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Journal Checker Tool UI

This software provides the user interface for the Journal Checker Tool, all the client-side behaviours, and all the static content.

Plan S aims for full and immediate Open Access to peer-reviewed scholarly publications from research funded by public and private grants. cOAlition S is the coalition of research funding and performing organisations that have committed to implementing Plan S. The goal of cOAlition S is to accelerate the transition to a scholarly publishing system that is characterised by immediate, free online access to, and largely unrestricted use and re-use (full Open Access) of scholarly publications.

The Journal Checker Tool enables researchers to check whether they can comply with their funders Plan S aligned OA policy based on the combination of journal, funder(s) and the institution(s) affiliated with the research to be published. The tool currently only identifies routes to open access compliance for Plan S aligned policies.

This is a cOAlition S project.

Development steps


Creating the jct_plugin javascript file

  1. The plugin uses jct_plugin.js. This is a combination of the following files

    • i_am_a_widget.js
    • api_endpoint.js
    • clinput.js
    • jct.js
    • api_codes.js
    • find_out_more.js
    • feedback.js
    • plugin.js

    Do not modify this file. If you want to make changes to the plugin javascript, you need to work on static/plugin.js

  2. If you make any changes to any of the above js files, you need to recreate the jct_plugin.js file.

    To do this run