ExtractWar allows for uploading parsed data to Firebase collections and building Firebase bundle files.
You need to provide ./firebase-creds.json
at the root of the project with your Firebase admin service account private key.
You can generate a new bundle with the command where output.json is the output from parse-ndf: .\bin\dev build-firebase-bundles output.json
By default, we'll try to build all the data. You can skip generating certain bundles by using flags:
.\bin\dev build-firebase-bundles output.json --no-divisions
.\bin\dev build-firebase-bundles output.json --no-units
New patch data process:
- Update NDFs:
./bin/dev generate-ndf-files
- Parse NDFS:
./bin/dev ndf-to-json ./read/ output.json
- Update Firebase:
./bin/dev build-firebase-bundles output.json
- Manually upload bundle files to Firebase storage
Toucan patch data process: Run all of these from the extractwar directory
Generate mod files using .bat on PC
./update-warno.sh 2a. ./update-frago.sh 2b. ./update-warno-let-loose.sh