Basic responsive template with full carousel, services, gallery and contact.
You are free to save, share, and use this project.
For more examples and usage, please refer online documentation:
- ADD: jQuery v3.3.1
- ADD: Popper JS
- ADD: Bootstrap v4.1.3
- FIX: Carousel full responsive
- FIX: Footer Sticky
- Work in progress
- ADD: fancyBox v3.4.1
- ADD: Sections Services, Gallery and Contact
- ADD: Directory img/gallery/
- ADD: gallery.json
- ADD: Controls to fancyBox Gallery
- FIX: Responsive Design
- Work in progress
- ADD: jQuery Easing v1.4.1
- ADD: Filter images by tags
- ADD: Active class to navbar items on scroll
- FIX: Closes responsive menu when a scroll trigger link is clicked
- Work in progress
- ADD: Font Awesome Free 5.3.1
- ADD: Contact icons
- ADD: Sample images
- Work in progress
- ADD: Google Font Montserrat
- ADD: Controls to fancyBox Gallery
- ADD: Overlay images
- Work in progress
- ADD: Google Font Titillium Web
- ADD: New images
- ADD: Info cookies
- ADD: Social icons
- FIX: Responsive Design
- FIX: Resize Bootstrap carousel
- FIX: Gallery filter images by multiple tags
- REMOVED: Google Font Montserrat
- REMOVED: Slide images
- Work in progress