- Conflict Management
- Organization
- Development
- Culture
- Complexity \ Integral
- Personal Growth
- Emotional Intelligence
- Psychology
- Communication
- Jur – Justice. Decentralized
- Conflict Resolution: Towards Problem Solving – John Burton
- How to solve conflict in a community of equals
This talk provides a practical guide for how to solve interpersonal conflict in communities with a loose structure such as do-ocracy or anarchy
- The Great Courses - Art of Conflict Managment
- Dominic Barter - Dedicated spaces for having conflicts
- Dominic Barter - Understanding justice as a system
- A New Way to Look at Conflict Resolution - How to Have Healthy Workplace & Community Relationships
Looking for a new way to look at conflict resolution in 2020? What is conflict, what causes it, and how can it be resolved? This video is all about having th...
- Potential in the ebb and the flaw
Conflict is an opportunity and we might even need metrics for it
- ConflictManagementQuestionnaireInfo.pdf
The Conflict Management Formative Questionnaire is designed to measure a student’s proficiency in the three essential components of conflict management, which are:
- Understand your natural response to conflict.
- Understand the context of the conflict, including the perspectives of all involved.
- Apply a conflict management approach that is appropriate to the situation.
- estimating-the-costs-of-workplace-conflict.pdf
In particular, it is argued that organisations have tended to place too much emphasis on developing leaders concerned with strategy, while overlooking the importance of encouraging excellence in core management practices such as the management of poor performance, which are incorrectly seen as 'basic' and 'easy to replicate' (see endnote 3).
- The Art of Conflict Management: Achieving Solutions for Life, Work, and Beyond
- Conflictology_Vinyamata_2010.pdf
- ensayo_conflicto.docx
- [conflictos_y_estrategia.pptx](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1L_JV_6FtwaZqa0CBb7KYbBAulx5wpI7r/edit?
- Methodological guide for conflict analysis Juan_Bell
- Mediation and Mediator Skills: A Critical Appraisal
- Certify International Mediation Institute
- Advanced_mediation_-eng.pdf
- Mediate2Go: Case Management Software for Today's Conflict Professional
Mediate2Go offers a free 30 day trial for organizations of all sizes.
- Mediate2Go Overview
Spend more time resolving conflict with Mediate2Go (https://mediate2go.com). Mediate2Go is intuitive case management software for mediators and conflict resol...
- Mediate2Go Overview
- Proof of Meditation
Proof of Meditation is an app that incentivizes you to meditate and rewards you for your effort.
- Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: Weekly Interpersonal Meditation with the Monastic Academy.
Join us every Friday at 1pm ET to engage in various transformative practices for bringing deep listening, presence, and authenticity into relationship. Using techniques from Circling, Authentic Relating, and other social modalities, you will gain skills for deepening intimacy and nourishment from genuine connection in community. Stephen Torrence, former MAPLE Resident and experienced Circling practitioner, will be leading the sessions and the same zoom link will be utilized each week.
- Palouse Mindfulness
- The Future of ADR in 2020
- BATNA Basics: Boost Your Power at the Bargaining Table Harvard Law
- Five Ways to Keep Disputes Out of Courtby John R. Allison
- Alternative Dispute Resolution Center Manual A Guide for Practitioners on Establishing and Managing ADR Centers
- The Mediation Process and Dispute Resolution Harvard Law
- Alternative_Dispute_Resolution_Center_Manual.pdf
A few years ago, the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the key player in private sector development in new and emerging markets, started supporting commercial ADR through a number of projects to accelerate this change worldwide. In particular, IFC has partnered with local governments, justice ministries, lawyers’ associations, business membership organizations, international mediation experts, and donors.
- Dialnet-Sistemas Alternativos De Resolucion De Conflictos
- Definition of each of the existing alternative dispute resolution mechanisms in Colombia, indicating the legal norm that establishes it.
- A model clause for each of the existing alternative dispute resolution mechanisms in Colombia.
- A model staggered dispute settlement clause starting with direct settlement and ending with arbitration within a commercial civil works design consulting contract.
- Finally, a brief reflection on the importance of agreeing on dispute settlement clauses and how the principles of negotiation would be applied in the drafting of said clauses.
- Conflict Transformation By John Paul Lederach , Michelle Maiese
- Conflict Transformation by Peaceful Means
- The little book of conglict transformation
- Comentando el libro “Transformación de Conflictos” Pequeño manual de uso de John Paul Lederach.
- Getting to Yes in Challenging Times
- Getting to Yes with Yourself: A Book Talk by William Ury
- Negotiation Insights Series by Prof. Deepak Malhotra
- Gene Sharp How to Start a Revolution Amazon (Chinese subtitles)
How to Start a Revolution reveals the hidden forces behind the headlines - the strategies passed from the jungles of Burma, to the streets of Iran, the Arab Spring and the looming battle to defend democracy in the West. This is the story of the power of people to change their world, the modern revolution and the man behind it all.
- Advice for Peace: Ending Civil War in Colombia
The civil war in Colombia lasted 52 years, taking the lives of at least 220,000 people and displacing up to seven million civilians. In 2012, Colombian Presi...
- Peace and Conflict Fundamentals
Listen to Peace and Conflict Fundamentals on Spotify.
- The Young Peacemaker
The Young Peacemaker is a curriculum that parents, teachers and youth workers can use to teach children how to prevent and resolve conflict in a constructive and biblically faithful manner. The curriculum emphasizes principles of confession, forgiveness, communication and character development, and uses realistic stories, practical applications, role plays and stimulating activities. This detailed and comprehensive […]
- Restorative Justice vs. Conflict Resolution: Assessing for Intervention • Just Outcomes Consulting
While “restorative justice” and “conflict resolution” both deal with issues of crisis in relationship, these disciplines differ somewhat in their basic
- Restorative Justice Circles - Office of Student Conflict Resolution
- Natural giving song
- Nonviolent COmmunication Companion Workbook
- Nonviolent Communication Language Life Changing Relationships
- Nonviolent Communication Language of Life Marshall Rosenberg
- Say What You Mean: A Mindful Approach to Nonviolent Communication
- 1. Basics of Nonviolent Communication, by Marshall Rosenberg
- Mindful Communication talk at Apple, full video
- Your Complete Nonviolent Communication Guide [2020 Update]
- Nonviolent Communication Summary
- Communication NonViolente - Marshall Rosenberg
- @MBR_Quotes
- What Is Nonviolent Communication? – Insightful Counselling & Training
NVC is an excellent program to learn to navigate difficult conversations, conflicts, and learn to meet your needs with awareness.
- nonviolent-communication-a-language-of-life-marshall-b-rosenberg-.pdf
- NVC Marshall Rosenberg - San Francisco Workshop - FULL ENGLISH SUBTITLES TRANSCRIPTION
Fully transcribed - subbed.K dispozícii sú aj (amatérsky preložené) slovenské titulky :)Just spreading the word on NVC - I transcribed the whole session for ...
- Nonviolent Communication - Marshall Rosenberg (audiobook) - Google Drive
- Feelings_Wheel_in_PDF.pdf usp=drivesdk)
- 2022 Online NVC Conference
We are proudly sponsoring the 2022 Online NVC Conference! Experience the varied perspectives of 9 experienced, engaging trainers Learn skills for listening, speaking, and cooperating with integrity and care Practice skills to communicate better at home, at work, or at school Make connections with ki...
- CEG_Feelings-and-Needs-Exercise.pdf
- International Intensive Training (IIT) in the United States: June 2022 | Center for Nonviolent Communication
Join us for this residential retreat in Los Angeles, California (June 10-19, 2022) that will help you bring nonviolence and peace into all areas of your life. In this event, you can discover skills that will help you improve the quality of your relationships, deepen your inner peace, and increase your contribution to the world.
- Worksheets – BayNVC
- Think of something you’ve done that you feel regret about. Write down what it is in observations (without judgments).
- AlfieKohn.org – Beyond Discipline
- LeanBlog Podcast #57 – Alfie Kohn, “Punished by Rewards”
- Punished by Rewards – Alfie Kohn
- Holacracy: A Radical New Approach to Management – Brian Robertson – TEDxGrandRapids
- Blockchain Governance and Crypto Law Legal Innovation Law
- The Cooperative Culture Handbook
- Organizational Shadow and Conflict Management
Jung’s shadow describes all the aspects of a person that he or she can’t face up to. As a result, the person represses them and then projects them on to others (angry people see anger everywhere, victims see injustice everywhere). I believe that organisations behave in the same way.
- Build a tower, build a team - Tom Wujec
https://www.ted.com Tom Wujec from Autodesk presents some surprisingly deep research into the "marshmallow problem" -- a simple team-building exercise that in...
- Scott Olster and LinkedIn News have a lot of people trading ideas about how to make meetings work Jeremy Nathaniel Akers
In practice it can look/sound like:
At first glance I disagree with everything you just said, but I’m sure you’ve thought about it, so I’m curious as to what makes you say that. - Composable Membership and its Role in Generating Social Capital
Having a token brings a community together loosely with a financial stake, but composable membership holds a community together long term with social capital. That’s a lot of buzzwords, so let’s explore this in three parts:
- Accountability - For The People
FTP recognizes that at some point we will make mistakes. All organizations and organizers make mistakes; this is normal and natural. We believe that to make mistakes is not wrong, but to not recognize and be accountable for those mistakes is wrong. Therefore, this document outlines what FTP means by accountability.
- Workplace conflict costs employers £30bn a year, study finds
Staff turnover represents single biggest expense, as research also reveals nearly half a million workers resign every year over disputes
- Holacracy: A Radical New Approach to Management - Brian Robertson - TEDxGrandRapids
In his engaging talk, Brian Robertson explains Holacracy, a complete system for structuring a company without a management hierarchy, yet with clear accounta...
- Global Governance and the Emergence of Global Institutions for the 21st Century
Cambridge Core - International Relations and International Organisations - Global Governance and the Emergence of Global Institutions for the 21st Century
- Elinor Ostrom’s Principles of Managing a (Civil) Commons with Planetary and Population Health Life-Value Guiding Principles
Elinor Ostrom’s 8 polycentric, subsidiarity, hierarchical, coherently-inclusive rule-making and governance-principles can be life-grounded and connected to planetary and population health via…
- Working Out Loud: The making of a movement - John Stepper - TEDxNavesink
Powered by peer support circles spreading the practice across companies and countries, Working Out Loud is now a growing movement. In this talk, John Stepper describes how you can start, so you can unlock a better career and life.
- Pecha kucha presentation - basics
Is death by power point a problem in your organisation? Here are some tips on the pecha kucha presentation style. Simple 20 x 20
- Shaping CSPB’s Strategy by Carlos Salinas on Vimeo
- Blawesome � Wellness 3.0
Blawesome is a powerful set of Web3 tools of for the next generation of Wellness Creators to bring special experiences, exclusive content to their communities
- Well_Being_questionnaire_Eurostat.pdf
- Peer-Review-Tools.pdf
- Subtle Acts of Exclusion
Subtle Acts of Exclusion is a practical, accessible, nonjudgmental handbook to help individuals and organizations recognize and prevent microaggressions in the workplace.
- Promoting the Emergence of Team Flow in Organizations
The results provide confrmation of the existing research on team dynamics, fow, group and team fow and indicate that a collective ambition, professional autonomy, and open communication must be deliberately and carefully cultivated to set the stage for the other team fow prerequisites and thence for team fow to emerge.
- Sessions | The Facilitation Summit 2021 - October 15, 2021
The Facilitation Summit 2021 by International Association of Facilitators on October 15, 2021.
- Strategies vs trust, conflict resolution, NVC, Sociocratic Democracy
Sociocracy is a highly effective method of designing and managing organizations—regardless of their purpose. NVC is a highly effective process or technique for examining feelings, sorting out needs, and identifying means of addressing them. They both use structured practices and they are complementary, but they have different purposes. One cannot do the job of the other.
- Conflict Resolution: Strategies vs Trust
- Navigate via Tension
The official description of Sociocracy 3.0 - All patterns, the Seven Principles and key concepts. Maintained by Bernhard Bockelbrink, James Priest and Liliana David.
- Liberating Structures - Introduction
liberating structures, social invention.net, microstructures, disruptive innovation, behavior change, collaboration, social invention, diffusion of innovation, strategy, transformation, heuristics, complexity science, emergence
- Wise Crowds Liberating Structures Design Jam 9/22
- Liberating Structures London
Liberating Structures London
- Practice and test Liberating Structuree 3/22
- The Wisdom and/or Madness of Crowds
an interactive guide to human networks
- Liberating Structures - 9. What, So What, Now What? W³
liberating structures, social invention.net, microstructures, disruptive innovation, behavior change, collaboration, social invention, diffusion of innovation, strategy, transformation, heuristics, complexity science, emergence
- Liberating Structures - Leadership Principles
- Include and Unleash Everyone
- Practice Deep Respect for People and Local Solutions
- Build Trust As You Go
- Learn by Failing Forward
- Practice Self-Discovery Within a Group
- Amplify Freedom AND Responsibility
- Emphasize Possibilities: Believe Before You See
- Invite Creative Destruction To Enable Innovation
- Engage In Seriously-Playful Curiosity
- Never Start Without Clear Purpose
- Sharma: The 8 Forms of Wealth
In my mind, wealth and leadership aren’t just about making money. There are actually eight elements that you want to make sure are at world-class levels before you call yourself rich (and truly successful).
- Sharma: The Time Tactics of Leaders
One of the things the best of the best in business (and life) do staggeringly well is they leverage time to create spectacular results. We all have the same amount of time in a day/month/life. Those who use it poorly live half lives. Those who use it well become superstars.
- A Conversation with Julie Diamond, Author of POWER: A USER'S GUIDE
Why do some people abuse power while others don't? That question is at the core of POWER: A USER'S GUIDE, the latest book by coach, facilitator, educator, an...
- Servant leadership - Wikipedia
- How Embodied Leadership Can Take Your Work to The Next Level. Zoom
There is a new “normal,” a new world emerging in the midst of all the chaos we currently experience. We know that our work with individuals and families makes a huge difference in their lives and in the lives of all they touch. We are called now to step into the next level of leadership, step more fully into the light of all that is calling us and give our gifts. As Jean Houston says, “These are the times, and WE are the people!” What is needed now more than ever is embodied leadership. This is leadership that comes more from the heart and less from the head. It is relational, compassionate and inclusive. In this podcast we’ll explore this and ways that you can begin to lead from your whole self and begin to make an even greater difference.
- Content for Masterclass
Masterclass on The Psychology of Human Leadership Questions to consider: How do you motivate and inspire others through your leadership? How do you face problems and promote goals? How do you balance power asymmetries in your leadership? How do you communicate sensitively with others? What are...
- Splash - Berkana Institute
intro Since 1991, Berkana has worked globally with dedicated, creative, spirit-grounded leaders & activists This website is an offering ofwhat we’ve learned about change leadership community the human spirit This website is an offering to you You who are yearning to find your path of contribution for this time.
- The Deliberately Developmental Organization
Most leading organizations invest in growing some of their people, via supports outside the flow of the normal workday—e.g., executive coaching, high-potential programs, mentoring, and leadership development. A new breed of company, however, is committed to development for all, creating immersive cultures for continuous individual growth as the necessary means of achieving superior business results.
- The Ultimate DAO Report
Explore the new frontier of DAOs in this joint report from Gitcoin and Bankless
- Common Denominators of Successful DAOs
I reviewed the top DAOs on other chains. My findings for what makes a successful DAO (or DAO project) is a balance of a having a community-driven, decentralized project that provides utility. Each one focuses on community. Most of these DAOs have implemented DAO Tokens, some even with elements of DeFi, and fundraising which have aided in their successes.
- VDP-44 Dispute Resolution Process
Summary This proposal introduces a Dispute Resolution Process to systematically prevent and resolve any tensions and conflicts. The process consists of escalating steps from Conciliation to Mediation to an internal VitaDAO Arbitral Tribunal and, finally, to online Third-Party Arbitration with enforceability of awards through VitaDAO. It is open to all members of VitaDAO to resolve disputes, including violations of VitaDAO’s Code of Conduct. In the event that a matter may be of a criminal nature...
- DAO Rewards Systems Assemblage
🌈Join us for a full day of talks & discussions on DAO Rewards Systems!Today, more and more blockchain projects are relying on decentralized governance as th...
- DAOHealthSurvey_v1.0.xlsx
- MIP41c5-SP3: Facilitator Offboarding (MKT-001)
I haven’t seen any content that stands out off the top of my head right now, or that made me take time out of my day to watch, which I believe would be the goal of a content team. That said, I’m open to rebuttal if there are explanations for the lack of performance here and a plan to improve going forward. Otherwise this makes sense to me.
- Bankless DAO open Ombuds Office Position: Looking for candidates
Author: @Katarina#4518 SUMMARY Election of a new Bankless DAO Ombuds member, who will substitute Mgoesdistance, who had to leave because of other commitments outside of the DAO. BACKGROUND The Ombuds Office is an informal, impartial, neutral, and confidential place for community members to address concerns, abuse, dysfunctions, shortfalls, delays, and violations that may arise while participating in the DAO. At the request of any DAO member, the Ombuds Office can hear the involved members,...
- The Newsletter of Decentralized Work - talentDAO
A newsletter about DAOs, Web3, and the future of work. Click to read The Newsletter of Decentralized Work, by talentDAO, a Substack publication with hundreds of readers.
- GitHub - talentDAO/DAOHealth
- Govbase - Airtable
An open, crowdsourced database of tools and projects in online governance. The data is organized by tables (tabs) containing specific data sets and views (sidebar) for curated views of the data.
- Govbase website
- Metagovernance Project
- Clarity 2.0 � The DAO Contribution Platform
We've streamlined the overall product design so you can bring your entire contributor community into Clarity.
- Gnosis Chain Explorer
- Metagovernance Project
The Metagovernance Project is an interdisciplinary research collective. We build standards and infrastructure for digital self-governance. Our collaborations include
- Well-Being and DAOs
Context MetaGame is concerned about the well-being of its players ️ This is a concern shared by many DAOs, but not currently being professionally addressed The Gravity DAO will make a proposal on that matter at their next call on Wednesday, March 2nd This set of slides aims to add to that proposa...
- To cut emissions, use this Swiss Army Knife
Cheap, green hydrogen would be a massive breakthrough in clean energy.
- metagov/govbase github
Govbase is an open, crowdsourced database of projects and tools in online governance. Data hosted at https://airtable.com/shrgnUrj0dqzZDsOd
- Techno-reflexivity: A creative methodology for software developer un-bias
- How TikTok's design helps turn ordinary people into villains - CBC Radio
From Reddit to TikTok, a look at how the design of online spaces shapes how we behave, interact and learn from one another.
- Design with Autism in Mind
Evidence-based research can only enhance architecture when designing with autism in mind. Learn more in this article.
- Discord: The Most Evil Business In The World
Discord's business model is strange it hardly makes any money, it doesn't sell a fee or sell user data or so it seemed.. Discord is an evil business and this video will explain everything bad about discord and why discord is bad. Discord is trash because it is damaging society by the way it makes money.
- The Disturbing Truth about Discord
In this documentary I outline the dark sides of Discord, from it's problematic business model, it's controversies, stories about users being doxed
- How to Design for Color Blindness
The GetFeedback customer experience (CX) platform helps you understand why, so you can take action when it matters most.
- Taleb, Antifragile.
- Antifragille: Things That Gain from Disorder – Nassim Nicholas Taleb – Talks at Google
- What is Emerging
Emerge is an independent, non-profit media platform aiming to explore the emerging cultural narratives of our time.
- Beyond Inclusion Beyond Empowerment : Primer
Beyond Inclusion, Beyond Empowerment, by Leticia Nieto Psy.D., and co-authors, brings a long-awaited breakthrough to the fields of liberation and cultural studies. Nieto offers a powerful analysis
- Final Speech (From "The Great Dictator") - Single by Charlie Chaplin
Album · 2015 · 1 Song
- Jada Pinkett Smith Shouldn’t Have to ‘Take a Joke.’ Neither Should You. NYTimes
It is a defense of boundaries and being human and enforcing one’s limits. It is a repudiation of the incessant valorizing of taking a joke, having a sense of humor. It is a rejection of the expectation that we laugh off everything people want to say and do to us.
As soon as the generals and the politicos can predict the motions of your mind, lose it. Leave it as a sign to mark the false trail, the way you didn’t go. Be like the fox who makes more tracks than necessary, some in the wrong direction. Practice resurrection.
- Does Ali Die In Squid Game - Squid Game Ali Death - Best Movies On Netflix Right Now
Ali Player 199 was betrayed by Sang-woo Player 218. Ali died in Episode 6 not because he lose the game but because he trusted the wrong person. Know how Ali died.
- Charlie Chaplin - Final Speech from The Great Dictator
• Subscribe to our channel: https://bit.ly/TheChaplinFilms• Get it on iTunes: https://bit.ly/iTunesGreatDictatorSpeech• "We think too much and feel too little....
- Watch the uncensored moment Will Smith smacks Chris Rock on stage at the Oscars, drops F-bomb
Best actor nominee Will Smith appeared to slap presenter Chris Rock in the face with an open hand and shouted a vulgarity at the comedian for making a joke a...
- Why The Matrix Is a Trans Story According to Lilly Wachowski - Netflix
21 years after The Matrix debuted and blew our minds, Lilly Wachowski looks back on the film's legacy, discusses the trans allegory at the center of the sci-fi classic, and shares her and Lana Wachowski's original vision for the character Switch.
- remake of the classic, the scion of coffee aristocracy Netflix
- Time to make the Donuts
Fred the Baker was amazing
- When your house is burning down, you should brush your teeth - The Oatmeal
20 years ago today my house burned down, so I wrote a comic about it
- Don't call people out -- call them in
Ross gives us a toolkit for starting productive conversations instead of fights -- what she calls a "call-in culture" -- and shares strategies that help challenge wrongdoing while still creating space for growth, forgiveness and maybe even an unexpected friend. "Fighting hate should be fun," Ross says. "It's being a hater that sucks."
- Masterworks
Purchase shares in great masterpieces from artists like Pablo Picasso, Claude Monet, Andy Warhol, and more.
- Mulligan Brothers Motivation Official Store
Mulligan Brothers Inspire Change clothing collection and home of motivation.
- ‘Yes, He Would’: Fiona Hill on Putin and Nukes
Putin is trying to take down the entire world order, the veteran Russia watcher said in an interview. But there are ways even ordinary Americans can fight back.
- Why We Argue (And How We Should): A Guide to Political Disagreement in an Age of Unreason
presents an accessible and engaging introduction to the theory of argument, with special emphasis on the way argument works in public political debate. The authors develop a view according to which proper argument is necessary for one’s individual cognitive health; this insight is then expanded to the collective health of one’s society. Proper argumentation, then, is seen to play a central role in a well-functioning democracy.
- Peace of Westphalia - Wikipedia
collective name for two peace treaties signed in October 1648 in the Westphalian cities of Osnabrück and Münster. They ended the Thirty Years' War (1618–1648) and Eighty Years' War (1568–1648), and brought peace to the Holy Roman Empire, closing a calamitous period of European history that killed approximately eight million people. The Holy Roman Emperor (Ferdinand III of Habsburg), the Spanish Empire, the kingdoms of France and Sweden, the United Provinces (Netherlands), and their respective allies among the princes of the Holy Roman Empire participated in these treaties.[1]
- Cryptocurrency Explained: Money as a System-of-Control
We know that money serves as:- A Store of Value (SoV)- A Medium of Exchange (MoE) and- A Unit of Account (UoA)But what happens when a fourth use of money is ...
- Cynefin St David's Day 2019 (3 of 5) - The Cynefin Co
The boundary between chaotic and obvious is not liminal as there is no transition it is sudden. It is two way, but one way happens with greater ease. Climbing back up the cliff is normally a mistake, easier to shift into the liminal domain with complexity and then start the cycle again – but I will deal with that when I map dynamics onto the liminal version of Cynefin tomorrow.
- Systems-Centered Training: An Illustrated Guide for Applying a Theory of Living Human Systems
This illustrated book shows how thinking systems offer new ways of seeing people which can help us see and do things differently. The authors describe how a theory of living human systems was developed and even recently revised. This major revision led to a theory of the person-as-a-system and its role-systems map that helps us see which system in us and in others is running the show.
- Integral - An Integral understanding of Narcissism and Gaslighting
- Ken Wilber - Understanding The "Culture Wars"
- Who Are The 2nd Tier Thinkers? - Ken Wilber
- INTEGRATING POLARITIES is Beena Sharma's revolutionary new training program, designed to teach you the higher-order thinking common to individuals at the integral stage of development.
- The MEMEnomics Group. Uncovering the Values of a Regenerative Future
- Dialogue: Decolonizing AI(?): Four Perspectives from 'South'
How might we rethink AI research paradigms through other knowledge systems, cultural lenses?
- Integral Life - Course - Integrating Polarities
- Integrating Polarities Q&A - November 21, 202
- Beck-Developing_NVC_Integral_Approach.pdf
This study examined to what extent Spiral Dynamics as a tool could be applied to enhance understanding of union-employer engagements for all stakeholders. The aim was to contribute to the growing body of research around industrial action in South Africa, focusing, however, on ways to proactively improve union‒employer engagements and minimise conflict.
- Spirals Blog
- Integral Dynamics, A new integration of Wilber’s Integral Theory and Spiral Dynamics Harry Donkers
- Using Spiral Dynamics to understand development
- Metamodernism the basics
- What is Metamodernism
- Listening Society Metamodern Politics Guide ebook
- The Regenaissance: A Metamodern Playbook
- What Happened After Civilization Collapsed : Throughline
What happens after everything falls apart? The end of the Bronze Age was a moment when an entire network of ancient civilizations collapsed, leaving behind only clues to what happened. Today, scholars have pieced together a story where everything from climate change to mass migration to natural disasters played a role. What the end of the Bronze Age can teach us about avoiding catastrophe and what comes after collapse.
We live in a head-spinning, gut-wrenching time of multiplying crises. At home we face outsourced jobs, crumbling cities, underpaid teachers, unaffordable healthcare, endless wars, political corrupt…
- How to Escape from a Sick Society (Video)
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, reflecting on the Soviet Union’s descent into totalitarian rule in the mid-20th century, and all the things that could have been done to prevent it, wrote the following: “If…if… We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation. . .we hurried to submit. We submitted with pleasure! … We purely and simply deserved everything that
- adrienne maree brown
i can’t stop thinking about that elephant. in the story pieced together thru video and rumor and spirit, the elephant’s babies were poached, and there was a woman who threw stones at the elephant mother to keep her from saving her children. so the elephant waited and found this woman at a watering hole, trampled her to death, rolled with a crew to her funeral and swung her corpse out of the casket to trample her again, and then they went and destroyed her house.
- Read Online - Sacred Economics | Charles Eisenstein
Today we associate money with the profane, and for good reason. If anything is sacred in this world, it is surely not money. Money seems to be the enemy of our better instincts, as is clear every time the thought “I can’t afford to” blocks an impulse toward kindness or generosity. Money seems to be the enemy of beauty, as the disparaging term “a sellout” demonstrates. Money seems to be the enemy of every worthy social and political reform, as corporate power steers legislation toward the aggrandizement of its own profits. Money seems to be destroying the earth, as we pillage the oceans, the forests, the soil, and every species to feed a greed that knows no end.
- WeAll-BRIEFINGS-Measuring-the-Wellbeing-economy-v6.pdf
The COVID-19 pandemic is the most recent in a long line of crises affecting the global community. In this age, we are confronted by rising inequalities, populism, climate change, biodiversity loss, resource depletion, privacy issues, racial discrimination, corporate monopolies, and more. The pandemic has added a daunting global problem to that list and is exacerbating some existing crises.
- Abysmal_leadership_theory_a_decolonized.pdf
Ours is, by necessity, a speculative exercise; an attempt to think through cultural and ethical logics that we have yet to encounter. It is, in temporal terms, something akin to a reverse thought experiment in counterfactual history; one in which we try to work through the ‘what ifs’ of prospective futures in which ecocrisis has translated, at worst, into geopolitical meltdown or, at the very least, significant modification of our current ways of life. However speculative, we hope that the reasoning and ‘discoveries’ yielded by this thought experiment prove to be of value to the scholarly community and beyond.
- Discourse on Colonialism
- Dana Meadows: Down to Earth (P2)
- Transformational Dialogues - An instruction manual of practical techniques for facilitating personal change
- Polarity Integration
Polarity Integration is based on the principle that, if one fixates on one way of being, one is also creating the opposite way of being. An unwanted way of being or doing is likely to be the flip side of a wanted way of being or doing. If the person doesn't take responsibility for both sides she will have created an ongoing conflict between them. The solution is to encompass both sides and integrate them as necessary.
- Polarity Integration
- Brené Brown: the Call to Courage - Official Trailer [HD] - Netflix
With humor and empathy, Brené Brown discusses what it takes to choose courage over comfort in a culture defined by scarcity, fear and uncertainty.
- The Dangers Of Being Too Nice - Dr. Gabor Maté
Some people have this voice or feeling inside that they are betraying them selves. Thats why the body also speaks to us when we are not being authentic. The body whispers, talks and then screams for you to stop. The "blocks" we have on our way are the most loving part of ourselves telling us that is not the way, this makes us return to our true selves.
- #rC3 How to solve conflict in a community of equals
https://media.ccc.de/v/rc3-channels-2020-125-how-to-solve-conflict-in-a-community-of-equalsThis talk provides a practical guide for how to solve interpersona...
- The Call to Courage - Brené Brown compilation
This video is included in the free online Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction course (MBSR) by Palouse Mindfulness (https://palousemindfulness.com). It is an ...
- The War on Sensemaking, Daniel Schmachtenberger
This is a fundamental question, because without good sensemaking, we cannot even begin to act in the world. It is also a central concern in what many are calling the "meaning crisis", because what is meaningful is connected to what is real.
- The Future Of Reasoning
This video was created in partnership with Bill Gates and was inspired by his new book “How to Avoid a Climate Disaster.”
- You Are Burned Out And Don't Even Know It
Today Doctor K talks about what is burnout, how does burnout work, where does burnout come from, am I depressed or burntout, how do i know if I'm burnt out, burn out test, burn out symptoms, burn out solutions, how to stop being burnt out. HealthyGamer also talks about what to do about burn out, how to prevent burn out, how to create balance, and more!
- Slavoj Žižek + Paul Holdengräber "Voyeurism and digital identity" - International Authors' Stage
I'M WATCHING YOU - The Slovenian star philosopher Slavoj Žižek in the second of two conversations with the popular and charismatic interviewer Paul Holdengräber, director of Public Programs at the New York Public Library. Watch part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIPjmmmh_os&t=0s (surviellance and whistleblowers)
- Slavoj Žižek: "I'm generally opposed to wisdom"
Slavoj Žižek tells Paul Holdengräber why he thinks wisdom is conformist.
Excerpt from a conversation on International Authors' Stage in The Black Diamond
- Who We Are - Minds at Work
Minds at Work helps people to close the gap between their good intentions and their actual behaviors. Our work is based on Kegan and Lahey’s breakthrough discovery of the hidden behavioral dynamic called the Immunity to Change.
- The Upward Spiral (edited version)
Flow, the second law of thermodynamics, seeing nature, and much more. This video is a must see because it
- Profound Transformation vs Shallow Change.pdf
- Official Website of Shi Heng Yi
Shi Heng Yi 释恒義 belongs to the 35th Generation of Shaolin Masters and is the headmaster of the Shaolin Temple Europe 歐洲少林寺 located in Germany. Discover ancient training methods to develop strength, unity of body and mind and explore the potential of internal and external practices. Begin your journey to Self-Mastery!
- Academy of Ideas
Courses include: Overcoming Addiction, Cultivating Heroic Manhood, How to Unleash Your Potential, The Power of the Unconscious, and 8 others. Membership courses and videos are downloadable for offline viewing Access all
- SHAOLIN MASTER - Shi Heng Yi 2021 - Full Interview With the MulliganBrothers
- What Is SHADOW WORK? [5 Effective Ways To Do It!]
What is shadow work really? Discover what the shadow is, how to spot it in yourself, and why it’s absolutely crucial to do shadow work. Then I share my top 5...
- What Is Shadow Work?
For a lot of people, the term shadow work conjures up all kinds of negative and dark associations. Because of those associations we have with the word shadow, it is easy to think that shadow work is a dark spiritual practice or that it is internal work that involves the more negative or sinister ...
- Meaning Crisis Collection - An indepth collection of notes and transcripts pertaining to Dr. John Vervaeke's Meaning Crisis
We are in the midst of a mental health crisis. There are increases in anxiety disorders, depression, despair, suicide rates are going up in North America, parts of Europe, other parts of the world. And that mental health crisis is itself due to and engaged with crises in the environment and the political system. And those in turn are immeshed within a deeper cultural historical crisis. I called the meeting crisis. So the meaning crisis expresses itself and many people are giving voice to this in many different ways, is this increasing sense of bullshit. Bullshit is on the increase. It's more and more pervasive throughout our lives and there's this sense of drowning in this old ocean of bullshit. And we have to understand why is this the case and what can we do about it? So today there is an increase of people feeling very disconnected from themselves, from each other, from the world, from a viable and foreseeable future.
- Awakening from the Meaning Crisis Tiago Books (Lecture Notes)
List of Books in the Video:
- Michael Anderson - After Phrenology: Neural Reuse and the Interactive Brain
- Barry Boyce (Editor) - The Mindfulness Revolution: Leading Psychologists, Scientists, Artists, and Meditation Teachers on the Power of Mindfulness in Daily Life
- Andy Clark - Natural-Born Cyborgs: Minds, Technologies, and the Future of Human Intelligence
- Michel Ferrari and Nic Weststrate (Editors) - The Scientific Study of Personal Wisdom: From Contemplative Traditions to Neuroscience
- Harry Frankfurt – On Bullsh*t
- David Lewis-Williams - The Mind in the Cave: Consciousness and the Origins of Art
- L. A. Paul - Transformative Experience
- Massimo Pigliucci - How to Be a Stoic: Using Ancient Philosophy to Live a Modern Life
- Matt Rossano - Supernatural Selection: How Religion Evolved
- Daniel Siegel - Mindsight: The New Science of Personal Transformation
- Steve Taylor - Waking From Sleep: Why Awakening Experiences Occur and How to Make Them Permanent
- John Vervaeke, Christopher Mastropietro, and Filip Miscevic - Zombies in Western Culture: A Twenty-First Century Crisis
- Michael Winkelman - Shamanism: A Biopsychosocial Paradigm of Consciousness and Healing
- Susan Wolf - Meaning in Life and Why It Matters
- Anger Management & I Am NOT the Doer – Bhagavad Gītā Meaning (28)
- Ho oponopono .. borrar memorias - Dr. Hew Len
- Dealing with Anger Effectively
- How Gratitude Helps Your Brain for the Good
Knowledge of what the brain is doing during the experience of gratitude provides a window into gratitude’s relationship to mental health and resilience. This is your brain on gratitude.
- Queer Attachment: An Anti-Oppression Toolkit for Relational Healing
A Zine by Leah jo and Fizz Perkal We made this zine free and accessible in two versions: one to read online, and the other to print in zine format. READ ONLINE: queer-attachment-toolkitDownload PRI…
- Anti-oppression and activism health and action w- Morgan Vanderpool, LICSW
This video is about My Movie 42
- Body-Based Intersectional Counter Transference - Morgan Vanderpool
- Morganic Vanderpool - WELCOME VIDEOS
body-based building blocks and understandings that will help us build a practice of nervous system restoration. This is the baseline information that is necessary to engage healthfully in individual and collective anti-oppressive practices.
- My Grandmother's Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies: Resmaa Menakem: Trade Paperback: 9781942094470: Powell's Books
- The Power of Diverse Thinking - Matthew Syed
Success is no longer about individual talent, knowledge or skill. Success is about freeing ourselves from the blind spots that beset us all, and pooling our ...
- How Mengzi came up with something better than the Golden Rule - Aeon Ideas
The Golden Rule says put yourself in another’s shoes. But what if we do as Mengzi did, and just love them as our own?
- Females and Autism / Aspergers: A checklist
This list is meant as a springboard for discussion and more awareness into the female experience with autism. By Samantha Craft Females with Autism: An Un
- The Elephant in the Brain
Human beings are primates, and primates are political animals. Our brains, therefore, are designed not just to hunt and gather, but also to help us get ahead socially, often via deception and self-deception. But while we may be self-interested schemers, we benefit by pretending otherwise. The less we know about our own ugly motives, the better - and thus we don't like to talk or even think about the extent of our selfishness.
- Experts in Emotion Series with June Gruber
The Experts in Emotion Series provides a unique opportunity to explore the mysteries of human emotion guided by some of the world's foremost experts on the s...
- The Buddha and the Borderline My Recovery from Borderline Personality Disorder Through Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Buddhism, and Online Dating
- Extended Mind Thesis
In philosophy of mind, the extended mind thesis (EMT) says that the mind does not exclusively reside in the brain or even the body, but extends into the physical world
- MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL
This video was made in collaboration with Academy of Ideas. They create videos explaining the ideas of history's great thinkers in order to help supply the w...
- Iain McGilchrist - The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World
- My stroke of insight – Jill Bolte Taylor
- RSA ANIMATE: The Divided Brain
Professor Martin Seligman discusses his foirmula for wellbeing: PERMA
- the_perma-profiler_101416.pdf
In his 2011 book Flourish, Dr. Martin Seligman, Distinguished Professor of Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania and one of the founders of the field of positive psychology, defined 5 pillars of wellbeing: PERMA (positive emotion, engagement, relationships, meaning, accomplishment). The PERMA-Profiler measures these five pillars, along with negative emotion and health.
- workplace_perma_profiler_102014.pdf
In his 2011 book Flourish, Dr. Martin Seligman, Distinguished Professor of Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania and founder of the field of positive psychology, defined 5 pillars of wellbeing, PERMA (positive emotion, engagement, relationships, meaning, accomplishment). We originally developed the PERMA-Profiler to measure these five pillars, along with negative emotion and health. This version was later created, which adjusts the questions to the workplace context.
- Thich Nhat Hanh on the Art of Deep Listening and the 3 Buddhist Steps to Repairing a Relationship
“The intention of deep listening and loving speech is to restore communication, because once communication is restored, everything is possible.”
- 21 - The Game Show Problem.mp4
Constructive disagreement can add value, as employees compromise and reach better decisions based on input from others. Conflict becomes destructive when anger, jealousy, and other strong emotions turn the focus away from problem solving and toward personal attacks. Destructive conflict can ruin relationships among workers, interfere with productivity, destroy teamwork, and contribute to employee absenteeism and turnover.
- A Deep Code Conversation With Jordan Greenhall
In this video, Jordan and I discuss a wide range of topics pertaining to human communication, evolution, and our capacity to thread the needle of our presently chaotic world and make it to the other side, with civilization intact.
- Rule Omega + Ethical Corrollary - Clip from "A Deep Code Conversation With Jordan Greenhall"
- Rule Omega: Greenhall, Schmachtenberger, Wheal (clip)
Is there one simple hack that would help us make sense of the world and have genuine conversations around new and difficult topics?Jordan Greenhall and Danie...
- Dialogue Determinants
- Consent & Communication Deep Dive
In this six-week journey, we will dive into consent as a liberating framework that reconnects us to our core selves and empowers us to move from a place of choice in our lives and relationships.
- School of Consent
- Consent as an Awareness Practice
Recording of workshop from 1/26/22.We discuss what consent is and how we can cultivate a broader awareness of consent in ourselves, our relationships, and ou...
- Betty Martin – Developer of the Wheel of Consent
Sharpen and develop your professional skills: consent, boundaries and assessment protocols.