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bk-cs edited this page Jan 17, 2021 · 33 revisions

Requesting a Token

During a PowerShell session, you must have a valid OAuth2 token in order to make requests to the CrowdStrike Falcon API endpoints.

If you have already input your credentials, PSFalcon requests a token on your behalf when you issue a command. Otherwise, you must request a token and provide the credentials. You can do this using Request-FalconToken, or input your Id/Secret when prompted after issuing a PSFalcon command.

ClientId: <string>
ClientSecret: <string>

After a valid OAuth2 token is received, it caches with your credentials. Your cached token is checked and refreshed as needed while running PSFalcon commands.

Child environments

If you're using an MSSP configuration, you can target specific child environments using the -CID parameter during authentication token requests. Your choice is saved and all requests are sent to that particular CID unless a new Request-FalconToken request is made specifying a new child environment.

Alternate clouds

Authentication token requests are sent to the us-1 cloud by default. You may use the -Cloud parameter to choose a different cloud destination.

The accepted hostname values can be viewed using tab auto-completion after entering the -Cloud parameter, or through Request-FalconToken -Help. Your cloud choice is saved and all requests are sent to the chosen cloud unless a new Request-FalconToken request is made specifying a new cloud.

Revoking a Token

Authentication tokens expire after 30 minutes. If you wish to revoke an existing token, you can use Revoke-FalconToken.

NOTE: Revoking a token will also clear your credentials. This is useful if you wish to switch between different Falcon environments.

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