The relayer is designed to be:
This means that the relayer does not perform any form of data caching. The relayer, therefore, relies heavily on
the nodes it's connected to for sourcing data as needed. This design choice eliminates a class of bugs that could come from cache invalidation.
The relayer follows an event-driven model, where it waits idly until it receives a finality notification from any of the chains it's connected to. The finality notification represents new IBC messages and events that have been finalized and are ready to be sent to the connected counterparty chain.
The relayer has a single entry point, which is the relay
function, this function takes two Chain
alongside optional metric handlers and starts the relayer loop.
The relayer loops awaits finality events from the finality subscription of the chain handlers.
Whenever a finality event is received, the latest IBC events are queried using query_latest_ibc_events
These events are then parsed into the appropriate outgoing IBC messages, and sent off to the counterparty chain.
The query_ready_and_timed_out_packets
queries a chain and
produces all packet messages that have passed the connection delay check.
It also returns timed-out packet messages that have passed the connection delay check.
The relayer needs to submit packets with a proof fetched at a height where the equivalent client consensus state on the
counterparty chain has satisfied the connection delay.
Since the relayer has no cache of the block heights at which packet events were emitted, it has to go through a more rigorous process to identify when the connection delay has been satisfied for some arbitrary consensus height.
The following pseudocode describes how connection delays and packet timeouts are handled:
let mut ready_messages = vec![];
let mut timeout_messages = vec![];
// query undelivered send packet sequences from the source chain
let seqs = query_undelivered_send_packet_sequences(source, sink, channel_id, port_i);
// The `PacketInfo` type returned by `query_send_packets` must contain a height field, which represents the block height
// at which the packet was created
let send_packets: Vec<PacketInfo> = source.query_send_packets(channel_id, port_id, seqs);
for send_packet in send_packets {
let packet = packet_info_to_packet(&send_packet);
// Check if packet has timed out
if packet.timed_out(&sink_timestamp, sink_height) {
// Find a suitable consensus height for sink chain's light client consensus height on source chain to prove packet timeout
let proof_height = if let Some(proof_height) = get_timeout_proof_height(source, sink, send_packet) {
} else {
// Check if connection delay is satisfied for this proof height
if !verify_delay_passed(source, sink, send_packet, proof_height) {
// lets construct the timeout message to be sent to the source
let msg = construct_timeout_message(source, sink, packet, proof_height)
// If packet has not timed out find a suitable client consensus height for source chain on the sink that can be used to prove packet existence
let proof_height = if let Some(proof_height) = find_suitable_proof_height_for_client(source, sink, send_packet) {
} else {
// verify that the connection delay is satisfied
if !verify_delay_passed(source, sink, send_packet, proof_height) {
let msg = construct_msg_recv_packet(source, sink, packet, proof_height);
// Query undelivered acknowledgement sequences from the source chain
let seqs = query_undelivered_acknowledgement_sequences(source, sink, channel_id, port_id);
// The `PacketInfo` type returned by `query_recv_packets` must contain a height field, which represents the block height at
// which the acknowledgement of the packet was written on chain(for the majority of chains which execute IBC callbacks synchronously, this
// would be equivalent to the height at which the packet was received on chain).
let recv_packets: Vec<PacketInfo> = source.query_recv_packets(channel_id, port_id, seqs);
for recv_packet in recv_packets {
// If acknowledgement is not defined then skip packet
if recv_packet.ack.is_none() {
// Find a suitable client consensus height for source chain on the sink that can be used to prove packet acknowledgement
let proof_height = if let Some(proof_height) = find_suitable_proof_height_for_client(source, sink, recv_packet) {
} else {
// verify that the connection delay is satisfied
if !verify_delay_passed(source, sink, recv_packet, proof_height) {
let msg = construct_msg_ack_packet(source, sink, packet, proof_height);
For timeouts due to channel close, since there's no way to know the exact height at which the channel closed on the sink chain,
the timeouts are only processed when the packets eventually timeout.
Using the relayer requires having a Chain
implementation for the chain types
that packets would be relayed between.
// Naive example of how to use the relayer
pub struct ChainA { ... }
impl hyperspace_primitives::IbcProvider for ChainA { ... }
impl hyperspace_primitives::KeyProvider for ChainA { ... }
impl hyperspace_primitives::LightClientSync for ChainA { ... }
impl hyperspace_primitives::Chain for ChainA { ... }
pub struct ChainB { ... }
impl hyperspace_primitives::IbcProvider for ChainB { ... }
impl hyperspace_primitives::KeyProvider for ChainB { ... }
impl hyperspace_primitives::LightClientSync for ChainB { ... }
impl hyperspace_primitives::Chain for ChainB { ... }
async fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error>{
let chain_a = ChainA::default();
let chain_b = ChainB::default();
hyperspace_core::relay(chain_a, chain_b, None, None).await?;
*Note: When hyperspace_core::relay
is executed the relayer automatically tries to sync the light clients on both chains to the latest
block height before starting the core relayer loop.
Note Correct functioning of the relayer is dependent on correct implementation of the trait methods, read documentation
for each of the trait methods for implementation details.
The relayer is gas aware when submitting IBC messages. Messages whose execution cost would exceed block gas limits
are split into chunks.
The gas limit tuning is performed by flush_message_batch
, it achieves this by estimating the weight of the message batch
using estimate_weight
and comparing it with the maximum block gas limit provided by block_max_weight
if the estimate exceeds the latter then the ibc messages are split into smaller chunks that fit within the gas limit and
these chunks are then submitted as individual transactions.
make build-release-hyperspace
The binary will leave in the root directory of centauri
hyperspace-ethereum uses yui-ibc-solidity as the IBC implementation for contracts.
You must run make generate-ethereum-json
from the /hyperspace
directory to generate
the required json files for the contract storage-layout, ABI, and light-client ABI.
The CLI interface can be used to start the relayer from a config file and also perform the IBC setup on both chains. It assumes that hyperspace
was already built.
A template configuration file (which is needed to run the CLI) can be found here
This command accepts a path to a config file and spawns the relayer alongside a Prometheus server for monitoring.
The config file must have all the parameters necessary for the chain clients to work correctly.create-clients
This command takes a path to a config file and attempts to create a light client of each chain on its counterparty.create-connection
This command takes a path to a config file and delay period in seconds and attempts to complete the connection
handshake between both chains. The config file must have a valid client idcreate-channel
This command takes a path to a config file, a port id and a version, it attempts to complete the channel handshake
between both chains. The config file must have a valid client and connection id.
The relayer can be spawned with metrics enabled. The metrics
crate provides a Prometheus server that collects data
about the relayer's operation.
Metrics collected are centered around packets and light client states on either chain and also the cost of transactions submitted on both chains.
Update this section with feedback!