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Releases: Cu3PO42/KeySAVe


31 Dec 13:18
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  • Fixed a style issue with the filters.
  • Fixed an issue where TEA would show your own Pokémon in USUM.


22 Nov 09:22
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If the automatic update does not work for you, please get the new version manually from here. The update does not work on most Windows 7 installations currently!



  • Build as asar again, this resolves some problems that may occur on Windows (#178)


20 Nov 15:27
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If the automatic update does not work for you, please get the new version manually from here. The update does not work on most Windows 7 installations currently!


  • Support for USUM!


  • Fixed a bug with TEA that caused some "empty" Pokémon to be dumped.
  • Fixed the bug that caused v1.5.0 not to load.


29 Aug 10:53
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If the automatic update does not work for you, please get the new version manually from here. The update does not work on most Windows 7 installations currently!


  • Added Chinese translation for ribbon names


  • Fixed the Handlebars genderString helper (#167)
  • Show Pokémon with encryption constant 0 in a TEA dump (#173)
  • Fix the exporting of .pk7 files. Previously dumped files may have been overwritten (#169)
  • Fix the split boxes formatting options. Previously some boxes with Pokémon in them would be hidden (#164)
  • Fix the Handlebars level helper (#165)
  • Fix the display of some ribbon names (#166)
  • Display battle tree ribbons if existing
  • Fix a bug that caused some keys not to be able to be saved (#170)
  • Fix the display of CHS and CHT nicknames and OT names (#171)

1.4.0 - TEA for Generation 7!

17 Dec 18:18
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If the automatic update does not work for you, please get the new version manually from here. The update does not work on most Windows 7 installations currently!


  • TEA Support for Generation 7! (#141)
  • Add a Chinese localization for everything but Generation 6 form names


  • Allow opening of raw Generation 7 box files, this time really (#158)
  • Fixed the display of the localization of the beast ball when using Handlebars formatting


15 Dec 20:01
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If the automatic update does not work for you, please get the new version manually from here. The update does not work on most Windows 7 installations currently!


  • Allow opening of raw Generation 7 box files (#158)
  • Allow easy access to Handlebars methods from the eval helper
  • Added sprites for Generation 7 Pokémon and forms, thanks @MalikTH! (#157)
  • Changed the handling of TIDs in the Handlebars formatter. tid6 now always maps to a 5-digit TID, whereas tid maps to whatever the game would display. tid7 now displays 'N/A' on Pokémon that are from Generation 6 or earlier games, but remains otherwise unchanged.
  • Added a new default format for TSVs that does not include the SID, but will choose the appropriate TID depending on game of origin. The old format is available as 'TID (Legacy)'.


  • Fixed the localizations of Generation 7 forms. Thanks @Bobblybook! (Cu3PO42/KeySAVCoreJS#11)
  • Pokémon from Generation 7 Pokémon are now dumped in the correct format
  • Fixed the formatting of Generation 7 markings
  • Properly clear 'in-progress' state upon application reboot (#145)
  • Only copy Pokémon to the clipboard that match the filters

1.3.1 - Lots of SuMo bug fixes!

26 Nov 21:32
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If the automatic update fails for you, you can download the latest version manually from here.


  • Fixed an issue in the Reddit formatter that caused any attempt to copy the output to clipboard or save it to fail (#139)
  • Fixed a bug that caused Pokémon with National Dex IDs of 750 or greater not to show up (#143)
  • Fixed some typos (#142)
  • Fixed a bug that caused import of KeySAV2 keys to fail (#148)
  • Made the checks on battle video keys less strict, which means you should now be able to break keys even if the opponent doesn't do the procedure (#146)
  • All states that rely on operations finishing are now cleared on a restart. If you start a scan for KeySAV2 keys and quit the app, the loading circle will be gone (#145)
  • Fixed a bug that caused TEA trade dumps to fail in Generation 6 games (#150)

KeySAVe 1.3.0 - Preliminary SuMo support!

18 Nov 14:41
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  • Added support for Pokémon Sun and Moon.


  • All application state is now persisted between sessions.
  • Show a form name whenever one is available, even if the form id is 0.


  • Only Pokémon that satisfy the filters are exported (#136).
  • All Vivillon and Unown forms show the correct sprites (#133).


14 Sep 20:11
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  • Changed the way filtering is handled to improve performance. #83
  • Changed the location of the log file to %APPDATA%/keysave/keysave.log (Windows), ~/.config/keysave/keysave.log (Linux), ~/Library/Application Support/keysave/keysave.log (macOS).
  • Add file type filters to the open dialogs. #51


  • Added sprites for Pokéball Vivillon to pretty formatter. This fixes a bug where no Pokémon would be shown at all. #128


13 Sep 11:51
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  • Fix sprites of alternate forms not being shown in all cases.
  • Add missing sprites for forms with a form number greater 8. #118
  • Fix the nasty bug that caused TEA not to work if 'dump trade' was clicked too early. #119
  • Add the missing notOTFriendship and notOTAffection fields. #121
  • Ignore possibly corrupted Pokémon in key breaking sequence. #116
  • Always persist all data properly on shutdown. #117