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The Gamma-ray Polarimetry Simulation Toolkit

By Fabian Kislat and Henric Krawczynski

The Gamma-ray Polarimetry Simulation Toolkit (GPST) is a simple tool to simulate observations of polarized gamma-ray sources with AMEGO. It relies on detector response parametrizations obtained with other software (e.g. MEGALIB). GPST was originally developed for the PolSTAR hard X-ray polarimeter proposal and called XST (X-Calibur Simulation Toolkit) since it was written before the name PolSTAR was introduced. All code is contained in a single ROOT script and no installation is required.

Running GPST

For convenience, a wrapper shell script calls ROOT with all necessary parameters. In the simplest case, the only argument to that shell script is a model file in the format described below. To run one of the example files included with GPST, execute from the GPST source directory:

$ ./ dataCrab-Simple.gpst

This should start ROOT, compile the file gpst.C and run the simulation. The final product is a figure containing the model and simulated data similar to this one:


On the terminal you will have a ROOT prompt. You can save the figure by simply typing

root [1] save()

which will create the files canvasCrab-Simple.root and canvasCrab-Simple.eps in the current directory. The first is a ROOT file that allows opening the figure in ROOT at a later time for editing, the second is a vector graphic that can be converted into other formats and used in LaTeX typeset publications.

When you are done, exit ROOT by typing

root [2] .q

The script has a few more command line options, which are mostly of interest for debugging purposes when developing GPST. You can print a list of all options:

$ ./ -h
This is the Gamma-ray Polarimetry Simulation Toolkit version 14.2 (03/27/2018)

    ./ [-h] [-v] [-c] [-l] [-g] [-f|++] input_file
    -h   Print this help text and exit
    -v   Print version number and exit
    -c   Clean. Do not print version number and date on the plot
    -l   Large labels
    -g   Turn on debugging (both debug output from the script
         and debug compiler options)
    ++   Force recompilation (same as -f)
    -f   Force recompilation (same as ++)
         File with model and simulation parameters
A detailed manual can be found at

Required inputs

The GPST config file format

GPST input files are text files in which values are assigned to keywords in the format key = value with one assignment per line. Comments start with a semicolon (;) and last until the end of the line.

For example:

modulationfile = "modulation.AMEGO.txt"
ontime = 0.1  ; Estimated fraction of time target is in field of view

Values on the right-hand side can be:

  • Integer and floating point numbers,
  • Strings in double quotes ("),
  • Arrays of numbers, i.e. space-separated lists of floating point numbers enclosed in square brackets ([]),
  • The boolean values true and false,
  • Pre-defined constants.

Note that arrays may be broken into multiple lines for improved readability.

Only assignments to predefined keywords are possible, i.e. user-defined variables cannot be created. In most cases the last value assigned to a keyword will be used in the simulation. However, several keywords support multiple assignments, and in some cases the order of assignments matters. More details will be given in the detailed description of keywords.

There are two exceptions to the key=value-format:

  1. The first line of the input file passed to GPST on the command line must start with the string

    GPST 14

    This identifies the file as a GPST input file and identifies the GPST version (only major version). This allows correctly handling files created for older versions of GPST. Comments and blank lines are allowed prior to this header line.

  2. Other files can be included verbatim like this:

    @include "file.txt"

    Note that files included in this way must not have a GPST 14 header file and that they will be interpreted with the same assumptions on the GPST version as the main input file. Hence, never mix files created for different versions of GPST.

    The @include statement supports the use of environment variables by prefixing the variable name with a dollar sign ($):

    @include "$GPST_DATA_DIR/amego.det"

    Variable names can contain alphanumeric characters and the underscore (_). Note that enclosing the variable name in braces as in Bash is currently not supported.

    The environment variable $GPST_DATA_DIR is set by to the directory where is located.

Detector description

GPST includes a detector description file for AMEGO, called amego.det, which sets up simulations for AMEGO. This file must be included in all simulation input files and is written in the same configuration file syntax. In particular, it points the code to the files describing the detector sensitivity: "signal.AMEGO.txt" (parameter sensitivityfile), "background.AMEGO.txt" (parameter backgroundfile), and "modulation.AMEGO.txt" (parameter modulationfile). Each of these files is a space separated list of 9900 floating point numbers, one for each 1keV bin in the energy range 100keV—10MeV. This range is defined by the parameters detectoremin, detectordeltae, and detectornbins.

  • sensitivityfile — "Crab" event rate for AMEGO within each energy bin. Internally, GPST converts all models into the "Crab flux",

    Crab flux

    Effectively, this is just a reference flux (used due to the PolSTAR heritage) and does not have any relation to the actual Crab flux in the AMEGO energy range.

  • backgroundfile — Background count rate in each energy bin, obtained by interpolating the more coarsely binned MEGALIB simulations.

  • modulationfile — Modulation factor in each energy bin.

Additionally, the detector file defines the following parameters:

  • referencerange — Energy range in keV that is used when rescaling model fluxes.
  • ontime — Fraction of time the target is assumed to be in the field of view of the detector. Currently assumed to be 10%.

Simulation input file

The simulation input file defines the model(s) to be simulated and various parameters of the layout of the figure being produced by GPST. Every input file starts with the line


followed by several mandatory and optional key=value assignments. Mandatory keywords are:

  • sensitivityfile, backgroundfile, modulationfile — Detector sensitivity files described in the previous section. Usually, this is taken care of by including the AMEGO detector config:

    @include "$GPST_DATA_DIR/amego.det"
  • energybins — Energy binning in keV applied to the observation defined by an array of bin edges. When simulating the phase-dependent polarization of a periodic source, exactly one energy bin must be given, i.e. the array must contain 2 numbers.

  • time — Observation time in days.

  • One or more spectral components of the model to be simulated, defined by the following keywords:

    • component — A string labeling the spectral component in the legend. This keyword starts a component block, i.e. all keywords following it, including model data and keywords defining the line color and style apply to this component.

    • energy — List of energies (in keV) of the model data points. GPST will interpolate all model data between these points.

    • flux — Model flux in ergs/cm²/s at the energies defined in the energy parameter. Must be an array of numbers of the same length as energy.

    • fraction — Polarization fraction (0 – 1) at the energies defined in the energy parameter. Must be an array of numbers of the same length as energy. In case of phase-dependent models, this parameter of the polarization energy spectrum is optional and ignored.

    • angle — Polarization angle in degree at the energies defined in the energy parameter. Must be an array of numbers of the same length as energy. In case of phase-dependent models, this parameter of the polarization energy spectrum is optional and ignored.

The model to be simulated can consist of multiple spectral components, each with its own flux, polarization fraction and angle. The Stokes parameters of all components are added in the simulation in order to obtain a correct total. Note that these components only apply to the energy dependence of a model. It is not possible to define multiple phase-dependent components.

Energy-dependent polarization models

No additional parameters are necessary to set up an energy dependent polarization model. A minimal input file would hence look like this:


@include "$GPST_DATA_DIR/amego.det"

name = "Crab Nebula"

time = 30

energybins = [ 100 200 300 500 1000 3000 9999 ]

component = "Crab nebula"
energy    = [ 100      9999     ]
flux      = [ 8.155e-9 4.087e-9 ]
fraction  = [ 0.5      0.5      ]
angle     = [ 0.       0.       ]

Phase-dependent polarization models

Additional parameters are required to set up a phase-dependent polarization model. Furthermore, the meaning of the energybins parameter changes. It must be a list of exactly two energies, specifying the energy range over which the spectrum will be integrated. In addition, the observation will be binned in phase bins, which are specified by:

  • phasebins — An array of phase bin edges defining the phase binning of the simulated data. Similar to the energy binning in energy-dependent simulations.

Phase values can be any range of numbers, but should generally span a single phase of a periodic source. Here are a few possibilities:

phasebins = [ 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 ]
phasebins = [ -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 ]
phasebins = [ -3.14159265 -2.51327412 -1.88495559 -1.25663706
              -0.62831853  0.          0.62831853  1.25663706
			   1.88495559  2.51327412  3.14159265 ]

The following parameters are used to specify a phase-dependent model:

  • phase — An array of phase values at which the model flux, polarization fraction and angle are specified. This keyword starts a phase-dependent model and all following keywords will apply to this model. Note, however, that it must be specified before any additional models that are plotted for comparison, i.e. prior to the first model keyword (see "Keyword reference"). Must cover the same range of values as the phasebins array.

  • flux — Phase-dependent flux in arbitrary units. In the simulation the model energy spectrum will be integrated over the energy range given in the energybins parameter and the flux given here will be used to scale such that a phase-averaged measurement will result in the given energy spectrum.

  • fraction — Phase-dependent polarization fraction (0 – 1).

  • angle — Phase-dependent polarization angle in degrees.

Keyword contexts

Certain keywords mark the beginning of a context. For example, when defining a model component, all keywords following the component keyword will apply to this component:

component = "spin 0.99"   ; Starts a flux component labeled "spin 0.99"
energy    = [ ... ]       ; Energy values (omitted for clarity)
flux      = [ ... ]       ; Flux values
fraction  = [ ... ]       ; Polarization fraction
angle     = [ ... ]       ; Polarization angle
color     = kRed + 1      ; Use a dark red color when drawing this component
width     = 3             ; Draw with a thick line

model       = "spin 0"    ; As an alternative model (just for illustration)
energy    = [ ... ]       ; Energy values (omitted for clarity)
flux      = [ ... ]       ; Flux values
fraction  = [ ... ]       ; Polarization fraction
angle     = [ ... ]       ; Polarization angle
color     = kBlue + 1     ; Use a dark blue color when drawing this model
width     = 1             ; Draw with a thin line

In this example, we define 1 spectral component as an input to the simulation. When the model is plotted (in addition to the simulated data), it is shown as a thick, dark red line. We then define an alternative model, which is shown for comparison in a thin, dark blue line. The keywords energy, flux, fraction and angle following component define the flux component to be simulated, and those following model define the alternative model. The same is true for color and width, as well as other keywords that apply to a certain context.

Keywords starting a context are:

  • name — A label for the total model (i.e. the sum of all spectral components) in the legend.

  • datalabel — A label for the experimental data in the legend

  • component — Define a spectral component of the model to be simulated.

  • model — Define an alternative model that won't be used in the simulation but will only be drawn on the figure for comparison.

  • phase — Define a phase-dependent polarization model. Starts a new context only if it is not preceeded by the keyword model.

  • showmdp — On the polarization fraction panel, show the minimum detectable polarization in each energy bin.

  • legend — Define a legend.

These terms will be used in the keyword reference to refer to the corresponding contexts. The default context is name. It is active until the first of the keywords in the list above is encountered.

Keyword reference

GPST supports about 60 keywords:

  • angle (array of float) — Polarization angle in degrees. Interpretation depends on context:

    • component: Energy-dependent polarization angle of the spectral component.

    • model: Energy or phase dependent polarization angle of the alternative model.

    • phase: Phase-dependent polarization angle of the simulated model.

  • backgroundfile (string) — Name of the file containing the background count rates. See section "Detector description" for details.

  • chilabel (string) — Axis label of the polarization angle axis. Default is "Pol. Direction".

  • chimax (float) — Maximum of the polarization angle axis. Determined automatically by default.

  • chimin (float) — Minimum of the polarization angle axis. Determined automatically by default.

  • chindiv (integer) — Divisions on the polarization angle axis. See the ROOT manual for an explanation.

  • clean (boolean) — By default, GPST prints a date and version number on the bottom of the figure. Set clean to true to omit those.

  • color (special integer) — Line or symbol color. Interpretation depends on context, applies in all contexts, including name, datalabel and showmdp. The color is either defined as an integer number corresponding to one of the ROOT standard colors, or a named constant plus an optional offset to indicate a color on the TColorWheel of ROOT:


    For example the following result in the identical dark red color:

    color = red + 2   ; GPST preferred
    color = kRed + 2  ; ROOT name
    color = 634       ; Color number in my version of ROOT. Don't use!
  • component (string) — Name of a spectral component of the simulated model. Starts a component context and must be followed at by energy, flux, fraction, and angle (the last two are not needed when simulating a phase-dependent model).

  • datalabel (string) — Label for the experimental data in the legend.

  • deltachi (float) — Offset for the polarization angle in degrees. Can be used to avoid awkward jumps in the figure between -90° and +90°. In most cases one anyway is only interested in relative changes of the polarization angle, not its absolute value.

  • detectordeltae (float) — Energy bin width in keV used in the detector definition files. See section "Detector description" for details.

  • detectoremin (float) — Low end of the first energy bin used in the detector description files. See section "Detector description" for details.

  • detectornbins (integer) — Number of energy bins in the detector description files. See section "Detector description" for details.

  • energy (array of float) — Energy values at which a model is defined. Interpretation depends on context:

    • component: Energy values at which component flux, polarization fraction and angle are defined.

    • model: Energy values at which alternative model flux, polarization fraction and angle are defined.

    Invalid in other contexts.

  • energybins (array of float) — Energy bins used for the simulated data. When performing a phase-dependent simulation (i.e. when the keyword phase is present), this array must contain exactly 2 values, which indicated the energy range over which the energy spectrum of the source is integrated.

  • flux (array of float) — Flux in ergs/cm²/s. Interpretation depends on context:

    • component: Energy spectrum of the component.

    • model: Energy spectrum of the component if preceded by the keyword energy, or phase-dependent flux if preceded by the phase keyword.

    • phase: Phase-dependent flux of the simulated model.

  • fluxlabel (string) — Label of the flux axis. Defaults to "E fE [erg cm-2 s-1]" or "E fE [10-9 erg cm-2 s-1]", depending on whether the flux is scaled with 10⁹.

  • fluxmax (float) — Maximum of the flux axis. Determined automatically by default.

  • fluxmin (float) — Minimum of the flux axis. Determined automatically by default.

  • fluxmorelabels (boolean) — Label more of the flux ticks. By default only decades are labeled.

  • fluxndiv (integer) — Divisions on the flux axis. See the ROOT manual for an explanation.

  • fluxunit (special value) — Can be either cgs (default) or cgse9. Fluxes are always interpreted as ergs/s/cm², but can be scaled with a factor 10⁹ for display (option cgse9).

  • fraclabel (string) — Label of the polarization fraction axis. Default is "Pol. Fraction".

  • fracmax (float) — Maximum of the polarization fraction axis. Determined automatically by default.

  • fracmin (float) — Minimum of the polarization fraction axis. Determined automatically by default.

  • fracndiv (integer) — Divisions on the polarization fraction axis. See the ROOT manual for an explanation.

  • fraction (array of float) — Polarization fraction (0 – 1). Interpretation depends on context:

    • component: Energy-dependent polarization fraction of the spectral component.

    • model: Energy or phase dependent polarization fraction of the alternative model.

    • phase: Phase-dependent polarization fraction of the simulated model.

  • fracunit (special value) — Polarization fractions can be drawn as a fraction (option fraction) or in percent (option percent). Default is fraction.

  • label (string) — Label of the MDP in the legend. Must follow the keyword showmdp, i.e. only valid inside a showmdp context.

  • large (boolean) — Use larger labels and thicker lines for creating plots in publications.

  • legend (array of float) — Must be an array of 4 floating point numbers which define the location of the legend within a panel of the resulting figure. The numbers define the bottom left (x₁, y₁) and top right (x₂, y₂) corner relative to the panel: [ x₁ y₁ x₂ y₂ ], where each value is in the range 0 – 1 and (0, 0) corresponds to the lower left corner of the pad. This keyword starts a legend context and legendcolumns, legendpanel, and legendsize apply to this legend. It is possible to create multiple legends and entries are always added to the last legend created with the legend keyword. A legend has to be created prior to any of the keywords name, datalabel, component, model, label.

  • legendcolumns (integer) — Number of columns of the legend. Default is 1.

  • legendpanel (special value) — Panel to place the legend on. Possible values are flux (flux panel, default), frac (polarization fraction panel), angle (polarization angle panel).

  • legendsize (float) — Font size to use for the legend. Font height as a fraction of the panel height, see the ROOT manual for more information. Default depends on the value of large.

  • model (string) — Define an alternative model to be shown in the figure for comparison. Starts a model context. Depending on whether an energy or phase dependent polarization is simulated, model must be followed by either energy or phase and at least one of flux, fraction, or angle. It is possible to plot only a subset of those, and accordingly only a subset have to be specified.

  • modulationfactor (float) — Modulation factor of the instrument. Do not use when simulating AMEGO.

  • modulationfile (string) — Name of the file containing the modulation factor as a function of energy. See section "Detector description" for details.

  • name (string) — Label for the total simulated data in the legend. Starts a name context.

  • norandom (boolean) — Disable the random number generator. Useful if all you want to do is calculate the MDP. Don't use for other simulations. Default is false.

  • ontime (float) — Fraction of time the source is in the field of view. The effective observing time used in the simulation is time × ontime. Set to 0.1 when including amego.det, otherwise defaults to 1.

  • panels (array of special values) — List of panels to show. Defines which of the three possible panels are shown, and in which order. The possible values are:

    • flux — Show the flux panel.
    • frac — Show the polarization fraction panel.
    • angle — Show the polarization angle panel.
  • phase (array of float) — List of phase values at which the phase-dependent polarization model (flux, polarization fraction and angle) is defined. The range of these values is arbitrary, but should span a single phase of a periodic source. Two cases need to be distinguished:

    • If the phase keyword follows a model keyword, it defines the phase values of this alternative model to be shown in a phase-dependent simulation.

    • When phase does not follow a model keyword, it starts a phase context. The keywords flux, fraction, and angle then define the phase-dependent polarization model to be simulated. This is true even if phase follows component. Must span the same range of values as the array assigned to the phasebins keyword. See section "Phase-dependent polarization models" for details.

  • phasebins (array of float) — Phase binning of simulated data. See section "Phase-dependent polarization models" for details.

  • print (boolean) — Print a table with the results. Defaults to false.

  • referencerange (array of float) — Array of 2 energies in keV. When rescaling a model, use the flux in this energy range for reference. See the keyword renormalize for details. When including amego.det, this energy range is set to 100keV—1MeV. Defaults to 2—12keV.

  • renormalize (float) or (array of float) — Rescale model flux. This is useful when a generic emission model does not predict the absolute flux observed from a source. Specifies a flux level within a given energy range in mCrab to which the model is scaled, while maintaining the spectral shape. Here, 1000mCrab is defined as:

    1Crab definition

    There are two possibilities for specifying the energy range E₁–E₂:

    • If the argument to renormalize is a single floating point number, the range defined with keyword referencerange is used.

    • If the argument to renormalize is an array, this array must contain exactly 3 floating point numbers, which are:

      1. The flux scale in mCrab.

      2. The lower bound of the reference energy range.

      3. The upper bound of the reference energy range.

  • seed (integer) — Random number generator seed. By default a random seed (based on CPU time) is picked.

  • sensitivityfile (string) — Name of the file containing the signal count rates for Crab observations. See section "Detector description" for details.

  • sensitivityscale (float) — Scale the signal rate by a factor (see keyword sensitivityfile). Default is 1.

  • showmdp (boolean) — Show the minimum detectable polarization (MDP) in each energy of phase bin in the polarization fraction panel. Starts a showmdp context.

  • style (integer or special value) — Line style to be used for drawing. Applies to the current context. Arguments are a predefined ROOT line style or one of the following constants (with corresponding ROOT line style in parentheses): solid (1), short_dashed (2), dotted (3), short_dash_dotted (4), dash_dotted (5), dash_3dot (6), dashed (7), dash_dot_dot (8), long_dashed (9), long_dash_dotted (10).

  • time (float) — Observation time in days. The effective observation time is given by time × ontime.

  • width (integer) — Line width (see the ROOT documentation for an explanation). Applies in the current context.

  • xlabel (string) — Label for the X axis. Default is "Energy [keV]".

  • xmax (float) — Maximum of the X axis. Determined automatically by default.

  • xmin (float) — Minimum of the X axis. Determined automatically by default.

  • xndiv (integer) — Divisions on the X axis. See the ROOT manual for an explanation.