All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Updated nuget package versions
- Migrated from .NET 6 to .NET 8
- Migrated docker compose from v1 to v2
- Changed Banking Get Accounts API to only support version 2
- Get Metrics endpoints with version less than v4 removed.
- Postman Collections
- Updated NuGet packages to avoid vulnerabilities
- Resolved issue where Banking repository was unable to reseed existing databases.
- Refactored code and fixed code smells
- Combined Mock Data Holder Banking and Energy repositories into a single code base.
- Refactored automated tests to use a shared NuGet package.
- Get Metrics v4 and v5 endpoints added.
- Added the ability to pass the client certificate received for MTLS to backend APIs via custom header of X-TlsClientCert.
- Regenerated all mTLS, SSA and TLS certificates to allow for another five years before they expire.
- Links in help file
- Updated Authorisation Server git clone command in readme
- Rebuilt to include v1.0.1 of the Authorisation Server
- The Mock Data Holder now utilises the Authorisation Server as the Identity Provider
- Get Metrics API
- Updated to be compliant with FAPI 1.0 phase 3
- Removed Identity Server 4 project
- Removed Get Data Recipients Azure Function
- Fix for Content-Type check in JwtInputFormatter used in DCR
- Logging middleware to create a centralised list of all API requests and responses
- Updated supported response modes in OIDC discovery endpoint. Issue 46
- Updated package references.
- Azure function to perform Data Recipient discovery by polling the Get Data Recipients API of the Register.
- First version of the Mock Data Holder deployed into the CDR Sandbox.
- Account transactions dates and person information in seed data.
- Build and Test action to download containers from docker hub.
- Issuing of refresh_token when FapiComplianceLevel is set to Fapi1Phase2.
- Intermittent issue when creating the LogEventsManageAPI database table.
- Upgraded the Mock Register codebase to .NET 6.
- Replaced SQLite database with MSSQL database.
- Changed the TLS certificates for the mock data holder to be signed by the Mock CDR CA.
- Extra steps detailed for using the solution in visual studio, docker containers and docker compose file.
- Removed GitHub Dependabot config.
- Ignore unsupported scopes in preparation for the introduction of energy scopes from an ADR.
- Removed references to the MD5 algorithm and replaced with SHA512.
- This effects the output of the ID Permanence algorithm moving forward.
- Now complies with Phase 1 of the FAPI 1.0 advanced profile migration. Contains configuration to switch over to Phase 2 requirements.
- Regenerated all certificates to allow for another year before they expire.
- GitHub Actions Workflow for Build, Unit Test, and Integration Test project.
- GitHub Issue config with supporting links to CDR related information.
- GitHub Dependabot config.
- Instructions for certificates needed in Postman when using the Mock Data Holder Postman collection.
- Minor changes to pipeline appsettings files to support GitHub Actions.
- Updates to GetMetrics and FAPI notes in ReadMe
- Minor changes to docker command in the ReadMe. Issue 25
- Completed FAPI 0.6 testing.
- Updates to Refresh Token Request. Issue 21
- First release of the Mock Data Holder.