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% CB-TEST(1) Cyber Grand Challenge Manuals % Brian Caswell [email protected] % April 18, 2014


cb-test - Challenge Binary testing utility


cb-test [options] --cb CB [CB ...] --directory DIRECTORY (--xml XML [XML ...] | --xml_dir DIR)


cb-test is a utility to manage testing a CGC challenge binary (CB) with the replay tool, and recording the resulting network traffic. If any of the XML files does not validate, the replay tool indicates failures, or a core file is generated, the cb-test tool returns failure.

cb-test output is in the TAP format.


--cb CB [CB ...] : Specify the challenge binaries to be used in testing.

--directory DIRECTORY : Specify the directory containing challenge binaries.


--xml XML [XML ...] : Specify the XML files to be used with the replay tool. These can be POVs or polls.

--xml_dir DIR : Specify the directory containing XML files to be used with the replay tool. These can be POVs or polls.


--log LOG_FILE : Specify the filename to write output, rather than STDOUT

--port PORT : Specify the TCP port used for testing the CB. If PORT is not provided, a random port will be used.

--pcap PCAP : Specify the directory containing the challenge binaries. If PCAP is not provided, the traffic resulting from testing will not be recorded.

--wrapper WRAPPER : Specify the executable to wrap each challenge binary for instrumentation.

--timeout TIMEOUT : Specify the maximum duration for each Poll/POV.

--ids_rules RULES_FILE : Specify the filename to read IDS rules, for use with cb-proxy. ONLY supported with remote testing enabled.

--should_core : Specify if inspecting for a 'core' in the DIRECTORY takes precedent over all other testing.

--cb_env ENV : Specify an enviornment variable to use in the CB.

--cb_seed SEED : Specify the PRNG seed to use in the CB.

--cb_seed_skip SKIP : Specify the amount to advance the PRNG state before launching the CB.

--pov_seed SEED : Specify the PRNG seed to use in the POV.

--negotiate_seed : Specify if the PRNG should be negotiated by cb-replay.

--enable_remote : Specify if remote testing should be enabled, via uploading the required artifacts via SCP and running the underlying tools via SSH to the nodes specified via --remote_nodes

--remote_nodes CB_SERVER POV_SERVER IDS_SERVER : Specify the hostnames or IP addresses for the nodes to be used in remote testing.

--failure_ok : Specify if failing the 'replay' interaction is acceptable. Useful for testing a POV against a patched CB.

--debug : Specify if debug output should be enabled.


  • cb-test --port 10000 --cb echo --xml echo-test.xml --directory /bin --pcap /tmp/echo-test.pcap

This will test the challenge binary 'echo' in the directory '/bin', using the XML file 'echo-test.xml', on TCP port 10000, recording any resulting network traffic to '/tmp/echo-test.pcap'.

  • cb-test --cb my-service --xml test-1.xml test-2.xml --directory /usr/local/bin

This will test the challenge binary 'my-service' in the directory '/usr/local/bin', using the XML files 'test-1.xml' and 'test-2.xml', on a random TCP port. No network traffic is recorded.

  • cb-test --cb my-service --xml_dir . --directory /usr/local/bin

This will test the challenge binary 'my-service' in the directory '/usr/local/bin', using the XML files that match the file globbing '*.xml' in the current working directory, on a random TCP port. No network traffic is recorded.

  • cb-test --cb cb-1 cb-2 cb-3 --xml ipc.xml --directory /tmp --pcap /tmp/ipc.pcap

This will test the IPC challenge binary made up of the challenge binaries 'cb-1', 'cb-2', and 'cb-3' in the directory '/tmp', using the XML file 'ipc.xml', on a random TCP port, record any resulting network traffic to '/tmp/ipc.pcap'.


Copyright (C) 2014, Brian Caswell [email protected]


cb-server (1), poll-validate (1), cb-replay (1), tcpdump (8)

For information regarding the TAP Format, see

For more information relating to DARPA's Cyber Grand Challenge, please visit