delete obsolete conda environments and install script
delete obsolete conda environments and install script
add develop as target branch for auto builds
add develop as target branch for auto builds
Merge branch 'mk14' into develop
Merge branch 'mk14' into develop
use latest release of PySAP
use latest release of PySAP
removed Dockerfile and corresponding workflow
removed Dockerfile and corresponding workflow
fix release CI trigger
fix release CI trigger
update CDS version
update CDS version
add Dockerfile and corresponding workflow
add Dockerfile and corresponding workflow
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/develop' into 651-conda-activa…
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/develop' into 651-conda-activa…
test Ubuntu with gcc-9
test Ubuntu with gcc-9
test CXXFLAGS='-fcommon' for ww
test CXXFLAGS='-fcommon' for ww
update LDFLAGS and add license
update LDFLAGS and add license
update symlink script and dev requirements
update symlink script and dev requirements
test without symlinks
test without symlinks
test reinstall of gcc to find gfortran
test reinstall of gcc to find gfortran
add gfortran to macOS deps
add gfortran to macOS deps
revert macOS runner
revert macOS runner