quick fixes for 2014 macbook pro running void xfce
if mouse doesnt work in post-install use this
sudo vi /etc/modprobe.d/usbmouse.conf
blacklist usbmouse
important: have a network switch on hand or a wire for ethernet (use a thunderbolt adapter) before booting
install void normally
open xfce4-terminal
for wifi:
uname -r (note the first 2 numbers)
sudo xbps-install -S
sudo xbps-install -u xbps
sudo xbps-install -S linux<x>.<y>-headers (use those first 2 numbers)
sudo xbps-install -S void-repo-nonfree
sudo xbps-install -S
sudo xbps-install -S broadcom-wl-dkms
sudo xbps-install -Su
sudo reboot
for bluetooth (with applet):
sudo xbps-install -S bluez blueman
sudo ln -s /etc/sv/bluetoothd /var/service
launch blueman-applet in terminal, click yes to have it autostart