In this section, we would like to instruct you how to transfer:
- A native coin of Moonriver network, e.g.
, to ICON network - A native coin of ICON network,
, to Moonriver network
- Query balance of a receiving account before receiving 'DEV' from an account on Moonriver network
# In this example, we are going to use an abitrary account to demonstrate this transfer
# Please specify your own account if needed
echo -n "hx8062076aa5e68f021121d1c3b4b3979d21a6dcae" > $CONFIG_DIR/carol.addr
echo "btp://$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/net.btp.icon)/$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/carol.addr)" > $CONFIG_DIR/carol.btp.addr
# Check the balance of Carol
goloop rpc --uri balance $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/carol.addr)
# Change your current directory to '.../solidity/bsh'
cd $PROJECT_DIR/btp/build/contracts/solidity/bsh
export CAROL_ADDR=$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/carol.addr)
export CAROL_BTP_ADDR=$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/carol.btp.addr)
export AMOUNT=74706176
# Start truffle console
truffle console --network moonbeamlocal
# Get BSHCore contract instance
truffle(moonbeamlocal)> let bshCore = await BSHCore.deployed()
# Get pre-funds accounts
truffle(moonbeamlocal)> let accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts()
# Check current balance of accounts[2] and make sure it has sufficient amount of coins
truffle(moonbeamlocal)> web3.eth.getBalance(accounts[2])
# Then, make a transfer request
# You can replace 'hx8062076aa5e68f021121d1c3b4b3979d21a6dcae' by your address on ICON network
# You can specify your own value to transfer
truffle(moonbeamlocal)> await bshCore.transferNativeCoin(process.env.CAROL_BTP_ADDR, {from: accounts[2], value: process.env.AMOUNT})
# After a few seconds, please check the account's balance again
# If success, the balance will be deducted. Otherwise, an account will be refunded
truffle(moonbeamlocal)> web3.eth.getBalance(accounts[2])
- Query balance of a receiving account after receiving 'DEV' from an account on Moonriver network
# call nativecoinBSH to query coinID of 'DEV'
goloop rpc --uri call \
--to $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nativecoinBsh.icon) --method coinId \
--param _coinName=DEV | jq -r . > $CONFIG_DIR/tx.coinID
# call irc31token to query balance of Carol
goloop rpc --uri call --to $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/irc31token.icon) \
--method balanceOf --param _owner=$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/carol.addr) \
--param _id=$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/tx.coinID)
- Generate Alice's keystore and address on ICON network
# Replace YOUR_PASSWORD if needed
goloop ks gen --out $CONFIG_DIR/alice.keystore.json --password $YOUR_PASSWORD
# Create a secret file 'alice.secret' and save $YOUR_PASSWORD into that file
echo -n $YOUR_PASSWORD > $CONFIG_DIR/alice.secret
# Save Alice address to a file
echo $(jq -r '.address' "$CONFIG_DIR/alice.keystore.json") > $CONFIG_DIR/alice.addr
- Add "fuels" to Alice's account
# transfer 'amount' of ICX coins to Alice's account
goloop rpc --uri sendtx transfer \
--to $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/alice.addr) --value $AMOUNT \
--key_store $CONFIG_DIR/goloop.keystore.json \
--key_password $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/goloop.keysecret) \
--nid $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nid.icon) \
--step_limit 10000000000
# Check the balance of Alice
goloop rpc --uri balance $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/alice.addr)
- In this example, we would like to use pre-funds accounts, which was provided in the
, as receiver on Moonriver network. You can specify your account for an experiment
cd $PROJECT_DIR/btp/build/contracts/solidity/bsh
# Start truffle console
truffle console --network moonbeamlocal
# Get pre-funds accounts
truffle(moonbeamlocal)> let accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts()
# Specify one account as destination to receive 'ICX'
truffle(moonbeamlocal)> accounts[1]
# Get BSHCore contract instance
truffle(moonbeamlocal)> let bshCore = await BSHCore.deployed()
# Query balance of accounts[1] before receiving 'ICX' from Alice
truffle(moonbeamlocal)> let balance = await bshCore.getBalanceOf(accounts[1], 'ICX')
# Convert BigNumber to easy-reading number
truffle(moonbeamlocal)> web3.utils.BN(balance._usableBalance).toNumber()
# Exit truffle console (".exit") and save a responded address as destination
# Replace BOB_ADDR=returned/account/above if needed
echo "btp://$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/net.btp.dst)/$BOB_ADDR" > $CONFIG_DIR/bob.btp.addr
- Transfer 'ICX' from Alice to Bob
# Change your amount if needed
goloop rpc --uri sendtx call \
--to $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nativeCoinBsh.icon) --method transferNativeCoin \
--param _to=$(cat $CONFIG_DIR/bob.btp.addr) --value $AMOUNT \
--key_store $CONFIG_DIR/alice.keystore.json --key_password $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/alice.secret) \
--nid $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/nid.icon) \
--step_limit 10000000000 | jq -r . > $CONFIG_DIR/tx.AliceToBob.transfer
# Check whether a transfer is successful
goloop rpc --uri txresult $(cat $CONFIG_DIR/tx.AliceToBob.transfer)
- Check balance of Bob's account after receiving 'ICX' from Alice
cd $PROJECT_DIR/btp/build/contracts/solidity/bsh
truffle console --network moonbeamlocal
truffle(moonbeamlocal)> let bshCore = await BSHCore.deployed()
# Query balance of accounts[1] after receiving 'ICX' from Alice
truffle(moonbeamlocal)> let balance = await bshCore.getBalanceOf(accounts[1], 'ICX')
# Convert BigNumber to easy-reading number
# It might take time for BMRs and BMV to sync blocks.
# Thus, if the balance is still '0', please try it later
# exit truffle console, wait a bit, then re-run checking balance again
truffle(moonbeamlocal)> web3.utils.BN(balance._usableBalance).toNumber()