Zéphyr is a dictionary for LSF.
- Personal project to learn how to use Flutter and Dart.
- Many LSF dictionaries exist, but there are no tools available that use them altogether.
- Few apps are available for mobile concerning LSF.
The following instructions will get you a copy of the source code, and help you execute it.
This project requires Flutter, SDK version: minimum 2.3.0.
The first thing to do is to download the project, either by downloading the ZIP file
and extract it somewhere in your machine, or by cloning the project with
git clone https://github.com/Cynnexis/zephyr.git
. The following steps will assume that the current
directory is the project root.
flutter create --no-overwrite .
flutter pub get
flutter analyze
flutter test
flutter run
The app should be running now.
Contribution is not permitted yet, because one of the goal of the project is for me to learn how to develop mobile app using Flutter SDK and the Dart language.
- Valentin Berger (Cynnexis): developer
This project is under the GNU General Public License. Please see the LICENSE.txt file for more detail (it's a really fascinating story written in there!)