- We have one long lived branch -- master.
- Testing is done by running a clone in a vagrant box and merging in feature and bug-fix branches.
- Releases and gh-pages will run off of master.
- New features or bug fixes branch from master.
- Bug fix branches should use any relevant ticket number in their name (currently using pivotal and github issues).
- oerpub releases to remix.oerpub.org as close to immediately after new things are merged to master.
- Each release will be tagged. Major releases will get release branches.
- For releases that accumulate multiple features and fixes, a branch from master should be used to collect all the changes that will be released together.
- Pull requests go from feature and fix branches to master.
- Before merging to master, the pull request must be code reviewed and tested. When each is approved (code review, test) a comment on the pull request should indicate the approval. When both approval comments are there, the pull request can merged to master
- Make a feature-or-fix branch off of master.
- Develop and test on the branch.
- Merge to a local testing branch and build
- Issue a pull request from the feature-or-fix branch to master. This can be after testing or simultaneous. If after testing, be sure to indicate in a comment on the pull request that testing already passed.
- Someone not-affiliated with the branch will review the request and ensure testing passes.
- 5A. Pull request is accepted
- merge pull-request into master, delete branch
- merge master to gh-pages
- optional: make a release branch off master and release the new feature or fix to remix.oerpub.org
- 5B. Pull request is not accepted
- Resolve the problem or
- Revert the merge on testing or
- Create a new branch from master
- 5A. Pull request is accepted
- Make a feature-or-fix branch off of master.
- Develop and test on the branch.
- Issue a pull request to master.
- Test
- If the testing passes, do 5A from above, otherwise 5B.
- Fork the repo.
- Create a great new feature or fix a really annoying bug on a branch off of master.
- Test it like crazy.
- Issue a pull request to master on the oerpub/Aloha-Editor repo.
- If the pull request looks good, our team will pull the branch over to a testing branch and test it. If the testing passes, do 5A from above, otherwise 5B.