copy input tag in datepicker.html and paste where you want to use datepicker
copy all of js code in tag of script in datepicker.html and paste them in tag of script that is in your local file
you have to add Datedropper3-master/editedDropper.js and PersianDate-master/dist/persian-date.js for loading datepicker's js in your html file where you use datepicker
you have to add Datedropper3-master/datedropper.css for loading css in your html file where you use datepicker
if your project has routing you have to search url:"../assets/Datedropper3-master/holidays/ in editedDropers.js and change it to your routing
if you need to change the color of date picker search modifed style in datepicker css file, at the end of the file and change the color