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File metadata and controls

291 lines (227 loc) · 7.37 KB


ICONex Connect is a simple protocol for supporting 3rd party applications who want send transactions, ICX or IRC tokens via ICONex wallet.


  • Get address of ICON wallet which managed by ICONex.
  • Request send transaction.
  • Request send ICX or IRC Token.

Basic Transmission Protocol

  • Request
Key Type Description
data String Base64 encoded string of JSON Object
caller String Custom URL Scheme
var action = [String: Any]()
action["id"] = 1234
action["method"] = "bind"

guard let data = try? action, options: []) else { return }
let encoded = data.base64EncodedString()

let items = [URLQueryItem(name: "data", value: encoded), URLQueryItem(name: "caller", value: "my-app-scheme://")]
var component = URLComponents(string: "iconex://")!
component.queryItems = items!, options: [:], completionHandler: nil)
  • Response


JSON Speicifications

API Convention

// Request
    "id": $INT1,
    "method": "$STRING1"
    "params": {
        "$KEY1": "$VALUE1",
        "$KEY2": "$VALUE2",

// Response
    "id": $INT1,
    "code": $INT2,    // if code == 1 success, else fail
    "result": "$VALUE1"
Key Type Description Required
id INT Request Identifier Required
method String Method for current request Required
params T_DATA_TYPE Parameters for current request Optional


Method Description Required Parameters
bind Request wallet address -
sign Request sign for transaction version, from, value, stepLimit, timestamp, dataType(optional), data(optional)
sendICX Request send ICX from, to, value
sendToken Request send IRC token from, to, value, contractAddress


  • Return selected wallet's address.




Selected wallet's address.


    "id": 1234,
    "method" : bind

// Response - success
    "id": 1234,
    "code": 1,
    "result": "hx1234..."

//Response - fail
    "id": 1234,
    "code": -1000,
    "result": "Operation canceled by user."


  • Returns the signature of the transaction hash.


Key Type Description Required
version T_INT Protocol version ("0x3" for v3) Required
from T_ADDR_EOA EOA address that created transaction Required
to T_ADDR_EOA EOA address to receive coins, or SCORE address to execute the transaction. Required
value T_INT Amount of ICX coins in to transfer. When omitted, assumes 0. (1 icx = 1 * 10^18 loop) Required
stepLimit T_INT Maximum Step allowance that can be used by the transaction. Required
timestamp T_INT Transaction creation time. timestamp is in microsecond. Required
nid T_INT Network ID ("0x1" for Mainnet, "0x2" for Testnet, etc) Required
nonce T_INT An arbitrary number used to prevent transaction hash collision. Required
dataType T_DATA_TYPE Type of data (call, deploy or message) Optional
data T_DICT or String The content of data varies depending on the dataType. Optional


Signature of transaction hash.


// Request
    "id": 1234,
    "method": "sign",
    "params": {
        "version": "0x3",
        "from": "hxbe258ceb872e08851f1f59694dac2558708ece11",
        "to": "hx5bfdb090f43a808005ffc27c25b213145e80b7cd",
        "value": "0xde0b6b3a7640000",
        "stepLimit": "0x12345",
        "timestamp": "0x563a6cf330136",
        "nid": "0x2",
        "nonce": "0x1"

// Response - success
    "id": 1234,
    "code": 1,
    "result": "SIGNED_VALUE"

// Response - fail
    "id": 1234,
    "code": -1000,
    "result": "Operation canceled by user."


  • Send ICX via ICONex and returns transaction hash.


Key Type Description Required
from T_ADDR_EOA EOA address that will send ICX coins. Required
to T_ADDR_EOA EOA address to receive coins. Required
value T_INT Amount of ICX coins in to transfer Required
dataType T_DATA_TYPE Type of data (call, deploy or message) Optional
data T_DICT or String the content of data varies depending on the dataType. Optional


Transaction hash


// Request
    "id": 1234,
    "method": "sendICX",
    "params": {
            "to": "hxab2d8215eab14bc6bdd8bfb2c8151257032ecd8b",
            "from": "hxbe258ceb872e08851f1f59694dac2558708ece11",
            "value": "0x1"

// Response - success
    "id": 1234,
    "code": 1,
    "result": "0xb903239f8543d04b5dc1ba6579132b143087c68db1b2168786408fcbce568238"

// Response - fail
    "id": 1234,
    "code": -1000,
    "result": "Opertaion canceled by user."


  • Send IRC token via ICONex and returns transaction hash.


Key Type Description Required
from T_ADDR_EOA EOA address that will send IRC token. Required
to T_ADDR_EOA EOA address to receive tokens. Required
value T_INT Amount of IRC token Required
contractAddress T_ADDR_EOA SCORE contract address Required


Transaction hash


// Request
    "id": 1234,
    "method": "sendToken",
    "params": {
            "from": "hxbe258ceb872e08851f1f59694dac2558708ece11",
            "to": "hxab2d8215eab14bc6bdd8bfb2c8151257032ecd8b",
            "value": "0x1",
            "contractAddress": "cxb0776ee37f5b45bfaea8cff1d8232fbb6122ec32"

// Response - success
    "id": 1234,
    "code": 1,
    "result": "0xb903239f8543d04b5dc1ba6579132b143087c68db1b2168786408fcbce568238"

// Response - fail
    "id": 1234,
    "code": -1000,
    "result": "Opertaion canceld by user"

Error Code

Code Message Description
-1000 Operation canceld by user. User cancel
-1001 Parse error (Invalid JSON type) Data is not a JSON type
-1002 Invalid request. JSON must contains required parameters.
-1003 Invalid method Invalid method
-1004 Not found caller. Could not found caller in request.
-2001 ICONex has no ICX wallet. ICONex has no ICX wallet for support.
-2002 Not found parameter. ('$key') $key is not found in "params"
-3001 Could not find matched wallet. ('$address') There is no wallet matched with given address.
-3002 Sending and receiving address are same. Sending and receiving address are same.
-3003 Insufficient balance. Requested value is bigger than balance.
-3004 Insufficient balance for fee. Insufficient balance for fee.
-3005 Invalid parameter. ('$key') Something is wrong with value.
-4001 Failed to sign. Error occurs while signing
-9999 Somethings wrong with network ($message) All errors while networking. $message may contains the reason of error.