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Neural Model for Intent Classification

In this repository one can find code for training and using the intent classification model which is implemented as a shallow-and-wide Convolutional Neural Network[1]. The model is multi-class and multi-label, which means that each text in a dataset can belong to several classes.

We also have a pre-trained model for user intent classification for DSTC 2 dataset. DSTC 2 dataset does not initially contain information about intents, therefore, IntentDataset (deeppavlov/datasets/ instance extracts artificial intents for each user reply using information from acts and slots.

Below we give several examples of intent construction:

System: "Hello, welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system. You can ask for restaurants by area, price range or food type. How may I help you?"

User: "cheap restaurant"

In the original dataset this user reply has characteristics

"goals": {"pricerange": "cheap"}, 
"db_result": null, 
"dialog-acts": [{"slots": [["pricerange", "cheap"]], "act": "inform"}]}

This message contains only one intent: inform_pricerange.

User: "thank you good bye",

In the original dataset this user reply has characteristics

"goals": {"food": "dontcare", "pricerange": "cheap", "area": "south"}, 
"db_result": null, 
"dialog-acts": [{"slots": [], "act": "thankyou"}, {"slots": [], "act": "bye"}]}

This message contains two intents (thankyou, bye).

Download pre-trained model

DeepPavlov contains two pre-trained models for DSTC 2 dataset: one was trained using embeddings trained via fastText on DSTC 2 (800 Mb), and the other one was trained using embeddings trained on Wiki (, 8.5 Gb).

Two pre-trained models are presented to provide a choice for the user:

  • if one prefers to load pre-trained model only for ubderstanding the structure, one should use configs/intents/intents_dstc2.json,
  • if one prefers to load pre-trained model with significantly higher accuracy, one should be ready to download embedding file of 8.5 Gb and use configs/intents/intents_dstc2_big.json.

To download pre-trained models, vocabs, embeddings on DSTC 2 and SNIPS datasets one should run the following command:

python download configs/intents/intents_dstc2.json

or provide flag -d for commands like interact, interactbot, etc. The flag -d provides downloading all the required components.

To download pre-trained models, vocabs, embeddings on Wiki and SNIPS datasets one should run the following command:

python download configs/intents/intents_dstc2_big.json

Infer from pre-trained model

To use a pre-trained model for inference one should run the following command (if one prefers model with bigger embedding file, one should use configs/intents/intents_dstc2_big.json instead of configs/intents/intents_dstc2.json):

python interact configs/intents/intents_dstc2.json


python interactbot configs/intents/intents_dstc2.json -t <TELEGRAM_TOKEN>

For 'interactbot' mode one should specify a Telegram bot token in -t parameter or in the TELEGRAM_TOKEN environment variable.

Now user can enter a text string and get output of two elements: the first one is an array of classes names (intents) which the string belongs to, and the second one is a dictionary with probability distribution among all the considered classes (take into account that as the task is a multi-class classification then sum of probabilities is not equal to 1).

An example of interacting the model from configs/intents/intents_dstc2.json

:: hey! I want cheap restaurant
>> (array(['inform_pricerange'], dtype='<U17'), {'ack': 0.0040760376, 'affirm': 0.017633557, 'bye': 0.023906048, 'confirm_area': 0.0040424005, 'confirm_food': 0.012261569, 'confirm_pricerange': 0.007227284, 'deny_food': 0.003502861, 'deny_name': 0.003412795, 'hello': 0.0061915903, 'inform_area': 0.15999688, 'inform_food': 0.18303667, 'inform_name': 0.0042709936, 'inform_pricerange': 0.30197725, 'inform_this': 0.03864918, 'negate': 0.016452404, 'repeat': 0.003964727, 'reqalts': 0.026930325, 'reqmore': 0.0030793257, 'request_addr': 0.08075432, 'request_area': 0.018258458, 'request_food': 0.018060096, 'request_phone': 0.07433994, 'request_postcode': 0.012727374, 'request_pricerange': 0.024933394, 'request_signature': 0.0034591882, 'restart': 0.0038622846, 'thankyou': 0.036836267, 'unknown': 0.045310754})

and and example of interacting the model from configs/intents/intents_dstc2_big.json

::I want cheap chinese restaurant
>> (array(['inform_food', 'inform_pricerange'], dtype='<U18'), {'ack': 0.008203662, 'affirm': 0.010941843, 'bye': 0.0058273915, 'confirm_area': 0.011861361, 'confirm_food': 0.017537124, 'confirm_pricerange': 0.012897875, 'deny_food': 0.009804511, 'deny_name': 0.008331243, 'hello': 0.009887574, 'inform_area': 0.009167877, 'inform_food': 0.9627541, 'inform_name': 0.008696462, 'inform_pricerange': 0.98613375, 'inform_this': 0.009358878, 'negate': 0.011380567, 'repeat': 0.00850759, 'reqalts': 0.012249454, 'reqmore': 0.008230184, 'request_addr': 0.006192594, 'request_area': 0.009336099, 'request_food': 0.008417402, 'request_phone': 0.004564096, 'request_postcode': 0.006752021, 'request_pricerange': 0.010917218, 'request_signature': 0.008601435, 'restart': 0.00838949, 'thankyou': 0.0060319724, 'unknown': 0.010502234})

Train model

Available models

DeepPavlov contains a number of different model configurations for classification task. Below the list of available models description is presented:

  • cnn_model -- Shallow-and-wide CNN with max pooling after convolution,
  • dcnn_model -- Deep CNN with number of layers determined by the given number of kernel sizes and filters,
  • cnn_model_max_and_aver_pool -- Shallow-and-wide CNN with max and average pooling concatenation after convolution,
  • bilstm_model -- Bidirectional LSTM,
  • bilstm_bilstm_model -- 2-layers bidirectional LSTM,
  • bilstm_cnn_model -- Bidirectional LSTM followed by shallow-and-wide CNN,
  • cnn_bilstm_model -- Shallow-and-wide CNN followed by bidirectional LSTM,
  • bilstm_self_add_attention_model -- Bidirectional LSTM followed by self additive attention layer,
  • bilstm_self_mult_attention_model -- Bidirectional LSTM followed by self multiplicative attention layer,
  • bigru_model -- Bidirectional GRU model.
Please, pay attention that each model has its own parameters that should be specified in config.

Configuration parameters

One can find examples of config files here.

Some clue parameters for intents_dstc2.json config file are presented in the table below.

Parameter Description
dataset_reader an object that reads datasets from files
name registered name of the dataset reader
SetOfValues: "dstc2_datasetreader", "classification_datasetreader"
data_path directory where data files are stored
dataset_iterator an object that provides models with data in the standard form (each example is a tuple (x, y) where x and y could be numbers, booleans, lists or strings)
name registered name of the dataset
SetOfValues: "intent_dataset", classification_dataset"
seed seed for the batch generator
fields_to_merge list of fields to merge
SetOfValues: list of fields, i.e ["train", "valid", "test"]
merged_field name of the field where the merged fields should be saved
SetOfValues: field, i.e "train", "valid", "test"
field_to_split name of the field to split
SetOfValues: field, i.e "train", "valid", "test"
split_fields list of fields where the splitted field should be saved
SetOfValues: list of fields, i.e ["train", "valid", "test"]
split_proportions list of corresponding proportions for splitting
SetOfValues: list of floats each of which is in [0., 1.]
chainer chainer is a structure that receives tuples (in, in_y) and produces out
in user-defined name of input (or list of names in case of multiple inputs)
SetOfValues: list of names, i.e ["x"], ["x0", "x1"]
in_y user-defined name of input targets (or list of names in case of multiple input targets)
SetOfValues: list of names, i.e ["y"], ["y0", "y1"]
out user-defined name of output (or list of names in case of multiple outputs)
SetOfValues: list of names, i.e ["y_pred"], ["y_pred0", "y_pred1"]
pipe list that contains the sequence of model components (including vocabs, preprocessors, postprocessors etc.)
parameters of the vocabulary
id name of the considered model for further references
name registered name of the vocab
SetOfValues: "default_vocab"
fit_on whether to create the vocab over x and/or y fields of dataset
SetOfValues: list of names defined in or chainer.in_y
level character-level or token-level tokenization
SetOfValues: "char", "token"
load_path path to file from which the vocab with classes will be loaded
save_path path to file where vocab with classes will be saved
parameters of the embedder
id name of the considered model for further references
name registered name of the embedder
SetOfValues: "fasttext", "glove", "dict_embed"
load_path path to file from which the vocab with classes will be loaded
save_path path to file where vocab with classes will be saved
dim dimension of the considered embedder
parameters of the tokenizer
id name of the considered model for further references
name registered name of the tokenizer
SetOfValues: "nltk_tokenizer"
tokenizer tokenizer from nltk.tokenize to use
SetOfValues: any method from nltk.tokenize
parameters for building the main part of a model
in training samples to the model
SetOfValues: list of names from, chainer.in_y or outputs of previous models
in_y target values for the training samples, compulsory for training
SetOfValues: list of names from, chainer.in_y or outputs of previous models
out user-defined name of the output (or list of names in case of multiple outputs)
SetOfValues: list of names
main determines which part of the pipe to train
name registered name of model
load_path path to file from which model files will be loaded
save_path path to file where model files will be saved
classes list of class names. In this case they could be simply obtained from vocab classes_vocab.keys() method. To make reference one has to set value to "#classes_vocab.keys()"
model_name method of the class KerasIntentModel that corresponds to the model
SetOfValues: cnn_model, dcnn_model, cnn_model_max_and_aver_pool, bilstm_model, bilstm_bilstm_model, bilstm_cnn_model, cnn_bilstm_model, bilstm_self_add_attention_model, bilstm_self_mult_attention_model, bigru_model
text_size length of each sample in words
confident_threshold probability threshold for an instance belonging to a class
SetOfValues: [0., 1.]
lear_rate learning rate for training
lear_rate_decay learning rate decay for training
optimizer optimizer for training
SetOfValues: any method from keras.optimizers
loss loss for training
SetOfValues: any method from keras.losses
coef_reg_cnn coefficient for kernel l2-regularizer for convolutional layers
coef_reg_den coefficient for kernel l2-regularizer for dense layers
dropout_rate dropout rate for training
embedder To make reference one has to set value to "#{id of embedder}", e.g. "#my_embedder"
tokenizer To make reference one has to set value to "#{id of tokenizer}", e.g. "#my_tokenizer"
train parameters for training
epochs number of epochs for training
batch_size batch size for training
metrics metrics to be used for training. The first one is the main which determines whther to stop training or not
SetOfValues: "classification_accuracy", "classification_f1", "classification_roc_auc"
metric_optimization whther to minimize or maximize the main metric
SetOfValues: "minimize", "maximize"
validation_patience parameter of early stopping: for how many epochs the training can continue without improvement of metric value on the validation set
val_every_n_epochs frequency of validation during training (validate every n epochs)
val_every_n_batches frequency of validation during training (validate every n batches)
show_examples whether to print training information or not
metadata parameters for training
labels labels or tags to make reference to this model
download links for downloading all the components required for the considered model

Train on DSTC-2

To re-train a model or train it with different parameters on DSTC-2 dataset, one should set save_path to a directory where the trained model will be saved (pre-trained model will be loaded if load_path is provided and files exist, otherwise it will be created from scratch). All other parameters of the model as well as embedder and tokenizer could be changed. Then training can be run in the following way:

python train configs/intents/intents_dstc2.json

Train on other datasets

Constructing intents from DSTC 2 makes IntentDataset difficult to use. Therefore, we also provide another dataset reader ClassificationDatasetReader and dataset ClassificationDataset to work with .csv files. These classes are described in deeppavlov/dataset_readers and deeppavlov/datasets.

Training data file train.csv (and valid.csv, if exists) should be in the following format:

text intents
text_0 intent_0
text_1 intent_0
text_2 intent_1,intent_2
text_3 intent_1,intent_0,intent_2
... ...

To train model one should

  • set data_path to the directory to which train.csv should be downloaded,
  • set save_path to the directory where the trained model should be saved,
  • set all other parameters of model as well as embedder and tokenizer to desired ones.

Then the training can be run in the same way:

python train configs/intents/intents_snips.json

The current version of intents_snips.json contains parameters for intent recognition for SNIPS benchmark dataset [2] that was restored in .csv format and will be downloaded automatically.

Important: we do not provide any special embedding binary file for SNIPS dataset. In order to train the model one should provide own embedding binary file, because embedding file trained on DSTC-2 dataset is not the best choice for this task.


As no one had published intent recognition for DSTC-2 data, the comparison of the presented model is given on SNIPS dataset. The evaluation of model scores was conducted in the same way as in [3] to compare with the results from the report of the authors of the dataset. The results were achieved with tuning of parameters.

Model AddToPlaylist BookRestaurant GetWheather PlayMusic RateBook SearchCreativeWork SearchScreeningEvent 0.9931 0.9949 0.9935 0.9811 0.9992 0.9659 0.9801
ibm.watson 0.9931 0.9950 0.9950 0.9822 0.9996 0.9643 0.9750
microsoft.luis 0.9943 0.9935 0.9925 0.9815 0.9988 0.9620 0.9749 0.9877 0.9913 0.9921 0.9766 0.9977 0.9458 0.9673 0.9873 0.9921 0.9939 0.9729 0.9985 0.9455 0.9613 0.9894 0.9943 0.9910 0.9660 0.9981 0.9424 0.9539
amazon.lex 0.9930 0.9862 0.9825 0.9709 0.9981 0.9427 0.9581
Shallow-and-wide CNN 0.9956 0.9973 0.9968 0.9871 0.9998 0.9752 0.9854

How to improve the performance

  • One can use FastText [4] to train embeddings that are better suited for considered datasets.
  • All the parameters should be tuned on the validation set.


[1] Kim Y. Convolutional neural networks for sentence classification //arXiv preprint arXiv:1408.5882. – 2014.



[4] P. Bojanowski*, E. Grave*, A. Joulin, T. Mikolov, Enriching Word Vectors with Subword Information.