lower-case letter
+#pragma warning restore SA1649 // File name should match first type name
+#pragma warning disable 618
+#pragma warning disable 612
+#pragma warning disable 414
+#pragma warning disable 168
+#pragma warning disable CS1591 // document public APIs
+#pragma warning disable SA1129 // Do not use default value type constructor
+#pragma warning disable SA1309 // Field names should not begin with underscore
+#pragma warning disable SA1312 // Variable names should begin with lower-case letter
+#pragma warning disable SA1403 // File may only contain a single namespace
+#pragma warning disable SA1649 // File name should match first type name
+namespace MessagePack.Formatters.ChatApp.Shared.MessagePackObjects
+ public sealed class JoinRequestFormatter : global::MessagePack.Formatters.IMessagePackFormatter
+ {
+ public void Serialize(ref global::MessagePack.MessagePackWriter writer, global::ChatApp.Shared.MessagePackObjects.JoinRequest value, global::MessagePack.MessagePackSerializerOptions options)
+ {
+ global::MessagePack.IFormatterResolver formatterResolver = options.Resolver;
+ writer.WriteArrayHeader(2);
+ global::MessagePack.FormatterResolverExtensions.GetFormatterWithVerify(formatterResolver).Serialize(ref writer, value.RoomName, options);
+ global::MessagePack.FormatterResolverExtensions.GetFormatterWithVerify(formatterResolver).Serialize(ref writer, value.UserName, options);
+ }
+ public global::ChatApp.Shared.MessagePackObjects.JoinRequest Deserialize(ref global::MessagePack.MessagePackReader reader, global::MessagePack.MessagePackSerializerOptions options)
+ {
+ if (reader.TryReadNil())
+ {
+ throw new global::System.InvalidOperationException("typecode is null, struct not supported");
+ }
+ options.Security.DepthStep(ref reader);
+ global::MessagePack.IFormatterResolver formatterResolver = options.Resolver;
+ var length = reader.ReadArrayHeader();
+ var ____result = new global::ChatApp.Shared.MessagePackObjects.JoinRequest();
+ for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
+ {
+ switch (i)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ ____result.RoomName = global::MessagePack.FormatterResolverExtensions.GetFormatterWithVerify(formatterResolver).Deserialize(ref reader, options);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ ____result.UserName = global::MessagePack.FormatterResolverExtensions.GetFormatterWithVerify(formatterResolver).Deserialize(ref reader, options);
+ break;
+ default:
+ reader.Skip();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ reader.Depth--;
+ return ____result;
+ }
+ }
+ public sealed class MessageResponseFormatter : global::MessagePack.Formatters.IMessagePackFormatter
+ {
+ public void Serialize(ref global::MessagePack.MessagePackWriter writer, global::ChatApp.Shared.MessagePackObjects.MessageResponse value, global::MessagePack.MessagePackSerializerOptions options)
+ {
+ global::MessagePack.IFormatterResolver formatterResolver = options.Resolver;
+ writer.WriteArrayHeader(2);
+ global::MessagePack.FormatterResolverExtensions.GetFormatterWithVerify(formatterResolver).Serialize(ref writer, value.UserName, options);
+ global::MessagePack.FormatterResolverExtensions.GetFormatterWithVerify(formatterResolver).Serialize(ref writer, value.Message, options);
+ }
+ public global::ChatApp.Shared.MessagePackObjects.MessageResponse Deserialize(ref global::MessagePack.MessagePackReader reader, global::MessagePack.MessagePackSerializerOptions options)
+ {
+ if (reader.TryReadNil())
+ {
+ throw new global::System.InvalidOperationException("typecode is null, struct not supported");
+ }
+ options.Security.DepthStep(ref reader);
+ global::MessagePack.IFormatterResolver formatterResolver = options.Resolver;
+ var length = reader.ReadArrayHeader();
+ var ____result = new global::ChatApp.Shared.MessagePackObjects.MessageResponse();
+ for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
+ {
+ switch (i)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ ____result.UserName = global::MessagePack.FormatterResolverExtensions.GetFormatterWithVerify(formatterResolver).Deserialize(ref reader, options);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ ____result.Message = global::MessagePack.FormatterResolverExtensions.GetFormatterWithVerify(formatterResolver).Deserialize(ref reader, options);
+ break;
+ default:
+ reader.Skip();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ reader.Depth--;
+ return ____result;
+ }
+ }
+#pragma warning restore 168
+#pragma warning restore 414
+#pragma warning restore 618
+#pragma warning restore 612
+#pragma warning restore SA1129 // Do not use default value type constructor
+#pragma warning restore SA1309 // Field names should not begin with underscore
+#pragma warning restore SA1312 // Variable names should begin with lower-case letter
+#pragma warning restore SA1403 // File may only contain a single namespace
+#pragma warning restore SA1649 // File name should match first type name