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DSB Maintenance Iteration 12: Agenda & Minutes (31 August 2022)
Date and time: 31/08/2022, 2:00pm – 4:00pm AEST
Location: Microsoft Teams Meeting
Dial-in details:
- https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MjAyMzg2M2EtNTE2Zi00YmJiLWI1NWYtYjg3ZWFiYTI0MWM2%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22214f1646-2021-47cc-8397-e3d3a7ba7d9d%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2257cd8c59-9b50-4670-bc85-25281a11ec8d%22%7d
- Dial In Number: +61 2 9161 1229
- Phone Conference ID: 222 556 244#
- Quick Dial: +61291611229,,222556244#,,(tel:+61291611229,,222556244#) Australia, Sydney
Chair: James Bligh, DSB
Maintenance overview: Further information
Maintenance project board: See here
Decision Proposal: This maintenance iteration is being consulted on under Decision Proposal 259: Maintenance Iteration 12
The Maintenance Iteration Calls are recorded for note taking purposes only. All recordings are kept securely, as are the transcripts which may be made from them. No identifying material will be provided without the participant's consent. Participants may email [email protected] should they have any further questions or wish to have any material redacted from the record.
We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the various lands on which we work today and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people participating in this call.
We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging, and recognise and celebrate the diversity of Aboriginal peoples and their ongoing cultures and connections to the lands and waters of Australia.
- Introductions
- Outstanding Actions
- Release plan
- Open / Active Decision Proposals
- Maintenance Iteration 12 Issues
- Any other business
- Next Steps
Meeting notes
This meeting is the third in the series for Maintenance Iteration 12. The purpose is to provide details on the proposals for each change request under consultation in this iteration.
- DSB/AEMO Issue #477 Provide an update on delivery date for Get Status and Get Outages APIs Issue 477.
- Retailers to raise a ticket on energy usage data covering multiple FRMPs. DSB to table this in their discussions with AEMO.
- Analysis ongoing
- DSB will progress "Issue #520 - Stepped solar feed in tariffs in Energy" and propose options for consultation
- Consensus from Energy Retailers is required to mark Issue #506 - Energy error codes for issues in data received by DH from SDH as urgent.
- Consensus from Energy Retailers is required to mark Issue #524 - EnergyDerRecord - mandatory values not available in AEMO's DER register as urgent.
- Consensus from Energy Retailers is required to mark Issue #526 - Get DER for Service Point - allow for no data as urgent.
- CBA to raise a change request to drop encryption for the JARM token response. Issue #458
- DSB has added this option into Issue #479: Clarification on Minimum Algorithm Required for JARM and referenced the FAPI WG issue.
- Consensus from Energy Retailers is required to mark Issue #529 - CX - Energy Data Language Standards - NMI and Scheduled Payments as urgent.
- MI11 RETRO: DSB to consider the adoption of a feedback loop from community to assist in the prioritisation of maintenance iteration candidates and advise.
- Decision Proposal 249: Maintenance Iteration 11 has been approved by the DSB Chair and V1.18.0 has been published.
The following decision proposals are open for community feedback
DP # | Decision Proposal | Closing date |
Consultation | Decision Proposal 229 - CDR Participant Representation | Placeholder: no close date Link to consultation |
Noting Paper | Noting Paper 255 - Approach to Telco Sector Standards | Link to consultation |
Noting Paper | Noting Paper 258 - Independent Information Security Review | Link to consultation |
Consultation | Decision Proposal 260 - Energy Closed Accounts Feedback extended, now closes: 30th of August 2022 |
Link to consultation |
Consultation | Decision Proposal 263 - Telco Accounts Payloads Feedback closes: 16th of September 2022 |
Link to consultation |
Consultation | Decision Proposal 264 - Telco Invoice Payloads PLACEHOLDER |
Link to consultation |
Consultation | Decision Proposal 265 - Telco Billing Transactions Payloads PLACEHOLDER |
Link to consultation |
Consultation | Decision Proposal 266 - Telco Balance and Usage Payloads PLACEHOLDER |
Link to consultation |
Consultation | Decision Proposal 267 - Telco Data Language Feedback closes: 15th of September 2022 |
Link to consultation |
Review of July-September Quarter and new changes: https://github.com/ConsumerDataStandardsAustralia/future-plan/projects/1
All open change requests can be found here: Standards Maintenance Issues.
The standards maintenance backlog can be found here: Data Standards Maintenance
The change requests proposed for this iteration and scheduled for discussion are:
Domain | Issue # | Issue | Proposal Status | Change Proposed | Standards Staging link |
MI 12 | Issue #530 | Iteration 12 Holistic Feedback | N/A | ||
CX | Issue #529 | CX - Energy Data Language Standards - NMI and Scheduled Payments | Breaking change - 15 Nov 2022 | Proposed that data language for Energy by updated for payment information and removal of 'NMI' references | |
Register | Issue #409 | Dynamic Client Registration Response Time NFR | Convert to Decision Proposal | Look at this within the context of the uplift of all Register APIs | N/A |
InfoSec | Issue #479 | Clarification on Minimum Algorithm Required for JARM | Options Presented | ||
InfoSec | Issue #522 | OpenID Provider Configuration End Point parameter requirements | Options Presented | ||
Banking | Issue #462 | Make additional account attributes available in bulk | For discussion | ||
Energy | Issue #526 | Get DER for Service Point - allow for no data | Options Presented | Recommendation is to define default values for mandatory fields allowing schema compliant response when DER record is not available | |
Energy | Issue #506 | Energy error codes for issues in data received by DH from SDH | For discussion | ||
Energy | Issue #524 | EnergyDerRecord - mandatory values not available in AEMO's DER register | Non Breaking Change | AEMO to provide default of 0 where value not available for nominalRatedCapacity and nominalStorageCapacity
Energy | Issue #520 | Stepped solar feed in tariffs in Energy | For discussion | DSB proposed option to be discussed | |
Energy | Issue #477 | Secondary Data Holder Planned Outages and Status | Options presented | ||
Energy | Issue #475 | Representation of Spot price based contracts for C&I customers | For discussion | ||
Register | Issue #525 | softwareProductDescription should be marked as mandatory | Non-breaking change | Change the swagger to mark softwareProductDescription as mandatory | |
Banking | Issue #414 | Properties in BankingTransactionDetail objects | Non-breaking change | Swagger documentation fix | Staged |
InfoSec | Issue #435 | Nominated representative end user for non-individual consumers | Options Presented | ||
InfoSec | Issue #458 | FAPI 1.0 Non Normative Examples | Non-breaking change | Add FAPI 1.0 aligned non-normative examples including for Authorization Code Flow | |
InfoSec | Issue #411 | Clarification of x-fapi-interaction-id header | Non-breaking change | Clarify that the header is not to be used for unauthenticated APIs | Staged |
InfoSec | Issue #447 | CORS typos in CDR | Non-breaking change | Fix documentation error | Staged |
The following CRs were discussed in the call.
Issue #530 | Iteration 12 Holistic Feedback
- No discussion
Issue #529 | CX - Energy Data Language Standards - NMI and Scheduled Payments
- Consensus from Energy Retailers is required to mark Issue #529 - CX - Energy Data Language Standards - NMI and Scheduled Payments as urgent.
- If consensus is received, the DSB will request the Data Standards Chair treat this as urgent and progress a decision for the Chair's approval
Issue #409 | Dynamic Client Registration Response Time NFR
- Discussed that this issue will be converted into a DP
- Clarified that there will be no new Register obligation before November 2022 (i.e. no impact to Oct/Nov banking and energy implementations
- Changing the NFR will not be supported
Issue #479 | Clarification on Minimum Algorithm Required for JARM
- Discussed the three options presented. Some participants preferred deferring to the upstream specifications
- FAPI WG member preferred to profile FAPI 2.0 and disallow authorisation response encryption (Option 3)
- View is that CDR has no reason to share confidential information in the authorisation response and hence encryption is not currently required
- Participant pointed out that having a MAY requirement for data holders is consequently a MUST for ADRs. In other words, ADRs must support encryption using JARM even if one data holder chooses to adopt response encryption
- Discussed signing algorithm requirements. Currently standards support PS256 and ES256. Should also consider EdDSA. This could be dealt with as a separate CR to expand the list of allowed signing algorithms. Aligns to FAPI 2.0 baseline.
Issue #522 | OpenID Provider Configuration End Point parameter requirements
- Requires community feedback to move forwards. Currently no consensus.
Issue #462 | Make additional account attributes available in bulk
Given a new API is being proposed, the DSB recommends this be treated as a DP
One ADR participant indicated there are other bulk APIs they are considering proposing. DSB encouraged that they raise these as a CR
One banking DH said that implementing a bulk Get Accounts Detail API would be challenging because it would need to call multiple ledgers for each account
It was clarified that only the BSB, account number and account currency are required, not the balance of the account
Discussed the need for a threshold test to introduce new APIs. Currently there is limited justification of the use case to introduce this API
Also discussed whether this is a voluntary API that is at the discretion of the DH to implement vs a mandated obligation for all data holders.
Question was raised whether Data Holders can charge a fee to ADRs for voluntary extensions (effectively commercial extensions within the CDR)
Agreed that this CR will be converted into a Decision Proposal
SISS Data Services to raise a CR to socialise new bulk APIs they would like
Issue #526 | Get DER for Service Point - allow for no data
- DSB provided clarification on the option of using defaults values for mandatory fields as opposed to use of error codes:
- Clear separation of issue where the actual id of the resource being requested has error vs subset of data of the resource requested not being available
- It would be similar to how transactions for banking accounts are treated (no error response returned when transactions not available)
- Provides a consistent way of responding including bulk APIs
- Participants provided agreement to the proposed solution of defining defaults
- There was feedback to add information in the standards (e.g.
Mandatory fields
section of payload convention) on how empty arrays can be interpreted in various scenarios. This could also be a guidance article. The DSB will discuss this internally and action accordingly - The solution of defaults will not need to be flagged as urgent as it is not a breaking change
Issue #506 | Energy error codes for issues in data received by DH from SDH
- Various options presented in the CR were discussed
- A new option of defining an optional flag (boolean) in the error payload indicating a given error is due to secondary data holder was discussed and agreed by participants with the following notes:
- The field would be available to implement optionally for nov 15 go live
- An FDO will applied on which field will be mandatory to implement
- The description needs to be very clear to ensure the intent of the flag so it cannot be misinterpreted or used in inapplicable scenarios(for e.g. error resulting from a third party vendor issues)
- Given this will be an optionally implementable change, this would not need to be flagged as urgent
Issue #520 | Stepped solar feed in tariffs in Energy
- DSB provide summary of their option, noting that any change would be applicable as an FDO
- Participants indicated they would need further time to review and comment
Issue #477 | Secondary Data Holder Planned Outages and Status
- Participants in agreement for AEMO implement
Get Status
andGet Outages
endpoint. Retailers/DH may choose to reflect/ propagate that optionally if they like - Broader question about revisiting the status/outage schema was raised and discussed, primarily for scenarios of partial outages where more clarity of the impacted endpoints would be more useful. Whilst this was an important point to discuss, it not within the scope of this CR. It was agreed that it should be addressed via separate CRs or perhaps a decision proposal
Issue #475 | Representation of Spot price based contracts for C&I customers
- DSB awaiting further information to help discuss CR and solution options
- AEC planned workshop would help
- It was noted that this CR discusses changes for C&I consumers which is required for tranche 2
- Given lack of information, this CR will most likely be carried over to next MI but would have to be prioritised urgently in preparation for energy tranche 2 go live in May 2023