- Min SDK 21 (sry)
- Show icon for internal visibility
- Remove open and save options for file in favor of open in browser
- Fix routing of URLs when coming from feed activity
- Fix routing of some URLs
- Fix crash with accounts not having username/email saved
- Parse links that are leading to a project
- Open GitLab.com URLs within the app
- Load all branches for a project
- Change login to reflect API changes in GitLab
- Fix issue with advanced login failing thanks to @bschuhm
- Reverse the order of notes on merge requests and issues to make it more logical, like a chat app
- Crash fixes related to viewing a project
- Fix issue with Android Oreo auto-fill
- Adding a comment to a merge request or accepting one was not working. Now it will!
- Crash fixes related to fetching accounts
- Fix issue with deleting issues
- Load all the details of a pipeline without the user having to refresh
- Better potential to find the README of a project by loading all the files instead of the first 20
- Fix for files not loading properly when changing to a new branch or tag
- Crash fixes related to fetching accounts
- Crash fixes related to viewing a project
- Upgrade to v4 of the API. This requires you to update your GitLab instances to 9.0 if you have not already
- Use commonmark for Markdown rendering
- Fix issue where certain project tabs were not showing up
- Fix user images not loading properly
- Fix about page contributors not loading for non GitLab.com users
- Fix issue share button link
- Pipelines! Thanks to @nprail
- Full screen image viewer for Markdown images thanks to @adi.bk
- Fix crash when attempting to edit a file
- Make build names make sense
- Fix visibility issues with widgets
- Bump API call timeouts to 30 seconds since they were failing often on GitLab.com