From 67535e46cdf2a48e6a8cfb701ff9ff17cb2f319f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Carsten Gips <>
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2024 18:08:24 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] remove code

 homework/src/ringbuffer.cpp | 464 ------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 464 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 homework/src/ringbuffer.cpp

diff --git a/homework/src/ringbuffer.cpp b/homework/src/ringbuffer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 49a0b631a..000000000
--- a/homework/src/ringbuffer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,464 +0,0 @@
-#include <iostream>
-#include <cassert>
-#include <cstddef>
-using namespace std;
-// g++ -Wall --std=c++17 ringbuffer.cpp
-class Token {
-    /**
-     * Constructs a new token object.
-     *
-     * @param l is a pointer to the text of the token (to be copied)
-     * @param r is the row in input where this token was found
-     * @param c is the column in input where this token starts
-     */
-    Token(const char* l, int r, int c);
-    /**
-     * Destructs the token object and free's the stored lexem.
-     */
-    ~Token();
-    char* lexem;    ///< Pointer to the text of the token
-    int row;        ///< Row in input where this token was found
-    int col;        ///< Column in input where this token starts
-friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, const Token &t);
-class RefCounter {
-    /**
-     * Default constructor
-     */
-    RefCounter();
-    /**
-     * Increment count
-     */
-    void inc();
-    /**
-     * Decrement count
-     */
-    void dec();
-    /**
-     * Compare the counter with zero
-     *
-     * @return true if n==0, false otherwise
-     */
-    bool isZero() const;
-    // Hide copy constructor and assignment operator
-    RefCounter(const RefCounter&) = delete;
-    RefCounter& operator=(const RefCounter&) = delete;
-    unsigned int n;     ///< How many SmartToken share ownership of "our" object?
-friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, const RefCounter &rc);
-class SmartToken {
-    /**
-     * Constructor
-     *
-     * Constructs a new smart pointer from a raw pointer, sets the reference
-     * counter to 1.
-     *
-     * @param p is a raw pointer to the token to be shared
-     */
-    SmartToken(Token* p = nullptr);
-    /**
-     * Copy constructor
-     *
-     * Constructs a new smart pointer from another smart pointer, increments
-     * the reference counter.
-     *
-     * @param sp is another smart pointer
-     */
-    SmartToken(const SmartToken& sp);
-    /**
-     * Destructor
-     *
-     * Decrements the reference counter. If it reaches zero, the shared token
-     * will be free'd.
-     */
-    ~SmartToken();
-    /**
-     * Assignment
-     *
-     * Changes the shared token, thus we need first to perform something like
-     * the destructor, followed by something like the constructor.
-     *
-     * @param sp is another smart pointer
-     */
-    SmartToken& operator=(const SmartToken& sp);
-    /**
-     * Dereferences the smart pointer
-     *
-     * @return a reference to the shared token
-     */
-    Token& operator*();
-    /**
-     * Dereferences the smart pointer
-     *
-     * @return a pointer to the shared token
-     */
-    Token* operator->();
-    /**
-     * Comparison
-     *
-     * @param sp is another smart pointer
-     * @return true, if `sp` shares the same token
-     */
-    bool operator==(const SmartToken& sp) const;
-    Token* pObj;        ///< Pointer to the current shared token
-    RefCounter* rc;     ///< Pointer to the reference counter (used for the current token)
-    void releaseObject();                           ///< Decrement reference counter and free object if necessary
-    void acquireObject(Token* p, RefCounter* r);    ///< Copy pointer to token and reference counter and increment reference counter
-friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, const SmartToken &st);
-class RingBuffer {
-    /**
-     * Constructor that creates a new ring buffer for max. `size` elements
-     *
-     * Initialises the attributes and allocates memory for `size` elements
-     * of type `SmartToken` and let the pointer `elems` point to this new
-     * array
-     *
-     * @param size is the max. number of elements that can be stored
-     */
-    RingBuffer(unsigned int size);
-    /**
-     * Destructor
-     *
-     * free's the dynamically allocated array `elems`
-     */
-    ~RingBuffer();
-    /**
-     * Reading the first (oldest) element
-     *
-     * If an element has been read, the `head` points to the next element
-     * and `count` is decremented. The read element is **not** released.
-     *
-     * @return Returns (a copy of) the first (i.e. oldest) element of the
-     * buffer, but does not (yet) release it; returns an empty `SmartToken`
-     * if buffer is empty
-     */
-    SmartToken readBuffer();
-    /**
-     * Adding a new element
-     *
-     * Appends the new element to the end of the queue. If the buffer is
-     * full, the oldest element will be overwritten by the new element. The
-     * old element will take care of releasing its memory (smart pointer).
-     *
-     * @param data is a reference to the element to be added
-     */
-    void writeBuffer(const SmartToken& data);
-    unsigned int count;     ///< number of elements currently stored in the buffer
-    unsigned int head;      ///< points to the beginning of the buffer (oldest element)
-    unsigned int size;      ///< length of array `elems`
-    SmartToken* elems;      ///< array with `size` places of type `SmartToken`, dynamically allocated
-friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, const RingBuffer &rb);
- * ===========================================================================
- *                                   MUSTERLOESUNG
- * ===========================================================================
- */
-Token::Token(const char* l, int r, int c) : lexem(nullptr), row(r), col(c) {
-    lexem = new char[strlen(l)+1];  // +1 for terminating '\0'
-    strcpy(lexem, l);
-    cout << "Token::Token():" << *this << endl;
-Token::~Token() {
-    cout << "Token::~Token(): " << *this << endl;
-    delete lexem;
-ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, const Token &t) {
-    return out << "{lexem: " << t.lexem << ", row: " << t.row << ", column: " << t.col << "}";
-RefCounter::RefCounter() : n(0) { cout << "RefCounter::RefCounter()" << endl; }
-void RefCounter::inc() { ++n; }
-void RefCounter::dec() { --n; }
-bool RefCounter::isZero() const { return n == 0; }
-ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, const RefCounter &rc) {
-    return out << "{rc: " << rc.n << "}";
-SmartToken::SmartToken(Token* ptr) : pObj(nullptr), rc(nullptr) {
-    if (ptr) acquireObject(ptr, new RefCounter());
-    cout << "SmartToken::SmartToken(Token*): " << *this << endl;
-SmartToken::SmartToken(const SmartToken& sp) : pObj(nullptr), rc(nullptr) {
-    acquireObject(sp.pObj, sp.rc);
-    cout << "SmartToken::SmartToken(SmartToken&): " << *this << endl;
-SmartToken::~SmartToken() {
-    cout << "SmartToken::~SmartToken(): " << *this << endl;
-    releaseObject();
-SmartToken& SmartToken::operator=(const SmartToken& sp) {
-    cout << "SmartToken::operator=: lhs=" << *this << ", rhs: " << sp << endl;
-    if (pObj == sp.pObj) {
-        return *this;
-    }
-    releaseObject();
-    acquireObject(sp.pObj, sp.rc);
-    return *this;
-Token& SmartToken::operator*() {
-    cout << "SmartToken::operator*: " << *this << endl;
-    assert(pObj != nullptr);
-    return *pObj;
-Token* SmartToken::operator->() {
-    cout << "SmartToken::operator->: " << *this << endl;
-    assert(pObj != nullptr);
-    return pObj;
-bool SmartToken::operator==(const SmartToken& sp) const {
-    cout << "SmartToken::operator==: lhs=" << *this << ", rhs: " << sp << endl;
-    return pObj == sp.pObj;
-void SmartToken::releaseObject() {
-    cout << "SmartToken::releaseObject(): " << *this << endl;
-    if (pObj) {
-        rc->dec();
-        if (rc->isZero()) {
-            delete rc;
-            delete pObj;
-            rc = nullptr;
-            pObj = nullptr;
-        }
-    }
-void SmartToken::acquireObject(Token* p, RefCounter* r) {
-    cout << "SmartToken::acquireObject(): *this=" << *this << ", Token=" << p << ", RC: " << r << endl;
-    pObj = p;
-    rc = r;
-    if (rc) rc->inc();
-ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, const SmartToken &st) {
-    if (st.pObj && st.rc)
-        return out << "{pObj: " << st.pObj << ", rc: " << st.rc << " >> " << *(st.pObj) << " >> " << *(st.rc) << "}";
-    else
-        return out << "{pObj: " << st.pObj << ", rc: " << st.rc << "}";
-RingBuffer::RingBuffer(unsigned int size) : count(0), head(0), size(size), elems(nullptr) {
-    elems = new SmartToken[size];
-    cout << "RingBuffer::RingBuffer(): " << *this << endl;
-RingBuffer::~RingBuffer() {
-    cout << "RingBuffer::~RingBuffer(): " << *this << endl;
-    delete [] elems;
-SmartToken RingBuffer::readBuffer() {
-    cout << "RingBuffer::readBuffer(): " << *this << endl;
-    if (count) {
-        SmartToken& elem = elems[head];
-        head = (head + 1) % size;
-        --count;
-        return elem;
-    }
-    return SmartToken();
-void RingBuffer::writeBuffer(const SmartToken& data) {
-    cout << "RingBuffer::writeBuffer(): *this=" << *this << ", data=" << data << endl;
-    unsigned int tail;
-    /* Puffer voll? Head freigeben */
-    if (count == size) {
-        head = (head + 1) % size;
-        --count;
-    }
-    /* Daten ins Ende schreiben */
-    tail = (head + count) % size;
-    elems[tail] = data;
-    ++count;
-ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, const RingBuffer &rb) {
-    return out << "{size: " << rb.size << ", count: " << rb.count << ", head: " << rb.head << "}";
-int main(int argc, char **argv) {
-    // Token
-    {
-        cout << endl << endl << ">> Token" << endl;
-        Token wuppie = Token("wuppie", 1, 4);   // should be deleted automatically after this block
-        Token* foo = new Token("foo", 9, 35);   // will be free'd manually
-        Token* bar = new Token("bar", 7, 10);   // leaves a memory hole
-        cout << endl;
-        delete foo;
-        cout << endl;
-    }
-    // SmartToken
-    {
-        cout << endl << endl << ">> SmartToken" << endl;
-        SmartToken st;                                                  // uses default c'tor (all empty)
-        SmartToken wuppie = SmartToken(new Token("wuppie", 1, 4));      // default c'tor w/ pointer
-        {
-            cout << endl;
-            SmartToken fluppie = SmartToken(wuppie);                    // copy c'tor
-            SmartToken fluppie2(wuppie);                                // copy c'tor
-            SmartToken foo = SmartToken(new Token("foo", 9, 35));       // default c'tor w/ pointer
-            cout << endl;
-            cout << "st == wuppie: " << (st == wuppie) << endl;             // 0 (no)
-            cout << "fluppie == wuppie: " << (fluppie == wuppie) << endl;   // 1 (yes)
-            cout << "foo == wuppie: " << (foo == wuppie) << endl;           // 0 (no)
-            cout << endl;
-            cout << "st: " << st << endl;               // {pObj: 0x0, rc: 0x0}
-            cout << "wuppie: " << wuppie << endl;       // {pObj: 0xN, rc: 0xM, lexem: wuppie, row: 1, col: 4, rc: 3}
-            cout << "fluppie: " << fluppie << endl;     // {pObj: 0xN, rc: 0xM, lexem: wuppie, row: 1, col: 4, rc: 3}
-            cout << "foo: " << foo << endl;             // {pObj: 0xO, rc: 0xP, lexem: foo, row: 9, col: 35, rc: 1}
-            cout << endl;
-        }
-        cout << endl;
-        cout << "st: " << st << endl;               // {pObj: 0x0, rc: 0x0}
-        cout << "wuppie: " << wuppie << endl;       // {pObj: 0xN, rc: 0xM, lexem: wuppie, row: 1, col: 4, rc: 1}
-        cout << endl;
-//        cout << "*st: " << *st << endl;                             // ERROR (runtime)
-        cout << "*wuppie: " << *wuppie << endl;                     // {lexem: wuppie, row: 1, col: 4}
-        cout << "(*wuppie).lexem: " << (*wuppie).lexem << endl;     // wuppie
-        cout << "wuppie->lexem: " << wuppie->lexem << endl;         // wuppie
-        cout << endl;
-    }
-    // RingBuffer
-    {
-        cout << endl << endl << ">> RingBuffer" << endl;
-        SmartToken wuppie = SmartToken(new Token("wuppie", 1, 4));
-        SmartToken fluppie = SmartToken(wuppie);
-        SmartToken fluppie2(wuppie);
-        SmartToken foo = SmartToken(new Token("foo", 9, 35));
-        cout << endl << ">> RingBuffer: create" << endl;
-        RingBuffer rb(3);
-        cout << "rb: " << rb << endl;
-        cout << "rb.readBuffer(): " << rb.readBuffer() << endl;     // {pObj: 0x0, rc: 0x0}
-        cout << endl << ">> RingBuffer: write" << endl;
-        rb.writeBuffer(wuppie);
-        rb.writeBuffer(fluppie);
-        rb.writeBuffer(fluppie2);
-        cout << "rb: " << rb << endl;
-        cout << "wuppie: " << wuppie << endl;       // {pObj: 0xN, rc: 0xM, lexem: wuppie, row: 1, col: 4, rc: 6}
-        cout << endl << ">> RingBuffer: read (wuppie)" << endl;
-        cout << "rb.readBuffer(): " << rb.readBuffer() << endl;     // {pObj: 0xN, rc: 0xM, lexem: wuppie, row: 1, col: 4, rc: 3}
-        cout << "rb: " << rb << endl;
-        cout << endl << ">> RingBuffer: read (fluppie)" << endl;
-        cout << "rb.readBuffer(): " << rb.readBuffer() << endl;     // {pObj: 0xN, rc: 0xM, lexem: wuppie, row: 1, col: 4, rc: 3}
-        cout << "rb: " << rb << endl;
-        cout << endl << ">> RingBuffer: read (fluppie2)" << endl;
-        cout << "rb.readBuffer(): " << rb.readBuffer() << endl;     // {pObj: 0xO, rc: 0xP, lexem: foo, row: 9, col: 35, rc: 1}
-        cout << "rb: " << rb << endl;
-        cout << endl << ">> RingBuffer: read (empty)" << endl;
-        cout << "rb.readBuffer(): " << rb.readBuffer() << endl;     // {pObj: 0x0, rc: 0x0}
-        cout << "rb: " << rb << endl;
-        cout << endl;
-        cout << "wuppie: " << wuppie << endl;       // {pObj: 0xN, rc: 0xM, lexem: wuppie, row: 1, col: 4, rc: 6} => 3x explizit, 3x Kopie
-        cout << endl << ">> RingBuffer: write (n+1)" << endl;
-        rb.writeBuffer(foo);
-        rb.writeBuffer(wuppie);
-        rb.writeBuffer(fluppie);
-        rb.writeBuffer(fluppie2);                   // overwrites foo
-        cout << "rb: " << rb << endl;
-        cout << "foo: " << foo << endl;             // {pObj: 0xO, rc: 0xP, lexem: foo, row: 9, col: 35, rc: 1}
-        cout << "wuppie: " << wuppie << endl;       // {pObj: 0xN, rc: 0xM, lexem: wuppie, row: 1, col: 4, rc: 6}
-        cout << "rb.readBuffer(): " << rb.readBuffer() << endl;     // {pObj: 0xN, rc: 0xM, lexem: wuppie, row: 1, col: 4, rc: 7}
-        cout << "rb: " << rb << endl;
-        cout << endl;
-    }
-    return EXIT_SUCCESS;